Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Science 10

 Today we practiced KE and PE calculations with this worksheet.   

The answers to Gravitational Potential Energy Calculations (You only need to do #1, 31b, 6 and 7):  

#1) PE = 22 050 J    #2a) 235.2 Kg      #2b) 39.2 J       #2c)68.6 J           #2d) 0J       #3a)1499.4 J (if you consider the first floor to be 2.5 m up)

#3b)8996.4 J        #3c)14994 J            #3d) 16 493.4 J          #4) 980000000 J lost     

#6) 0.204 Kg        #7) 774.8 m           #8) 1.6 m/s2              

Kinetic Energy Calculations:   #1) KE = 945 J           #2) 2070.7 J              #6) 4 m/s         #10) 252.3 m/s

Next block we watched the Bill Nye video to practice energy:

Tuesday, 15 December 2020

Science 10

 Answers to PE and KE questions answers HERE.    

Monday, 14 December 2020

Science 10

Today we did our open notebook quiz on radioactivity.  Nice work nuclear physicists!   Next we took a few notes on Conservation of Energy.   Homework:  Read and take your own notes on page 203-205.  Make sure you have written down all the types of Potential and Kinetic Energy.  

Friday, 11 December 2020

Science 10

Today we worked on half life and radioactivity.  If you want some EXTRA reading on how carbon dating works, check out the link below.

First we did a lab to determine the half-life of cornium atoms.   Make sure you have completed this lab with a graph, data table, analysis and follow-up questions and turned it in.

Next we did a practice quiz on radioactivity.   The key is found HERE.  We will have an open notebook quiz on radioactivity on Monday.   

Thursday, 10 December 2020

Science 10

 Today we took some notes on radioactivity and half lives.  See Tyler's videos for help with this concept

Next we did some practice problems found HERE.   Check your answers HERE and HERE.   Finally we watched a video on the most radioactive places on EARTH:

Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Science 10

 Today we took notes on fission and fusion reactions.  Notes are found HERE.    Next we watched a few videos and turned in questions we had from these videos:

Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Science 10

Today we took some notes on radioactivity using this power point.  Next we practiced some equations using this worksheet.  Check your answers here.  Here is a tutorial on writing nuclear reactions if you need to watch it in action again.  

Monday, 7 December 2020

Science 10

Today we introduced the concept of energy to the class.  First we took some notes on energy using this power point.  Next we did a worksheet "Introduction to Energy" answers are found HERE.   Make sure you also read page 202-204 in the text book

Friday, 4 December 2020

Science 10

 Today we wrote the Chemistry Unit test.   Nice work balancing all those equations and compounds......👏💪. Next read and take notes on pages 222-223 in your text as well as 228-230.  Turn these notes in.  

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, 3 December 2020

Science 10

Today we did the lab 8A (posted in yesterday's blog):  Classifying Solutions of Ionic Compounds.  Make sure you turned this lab in (no conclusion necessary). 

Everyone also turned in the Chemistry Test Review.  ANSWERS ARE FOUND HERE.  

Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Science 10

Today we went over the answers to the Classifying and Balancing worksheet from yesterday.  Next we practiced some balancing skeleton equations with this worksheet.     

We also practiced some ionic compound naming with this worksheet.    We watched a power point to review some concepts of Acid and Bases.

Finally we set up a lab for tomorrow by filling out this worksheet with the starred parts.  Use page 224-225. 


Tuesday, 1 December 2020

Science 10

Today we checked the practice problems on page 133.  Next we took notes on Classification of Reactions found HERE.     We worked on our TEST REVIEW which is due on Thursday.   Finally we did  to analyze and observe the 6 different types of chemical reactions.   

We watched a short video on acids and bases.  There is also a video of types of reactions by good old Trevor!!    Your homework is a practice sheet on Types of Reactions....

Monday, 30 November 2020

Science 10

First we took some notes on balancing equations.  Slides 5 and 6 from this power point were written as notes

Next we did some practice problems find them HERE!  (You have to scroll to the end to check the answers)

HOMEWORK:  page 133 Practice Problems.  

