Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Wednesday, 16 February 2022

Earth Science 11

Today we talked about the BIG BANG theory of the universe and evidence that the Universe is expanding.  Note sheet is HERE, but no need to do the questions YET.   We did a lab on spectroscopy found HERE.   Finally we worked on our Life Cycle of Stars comic and watched the video below:

Is the Universe Expanding in all directions??????

Biology 11

 Today we did the Prokaryotic Cell Lab by looking at a yogurt smear......YUM!   Complete the microscope drawing for this lab and turn in---  Lab is HERE.    Next Today we went over the questions from the concept check found HERE.    We discussed the ENDOSYMBIOTIC theory and evidence for it.  Video is below:

Next we got some review materials for the QUEST on CELL AND ORGANELLES.   Review work found HERE and HERE.