Friday 15 February 2019

Biology 11

Today we did a quick question quiz based on the week's work.   Next we finished off a couple of details on the evolution unit.  We took notes on the terms:  Adaptive radiation, bottleneck, and founder effect.   Make sure you understand how genetic drift works......with m & ms..yum!

For homework:  Pattern's of Evolutionary Change worksheet. 

Science 10

Today we wrote a quick question quiz on Punnett Squares.  Next we did a natural selection lab with
M and Ms.  Which traits will allow the M and Ms to survive in their environment?  Which individuals had the highest survival rate?

Biology 12

Today we wrote our QUEST on biomolecules.  Next we completed our potato lab and recorded the
% change in mass for our group as well as the class results.  Make sure you bring that back on Monday.   Module Questions for Unit 1 should all be completed now.  (Finish Part B on cell organelles).