Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Thursday, 14 March 2019

Biology 12

Answers to Quizeret:
1)A       2)C       3)B         4)D     5)C      6)C       7)B       8)B   no 9) or 10) on there 11)B     12)C     no 13)    14)B      15)C     16)B     17)D      18)D      19)A     20)C       21)OMIT      22)B      23)C      24)A     25)Omit     26)Omit     27)B     28)B    no 29)     30)C    31)A    32)D****kind of a weird question, but since it refers to making a COPY of DNA that means you have DNA built so this is replication.  All the genes on DNA are there to code for proteins.       no 33)   34)D     35)D

Part 2

4)   mRNA strand made:     CGG     AUC     AUG     CAU  
A.A.                                      Arg        Iso       Meth      Hist    

b) mutated mRNA:              CGG     AUA      GCA    U
A.A.                                       Arg       Iso         Ala

5)  Steps in Protein synthesis:

1) DNA unwinds and unzips
2) single mRNA strand is build in the nucleus with RNA nucleotides for the section of DNA that codes for a specific protein
3)mRNA leaves the nucleus and heads to the cytoplasm.
4) mRNA attaches to a ribosome in the cytoplasm or on rough endoplasmic reticulum.  
5) tRNA brings amino acids one at a time to the mRNA (anti-codon of tRNA attaches to codon of mRNA)
6) each new amino acid is added to the protein chain by dehydration synthesis reactions.
7) Amino acid chain (protein) detaches from the last tRNA