Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Friday, 1 February 2019

Science 10

Today I collected the gum lab as well as the investigating your data booklet assignment.  Next we continued watching the human evolution movie we started on Thursday.  Finally we took a few notes on DNA and then built our own DNA model.  Criteria:  Use different items for sugars, phosphates, Base A, Base T, Base G and Base C.  Your model should be able to "unzip" between bases and must contain at least 15 bases on one strand (30 together).  You will have time Monday to work on this. 

Biology 11

Your natural variations lab is due on February 4th (Monday).  Today we talked about the meaning of Evolution:  The process by which a population of organisms changes over a series of generations.   We looked at some evidence for the theory of evoution by completing the Evidence for Evolution worksheet.  (Due on Tuesday)

Biology 12

Today we wrote a quick quiz on Water, Acid/Bases and Buffers.  Next we took some notes on Biomolecules:  Carbohydrates.  You should have module questions done up to and including           iii) Carbohydrates    5) What is the primary function of monosaccarides?