Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Monday, 4 February 2019

Biology 11

Today you watched a movie and took notes on Evidence for Evolution.   Next you got to work on your Evidence for Evolution worksheet.  This along with questions # 1-7 on page 74 are due tomorrow. 

Biology 12

Today we finished notes on Biomolecules up to Proteins.    A copy of these notes are found HERE.  Next we made some posters to put up around class of a glucose molecule, a trigylceride, an amino acid and a dipeptide.   You should be finished your module questions up to and including iv)proteins #8

Science 10

Today we continued to work on the DNA model we started on Friday.   The criteria for the model is found HERE.  Next you had to read pg. 12- 15 and do questions #1-8 on page. 21.