Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Monday, 20 April 2020

Science 10

Science 10 Work for the Week Sept. 20-24

Review from last week:  Remember to use your data booklet!   Online practice quizzes for naming and writing formulas for compounds

khan academy Do the last three practice sets
ionic and covalent compound practice
ionic naming
tricky ones!! Pick your own types

Assignment #1:   Watch the video below and write two things you knew, two you learned and one question you have: 

Assignment #2:  Watch the video below and about your favorite reaction in here.  Explain the science behind it 

USE YOUR TEXTBOOK for the next assignment.  If you don't have one, ask a friend to send you pictures of the pages from the book.   
Assignment #3:  Read and take note from page. 123-133.   Make sure you have a heading for each section and subsection.  This can be typed on written on your own piece of paper.  Do questions #1-6 page 133 and #5 on page 135.   Use the videos below to help you if you are having trouble 

Assignment #4:  Print off or just write out the questions on your own piece of paper