Check out Trevor if you need more help!!  (Also read the pages BEFORE page 133 in text book)

Friday, 27 November 2020

Science 10

Today we wrote our IONIC compounds quiz.  Nice work!  Remember you can always rewrite quizzes if you made some mistakes you want to correct.  Next we worked on our:  Law of Conservation of Mass Lab we did yesterday.  Complete ALL the questions at the end of the lab on page 137.  Also write a conclusion making sure you answer the "purpose" of the lab and state whether or not your hypothesis was accepted or rejected.     Next we took notes on the first page of this power point.  

Thursday, 26 November 2020

Science 10

Today we took notes on writing formulas for Covalent Compounds.  These are formed by MOLECULAR bonds with 2 NON-METALS.    We practiced by completing the last two pages of yesterday's worksheet.  Check your work!   If you want more practice naming and writing formulas you can find it HERE.  

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Science 10

Today we wrote a quiz following by a practice sheet on IONIC compounds.  Check your work HERE and write me a note about your corrections.  Next we started a chemical compounds project.   The criteria is found HERE.   We got inspired by some short videos on different types of compounds.  

Chemistry of Fireworks

Dangerous Chemicals:

Food Chemistry

Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Science 10

Today we did some practice writing the names and formulas for IONIC compounds.  The power point for this is HERE and notesheet HERE.   We will finish this off tomorrow.   Next we did a flame test on Ionic compounds to look at the different colours that the metal ions produce.   Lab questions are due tomorrow if you didn't turn those in today.   Tomorrow we have a quiz on Bohr Models, Lewis Dot diagrams for atoms and ions and calculating neutrons, protons and electrons in isotopes.  

Online practice for isotopes found HERE.   Bohr model practice found HERE.    Lewis dot practice HERE.  

Monday, 23 November 2020

Science 10

Today we worked on isotopes and # of protons, neutrons and electrons and did THIS sheet to practice.  (Scroll through to check the key) Next we finished off our conclusion paragraph for the Alka-Seltzer lab.  Make sure you share this with me on Office 365.   Turn in your graph as well.  

Friday, 20 November 2020

Science 10

Ms.  Wood was away today, but Mr. Bell kept the science flowing!  First students wrote the safety quiz.  Next he went through some review notes on ionic and covalent compounds with THIS power point (up to slide 16).    Then students did page 1 of the practice problems and the first part of page 2.  

Some inspiring videos:

Thursday, 19 November 2020

Science 10

Today we finished off the WHMIS sheet by looking at a Material Safety Data Sheet.  Check out the one for mercury HERE.  Next we looked at a power point to review atomic theory.   The note sheet we filled out is found HERE.  

Remember that tomorrow we will have a quick quiz on safety.  Use your text book at the beginning to review the WHMIS symbols and safety rules. (xvi-xvii)

We practiced the parts of an atom by doing this worksheet.  Check your results HERE.  

Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Science 10

Today we toured around our data booklet and the textbook.  Data booklet tour is HERE.  And Textbook tour HERE.    Next we did some WHMIS training by watching the following power point and drawing symbols for the hazards on this sheet.  

Next we watched a short video on the covid 19 vaccine

Tuesday, 17 November 2020

Science 10

Today we got introduced to Science 10 and everything there is to learn!  We introduced each other and filled out a student survey.  Next we got the course outline and safety rules.  These need to be signed by your parents for homework.  

Next we review the scientific method by looking at a power point and taking some notes on the filled in sheet HERE.  Finally we did our own experiment in groups of 3.  The "magic penny" lab.  

If you want to check the optical illusions that we looked at together.  Those are found HERE.  

Thursday, 12 November 2020

Life Sciences 11

Today we worked on practice for the exam......First we did the cheat sheet and then wrote the Animals Practice.   There is an exam practice for you to do on your own click HERE for the answer key.      

Monday, 9 November 2020

Life Sciences 11

Today we ALMOST finished off the animal kingdom by looking at Arthropods and Echinoderms.  Next we did an Arthropod colouring sheet found HERE.   Finally we watched a few videos looking at Arthropods and Echinoderms.   

