Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Friday, 12 October 2018

Biology 11

Today we examined 2 ways that ecologist estimate the size of populations.

We completed a lab where we practiced using the Quadrat method.

After the break we discussed the Mark-Recapture method and completed our own trials using beans.

Both labs have a written component that is due on Monday October 15.

The powerpoint on the Mark-Recapture method is here.

Science 8

Work you are responsible for this week:

Check Your Understanding pg 259 questions #2 - 6, 8, 10

Hand-in the lab report for Lab 7-4, Changing States of Water

We each built and tested a water distiller - next week you will complete your reflective report on the success of your distiller.

Biology 11

We have gotten a good start on the Ecology Unit.

We watched Being Caribou as it looks at the many biotic and abiotic influences on Caribou in Yukon & Alaska.

We have also made our way through the first set of notes on populations and communities.
Click here for the powerpoint.

So far in your textbook we have read pages 506-513 and completed the following questions:
page 508 # 5, 7, 8, 9

page 515 #10, 12, 14, 16