Today we worked on nutrient cycles. Power point for notesheet is found HERE. (slide #33-49)
Next we did a carbon cycle worksheet and turned in.
Drawdown solutions project is due on FRIDAY at the latest
Today we worked on nutrient cycles. Power point for notesheet is found HERE. (slide #33-49)
Next we did a carbon cycle worksheet and turned in.
Drawdown solutions project is due on FRIDAY at the latest
Today we finished off (almost) our cell organelle notes. The power point is HERE and the notesheet is HERE. Next we did a little activity where we had to match organelles to their function. This is available in class. Finally we worked on module questions. These are found HERE. Do up to and including Endoplasmic reticulum.
Video below do: Two things you knew, two things you learned and one question.
**If you haven't written your cells test, please do so in homework club today or tomorrow.
Today we continued with our VIRUS notes. We used THIS note sheet to record information from THIS power point.
Next we got THIS question set. The question set is due on Friday. Virus Quiz is coming up on TUESDAY next week, March 4th.