Wednesday, 4 November 2020

Life Sciences 11

Today we wrote the Plant and Fungi Kingdom Quest.  Next we worked on the Reading Guide to Early Invertebrates due tomorrow.   Finally we watched some sponge movies.  Fun times with the sponges:) 

Tuesday, 3 November 2020

Life Sciences 11

 Good video to review the Plant Kingdom:

Monday, 2 November 2020

Life Sciences 11

Today we finished off the Plant kingdom by looking at the seed plants:  Gymnosperms and Angiosperms.  We did a seed plants lab and then got the FUNGI/PLANT QUEST REVIEW for the quest on Wednesday.  

Thursday, 29 October 2020

Life Sciences 11

 WOW!  We got a lot done today......3 Kingdoms and a fire drill!!

We started with a quick review of protists.  Make sure you go over the practice questions and protist notes for the quiz tomorrow.  Next we Checked the Fungi Reading guide from last class.  Check your answers HERE.    Fungi practice questions were next.  Check your own answers with the KEY.  

We watched a few fun, fungi films:

Next we started the PLANT kingdom with a few notes on plant evolution and diversity.  We had these notes on the lower (non-vascular) plants.    After the fire drill we collected some moss samples to look at in the lab.   The moss lab is found HERE.  

Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Life Sciences 11

Today we did a quick review of protists.  Short quiz on Friday.  Next we started the FUNGI unit.....a mushroom walked into a bar:)

Fungi notes were followed by a mushroom dissection lab and a Fungi reading guide.   Fungi reading lab is due tomorrow along with the Biodiversity lab.  

Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Life Sciences 11

 On Monday and Tuesday this week we worked on a Protist Lab.  Next we spent some time using the laptops to complete the biodiversity inquiry lab.   The lab is due on Thursday.  

Here are some relaxing protists to watch:  

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Life Sciences 11

Today we got ready for our bacteria and viruses QUEST coming up tomorrow.  We checked the answer Keys to Bacteria and Virus practice test and bacteria and virus worksheet.  

Next we continued with our Diversity and Abundance of Bacteria and Antibiotics vs. Bacteria labs.  

Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Life Sciences 11

 Today we checked the answers to: 1) Prokaryote colouring  2)Diversity and Biology of Monerans 

and 3) Viruses: Structure and Nature.

Next we did a lab using aseptic technique:  Making a bacterial streak plate and Antibiotics vs. Bacteria

We got MORE review for the virus/bacteria quest:  Virus and Bacteria worksheet and Practice MC

Monday, 19 October 2020

Life Sciences 11

Today we got back our marked Animal Evolutions project.   Next we looked at a bacterial Power Point.  We did a lab in groups of 2:  Distribution of Bacteria.   After break we did some questions from the text and a bacterial colouring sheet.   Finally we watched a movie about aseptic technique and made some bacterial streak plates.   Review for Thursday Quest on bacteria and viruses is found HERE

Thursday, 15 October 2020

Life Sciences 11

 This week we have been in the class room and in the field with Wildsight's Jade Harvey.  Excellent work TEAM, you are brilliant.    You will get participation marks for these outings, but will be excused if you are legitimately absent.  

Next week:  We will finish off the Viruses/Bacteria unit.  Test will be on Thursday of next week.  (October 22).  Check your answers Part 1:  Viruses Structure and Nature questions 

Thursday, 8 October 2020

Life Sciences 11

Today we took some notes on the Lytic and Lysogenic cycles in viruses and on the Human immune system.   We got more virus questions to complete.  Next block we went the computer lab to work on our animal adaptations power point.  

Here is an interesting article about vaccines.  

vaccine simulation

Wednesday, 7 October 2020

Life Sciences 11

Today we wrote a a quiz on Taxonomy.  Go Homo sapiens!  Next we spent the first block working on our Animal Evolution/Taxonomy project.  Next we took introductory notes on viruses using this power point and answered some questions about viruses.   

