Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Sunday, 5 April 2020

Biology 12

Hi everyone-Thanks to those who have already turned in their first digestive system assignment.  I look forward to seeing you in the virtual world!!   We will be working on TEAMS which is available within office 365.  You can also download on your computer or phone.   I will post the assignments and notes in notebook in TEAMS.   Online lectures/tutorials given during my virtual office hours for your class. 

Science 10

Hi Everyone!   I'm looking forward to seeing you in the virtual world.  We will be using the platform TEAMS within Office 365.  This can also be downloaded on your computer or phone.   I will add assignments for each week within Notebooks in TEAMS.   Tutorials will be available during the office hours for your class.    We will be starting with Chemistry, so I thought you might like the song below: