Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Friday, 21 February 2025

Life Science 11

 Today we wrote the unit 1 CELLS test.  Next we did some reading in the text book:  Read page. 22-24 and do concept check on page 24 #1-3 and on page 25 #1-4.

Anatomy and Physiology 12

 Today we started the CELLS unit by doing THIS power point (up to and including ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM).  Next we worked on the module questions found HERE (first page).  Finally we continued with our lab from last class.  The blood cell part of the lab is found HERE.   

Environmental Science 12

Today was the last day to work on the DRAWDOWN solutions project in class.  The project needs to be submitted on FRIDAY, February 28th at the latest.  If you need to look at a copy of the project, it is found HERE.