We also watched a video on the virus everyone is talking about these days:  Covid-19

Tuesday, 6 October 2020

Life Sciences 11

Today we turned in page 199 Review questions.  Next we took some notes on Classification and Taxonomy and watched Amoeba sisters:

We did a practice quiz found HERE.  In the second block we got a research project on an animal.   This is due on October 13.  

Monday, 5 October 2020

Life Sciences 11

Today we continued on notes on Taxonomy by looking at Cladograms and Dichotomous Keys.   See Friday's post for the power point.   Next we did our own Cladogram and Dichotomous Key and turned those in.   Finally we watched a cool video are humans still evolving?  

Homework:  Read page 196-199 in textbook.  Answer review questions on page 199.  

Friday, 2 October 2020

Life Sciences 11

Today we wrote the Evolution Unit test.  Next we took notes on Taxonomy.  The Power Point is HERE to go along with it.

Finally we did a Taxonomy Tour of the Greenbelt.  Have a great weekend! 

Thursday, 1 October 2020

Life Sciences 11

Today we reviewed for our Evolution Test by doing a practice test together.  Next we reviewed some of the principles of natural selection and the three types of natural selection (disruptive, stabilizing and directional selection.  

Finally we watched a video:  What Darwin Never Knew

Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Life Sciences 11

Today we reviewed the 5 ways that evolution can happen in a population by watching the "5 fingers of evolution" video

and then answered some questions from the video found HERE.    Next we added some notes on the evolution power point to make sure we can explain THOROUGHLY the 5 pieces of evidence for evolution.  The updated power point is HERE.    Next we finished and turned in the breeding bunnies lab from yesterday with a graph showing the change in allelic frequency over time.  Good work on this tricky math!  

Next we had a short forest frolic followed by a FUN, FUN (I thought:) animal head band game.  We had to discuss the STRUCTURAL, BEHAVIOURAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL adaptations that our animal has to survive and reproduce in their environment.  

Finally we got some homework:  1) Finish breeding bunnies graph if not completed in class
2) Use the evolution review to make flash card of 10 vocabulary words
3) Work on the evolution practice test.  Answer key found HERE

Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Life Science 11

 Today we turned in our homework from last class:  Review Questions page 74 #1-5 and Review Questions page 99 #1, 2 ,6

Next we got our marks and old assignments back.  Make sure you check your answers to the Natural Variations lab.  These are found HERE.  

Next we took some notes on DNA and variations.  The power point is found HERE.  

We also reviewed genetics and Punnett squares and did some practice on Punnett Squares.   

Finally we made baby bunnies!!    What happens after 5 generations of bunnies in the English country side???

Friday, 25 September 2020

Life Sciences 11

Today we wrote a quiz on the evidence for evolution.   Next we finished off the notes on Natural Selection.   We watched three Amoeba sisters videos to go with the notes:  

Next we did a lab called Battle of the Beaks to determine which birds have the greatest fitness.....given a certain food supply.   Make sure you turn this lab in before the end of class.

Homework:  Read page 60-61, 69-72        Review Questions page 74 #1-5

Read page 90-99          Review Questions page 99 #1, 2 ,6

Thursday, 24 September 2020

Life Sciences 11

Today we reviewed the evidence for evolutionary theory with a cool video explaining how whales evolved from land mammals.  

Next we took notes on Natural Selection and other ways populations evolve.  The power point is found HERE.  Finally we met some cute little grasshoppers and did the natural variations lab.  Homework:  Complete the Natural Variations Lab, (questions on the back)  Do test corrections: Write out question and full answer.  

Quiz tomorrow on the 5 pieces of evidence for evolution

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Life Sciences 11

Today we took notes on Evolution from this POWER POINT.

Next we did a lab on the evolution of Barbellus found HERE.  These are due at the end of class.  

Homework is to list and describe in your own words the 5 pieces of evidence for evolution.  

Videos watched in class:

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Life Sciences 11

Today we wrote our test on Scientific Method, Intro to Biology and Cells.  Next we started the unit on Evolution by completing a worksheet on evidence for evolution found HERE.   This is due tomorrow

Monday, 21 September 2020

Life Sciences 11

 Today we got a review for the Test tomorrow on Chapter 1 and 2 and scientific method.   The filled in words on the review are found HERE.  Make sure you also study the review you got on Friday.  

