Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Life Sciences 11

 Today we got our textbooks, Yahoo!  Our first assignment from the textbook was to find a picture that "speaks to you" in some way and tell me why (in a couple sentences). 

Today we started taking notes from THIS power point on THIS notesheet.  (Up to - but not including THEORY) 

Finally we practiced some hypothesis testing by doing THIS practice sheet.  

Anatomy and Physiology 12

Today we continued to take notes from THIS power point onto THIS notesheet - up to the section on COVALENT bonds.  Do some practice for homework:  Read chapter 2.1 and 2.2.  Do the "Check Progress" questions (in the little purple square). 2.1: #1-2.        2.2: #1-3

Environmental Science 12

Today we did a few online quizzes to see our prior knowledge of climate change.   Next we did a lab to estimate the % of oxygen in air.  We completed THIS  lab and turned it in.