Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Wednesday, 3 February 2021

Biology 12

Today we reviewed the structure of water and looked at how water molecules form hydrogen bonds with each other.  Remember that we have a short quizerooo tomorrow on acids/bases and water.  (If you are working at home you can take this upon your return).  Next we took some notes on biomolecules and carbohydrates with this power point.  -----Don't go into the protein section YET.   Next we read the section in chapter 2 on biomolecules and carbohydrates and answered the Module Questions (from yesterday's post) to do Section C) Biological Molecules of the cell i) overview ii) synthesis and hydrolysis of organic compounds and iii) carbohydrates.  Use the answer KEY to check your answers, but don't do this until you have puzzled through using the next book!