Friday, 18 September 2020

Life Sciences 11

Today we wrote a quiz QUIZEROOO on cell organelles.  Next we took some notes on how cells reproduce.   We got the test outline for the test on Tuesday next week.   In the first block we worked on how to calculate the actual size of specimens and drawing magnification when using microscopes.  Make sure you hold on to the Actual Size and Drawing Magnification lab to complete it on Monday.  

In the second block we went for a walk in the woods to collect pond water.  We are hoping to use it to observe some plant cells on Monday.  

We started watching:

Thursday, 17 September 2020

Life Science 11

Today we practiced animal and plant cells by doing some relaxing colouring.  Make sure you finish off the colouring for homework and label the numbered parts.    Quiz tomorrow on cell parts and functions.  If you need practice, you can find it by following these links:  MATCHING GAME    CELL EXPLORER      Practice questions

We also completed the introductory microscope lab and started the lab to calculate actual size and drawing magnification.    

Some entertaining cell videos if you want to sing along......or clap, or beat box:)

Wednesday, 16 September 2020

Life Sciences 11

Today we continued to add to our note sheet on characteristics of life.    Use the online text chapter 2 (up to page 13) to help you fill in organelle table and answer the skill building questions on the note sheet.  

We watched two short videos to help us visualize the timeline for evolution of life on earth. 

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Life Sciences 11

Today we wrote a quick quiz on the scientific method.  Next we set up our mold lab and wrote up our procedure and prepared a data table to start recording data.  

Next we got a note sheet on Characteristics of Life we then used the living vs. non-living power point and the cells power point to complete some of the notes.  

Monday, 14 September 2020

Life Sciences 11

Today we did more practice with Scientific Method.  First we looked at a simple experiment to test the hypothesis that the Earth is flat:   

The hypothesis was rejected luckily and we don't fall off!
Next we did some practice graphing and answering questions about an experiment with this worksheet.  
Finally we set up a group lab to test bread under different conditions to see what would cause faster mold growth.     QUIZ tomorrow on Scientific Method.   Practice sets:  Online Quiz #1

Friday, 11 September 2020

Life Sciences 11

Today I collected any signed safety sheets.  These are due on Monday, found HERE if you need a copy.  Next we reviewed the Scientific Method with a POWER POINT and note sheet to go with it.  

We will have a short quiz on Tuesday on the scientific method.  Make sure you can:  write a hypothesis, identify the dependent and independent variables in an experiment and explain how to test a hypothesis using a control group and an experimental group.  

We practiced the scientific method by completing the worksheet found HERE in groups.  

Thursday, 3 September 2020

Life Sciences 11

Welcome back to school everyone!  We are so glad to see you all back in person.   Stay tuned for how the Biology 11 (or now know as Life Sciences 11) course will look.  Rest assured that I will stay on top of the electronic files so that if you have to stay home for any reason, there will material for you.  

The course outline is found HERE.  Please note that to avoid shared items you need your own:  calculator, clear plastic ruler and pencil crayons (along with pens, pencil, paper and binder).  

Monday, 1 June 2020

Science 10

Work for the week of June 1-5

This week we will be working on review of our Chemistry and Physics Units as well as lab work.  If you are here for the lab, we will be completing lab 2-H on page 180-182.   If you are not coming, that's ok!   Your assignment #1 is:  Conclude and Communicate #3 and #4 on page 182.   You don't need to have completed the lab to do this. 

Assignment #2.   Review of the Energy Unit found HERE.  

Assignment #3.   Build your own Rube Goldberg Machine.  Assignment found HERE.  Please send a short video with you explaining the energy transformations or write up separately.  

Monday, 25 May 2020

Biology 12

Back to School Pig Time!!   If you are planning to come to school for the remainder of the year, we will be doing the pig dissection in class.  You will have an alternate assignment if you are not coming in.  Please watch these videos to prepare for the pig dissection:  Watch part I, II and III

The Nervous System will begin on June 1.  Work for the week of June 1-June 12.   Feel free to work ahead.......

