Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Wednesday, 7 September 2022

Biology 11 (Also know as Life Sciences 11)

 Today we got our course outlines.  Please have them signed by parent/guardian.  Next we did a partner assignment on Language of Science.  This isn't "for marks" only bragging rights!  Keep the prefix/suffix sheet it is helpful.  Found HERE.  

Finally you told me a little bit about yourself with THESE questions.  

Biology 12 (Also known as Anatomy and Physiology 12)

Today we got our course outlines and went over the routines of class and how to save the earth being sustainable in class:)

Next we got our text books:  Inquiry into Life

 Then we did THIS note sheet with THIS POWER POINT to review the Scientific Method.  Read the section in chapter 1 in the textbook on the process of science and do the "check your understanding" questions in the purple text box at the end.