Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Tuesday, 22 February 2022

Earth Science 11

Today we took a few notes on the expansion of the Universe and red shift.  Notes are found HERE.  Next we did a lab on the Expansion of the Universe using a Balloon model.  This is HERE.  

Final "assignment" for Astronomy Unit is Interstellar the movie on Thursday and your life cycle of stars comic is due on Friday, Feb. 25.  

Biology 11

Today we practiced for the Quest on cells/organelles/microscope and scientific method.  First we made our own cell drawings of Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells.  Next we watched a crash course in Biology video below:

We got a review sheet found HERE for homework and got a Plant Cell to color and label.    Finally we checked our MOLD lab.  It's a bit disgusting!!