Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Friday, 16 February 2018

Science 9

Today we wrote a quick question quiz on physical and chemical properties.

Next we took notes on physical and chemical changes and finished with a mini lab on reactions with magnesium. 

No homework!

Science 8

Today we took a quick question quiz on Cells.  Next we took a few notes on osmosis and diffusion and then started a lab by dissolving an egg in vinegar so that we could test it in different solutions. 

Homework:  Complete osmosis and diffusion questions (on the sheet).

Biology 11

-Today we finished off the Evolution unit by looking at different types of natural selection:  directional, divergent and stabilizing.
-We had Friday Fun Darwian survivor to see who could eat the most food at different stations with different tools.
-Next we continued What Darwin Never Knew movie.