Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Tuesday, 17 October 2023

Science 9

 Today we had a quiz on Atoms and Bohr models.   I gave you the following information:

Atomic # = The number of protons = the identity of the element

Mass # = # Protons +  # Neutrons

Next we set up the Atoms and Ions lab on page 226-227 of the text.  Come prepared to do this lab tomorrow.    If you missed this lab, take notes on the video below:

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

 Today we took notes on Enzymes.  Power point is found HERE and notes sheet HERE.

Enzyme module questions are found at the end of cell membrane and transport module.  Do A and B for Thursday.  Enzymes are found in Chapter 6.3 in textbook.

Solute Concentration of Potato lab is due today! (Thursday at the latest)