Monday, 7 May 2018

Science 8

Today we reviewed some questions from the Properties of Visible Light worksheet.  Make sure you review these questions before tomorrow's quick question quiz.

Next we looked at how light is reflected by concave and convex mirrors.  We did the lab on page 187.  Make sure you have your ray diagrams (one per group) as well as the Analyze (#1-3) and Conclude and Apply (#2).    Finish these questions off for homework.

Science 9

Today we took some notes on ecology.  Make sure you know the terms:  organism, community, population, ecosystem, biome, niche, habitat, limiting factors, biotic and abiotic factors.

We did a worksheet looking at pictures of ecosystems and determined what all the biotic and abiotic factors were.   Worksheet was due at the end of class.    Due tomorrow:  Sustainability Poster
Due Thursday:  Interactions and Energy Flow in Ecosystems.   

Biology 11

Today we finished off the plant unit with the seed plants lab.  Good work on gymnosperms and angiosperms.  Lab is due at the end of class.

Reminder that plant test is on Thursday and the unit review is due on or before that day.