Power point found HERE.      Student Note sheet HERE.

Assignment #1.  Three things you knew/learned and two questions

Assignment #2.  Three things you knew/learned and two questions

Assignment #3.  Three things you knew/learned and two questions

Assignment #4. Brain and branches of the Nervous System

Assignment #5.  Neurons structure and function

Assignment #6.  Nerve Impulse Diagram

These two videos have some really interesting brain science behind them

Friday, 22 May 2020

Science 10

For the week of May 25-29 we will look at energy transformations in chemical and nuclear reactions.

Notesheets:  Fill these in from a printed page, or just save as an electronic copy:
#1. Energy in Chemical Reactions STUDENT FILL IN                NOTESHEET KEY

#2. Energy in Nuclear Reactions    STUDENT FILL IN                NOTESHEET KEY

Assignment #1.  Do the 6 questions at the end of the #2 Notesheet

Assignment #2.  Do three things you knew/learned and 2 questions you have

Assignment #3.  Do three things you knew/learned and 2 questions you have:

Assignment #4.  Build your own Rube Goldberg machine and take a video!!  I've inserted an old assignment here, but yours doesn't need to be so complex.  Just explain three energy transformations. 

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Science 10

For the week of May 19-22

This week we are looking at THERMAL energy and specific heat capacity.   Use the formula from your data booklet  E= mcT The notes are found HERE and HERE.

Assignment #1.  Three things you knew/learned and two questions

Assignment #2.  Three things you knew/learned and two questions

Assignment #3.  Thermal energy calculations worksheet found HERE.

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Biology 12

For the next unit Urinary System (May 19-29). 
Assignment #1.  Three things you knew/learned and 2 questions for:

Assignment #2.  Three things you knew/learned and 2 questions for: 

Power point for unit found HERE.          Assignment #3.  Note fill in sheet to go with Power Point

Assignment #4.  Colour and Label diagrams

Friday, 8 May 2020

Science 10

Work for the week:  May 11-15th.      NUMBERS TIME!!   You will need a calculator.  Use the last page of the data booklet for the formulas this week found HERE.  Use page 209-214 in text to help

We are dealing with large and small numbers so a quick review of scientific notation might be necessary:

This week we are focussing on Kinetic Energy (Energy of Motion) and Gravitational Potential Energy (GPE) Start with note sheet HERE.  We will fill this in on Monday's Lecture. 

Here is a good video to help explain the assignments.  It's got lots of information you might have questions about, but good to help explain the formulas we will be using

Here is an easier video with less words (but slightly strange........)

Assignments this week are a little bit of work, but we will go over lots of examples together in the TEAMS meetings.   SHOW ALL YOUR WORK FOR THESE.    Write out the formula, fill in missing parts, solve for the unknown.

Assignment #1:  Practice Problems #1                Assignment #2:  Practice Problems #2
I will post some selected answers coming soon!

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Science 10

Work for this week is posted below.  Start thinking about your Rube Goldberg machines.  It doesn't need to be fancy!!   Final video project is due at the end of the month for this.   I like the student video shown as she explains all the energy transformations.   The video is just for some ideas......obviously you aren't building something quite so elaborate!!

Thursday, 30 April 2020

Science 10

Energy Unit starting next week:  May 4th.     All of May will be spent on the Energy Unit with a video project for you to do as well.

For the week of May 4th- 8th:   In textbook read page 200-208

Power point for the week     Note sheet to go with the power point

Assignment #1:  Make sure you have your own examples here:Worksheet forms of energy   

Answer Key to forms of energy

Note sheet:  Energy transformations and transfers

Assignment #2:  Watch the short video below, write out 3 things you knew, 3 things you learned and 2 questions you have:

Assignment #3:  Watch this slightly longer video on the future of energy.  Write out three things you knew, 3 things you learned and 2 questions based on this video.  Watch with a critical eye!!  Technology advances without lowering consumption will not help us control climate change.    What big questions do you have after watching this?

