Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Monday, 11 September 2023

Science 9

Today we reviewed some safety rules and equipment in the science classroom.  Make sure you know the location and how to use:  Main gas turn off button, Fire extinguisher, Safety Shower, Eye-wash station, Fire blanket, Fume hood.

Next we got a handout on Safety Rules and picked a rule to make a poster illustrating this rule.  Poster assignment found HERE.  You don't need to memorize all these rules, but you do need to know basic rules to stay safe! 

We also did a whole class challenge with lab equipment naming.  

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Biology 12)

 Today we took notes on acids, bases and buffers.  We finished off our module questions:  Section A) Part A and B.  Answers to module questions found HERE.  

Try this fun, fun online quiz HERE.  Make sure to turn on the soothing music to accompany you:)))