Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Anatomy and Physiology 12

 Today we continued on with notes on the RESPIRATORY system.  We watched the video below and worked on our notes (see yesterday's blog)  with THIS power point.  We did page three of THIS module set and turned in.  QUIZ Thursday on the parts and function of respiratory system.  

Life Science 11

 Today we worked on the PLANT UNIT.  We watched the video below and did THIS flowering plants colouring sheet.  

Science 10

 Today we took notes on how traits are passed down to the next generation.  Student note sheet is HERE. Power point is HERE.  If you missed class the video on PUNNETT squares will help explain what we did.  

Next we continued the Alien traits assignment, by filling out THIS sheet which passes down the Alien traits to the next generation.  

Quiz tomorrow on DNA--mRNA--Protein synthesis