Biology 12

Work for the weeks of May 4- May 15.  Due on May 15th.   Mini Research Paper #2 is also due on May 15th.  

Assignment #1:  Draw the following structures on your own paper--must be hand drawn!!  Label structures indicated. 

Digestive system  A.  Label all coloured structures

Heart diagram.      B. Label all numbered structures.  Draw arrows to show the path of blood through                                the heart.

 Arteries and Veins     C. Label the aorta, inferior and superior vena cava, iliac artery and vein, carotid artery, jugular vein, Pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein, mesenteric artery,  hepatic                                vein, renal artery, renal vein, femoral artery, subclavian artery, subclavian vein

Assignment #2:  Watch the Crash Course video and do:  3 things K/L and 2 Questions

Assignment #3:  Watch the Crash Course video and do:  3 things K/L and 2 Questions

Assignment #4:  Do the Module Questions below in your own words.  Check answers and comment on any changes/additions.  
Module Questions                   Answer Key

Thursday, 23 April 2020

Science 10

Science 10 LAST WEEK OF CHEMISTRY!! (April 27- May 1)      This work is due on May 1

Online practice balancing (from last week)                     reactions simulation (try these online)

Types of Reactions Notes  and Video below help explain the week's work

Assignment #1.  Balance and Classify.  Explain your answers and check your work

Practice #1


Assignment #2.  REVIEW ASSIGNMENT BELOW.  Note that this has been re-posted as some questions from part B classifying were changed!!

Review Assignment

Monday, 20 April 2020

Science 10

Science 10 Work for the Week Sept. 20-24

Review from last week:  Remember to use your data booklet!   Online practice quizzes for naming and writing formulas for compounds

khan academy Do the last three practice sets
ionic and covalent compound practice
ionic naming
tricky ones!! Pick your own types

Assignment #1:   Watch the video below and write two things you knew, two you learned and one question you have: 

Assignment #2:  Watch the video below and about your favorite reaction in here.  Explain the science behind it 

USE YOUR TEXTBOOK for the next assignment.  If you don't have one, ask a friend to send you pictures of the pages from the book.   
Assignment #3:  Read and take note from page. 123-133.   Make sure you have a heading for each section and subsection.  This can be typed on written on your own piece of paper.  Do questions #1-6 page 133 and #5 on page 135.   Use the videos below to help you if you are having trouble 

Assignment #4:  Print off or just write out the questions on your own piece of paper

Friday, 17 April 2020

Science 10

If you are having trouble opening the assignment for this week, there is a PDF linked HERE

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Biology 12

DNA unit update.  Have you completed your DNA module questions?   These will not be submitted, but if you are going on in Biology -  Make sure you feel comfortable explaining DNA transcription --into mRNA and translation ---into chains of amino acids. 

Here is practice from Khan Academy on DNA transcription and translation

Biology 12

Find Circulatory System work below.  Note that this work is not due until April 30th.  The first mini research paper is due April 24th.

Circulatory System Power Point 

Note Sheet for Power Point

Module Questions (note that there are some sections missing as I removed non-essential questions)
(Task #1)

Module Answer Key

Task #2 3 things K/L 2 Questions

Task #3 (start at 4:43)
3 things K/L and 2 Questions

Task #4
3 things K/L and 2 Questions

Task #5
3 things K/L and 2 Questions

Task #6
3 things K/L and 2 Questions

Monday, 13 April 2020

Biology 12

Breaking News in the Digestive System!! 

Check your understanding with this interactive review found HERE!!

Module Answer Key

Sunday, 12 April 2020

Science 10

Work for the week of April 13-17th

Don't forget to refer to your data booklet for ALL CHEMISTRY!!!   Check the periodic table and the polyatomic ion chart.



Use videos below to help with assignments inside booklet

For Assignment #1: Names/formulas Ionic

For Assignment #2:  Multivalent elements      

For Assignment #3: Polyatomic ions.                 

For Assignment #4:  Covalent Compounds.