Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Biology 12

Today we finished off the notes up to translation of a protein.  (See the power point from last entry).  Next we watched the rest of Crash Course DNA replication (just the last 5 minutes or so) and crash course on protein synthesis.  Module Questions- second page Protein Synthesis (A) protein synthesis and (B) Features of RNA.  

 Next class we will start making our biochemistry review game:   Bring stuff from home!!    Assignment is found HERE......this is not due for some time!

Science 10

Today we worked on balancing compounds and writing names of compounds for ionic and covalent compounds.  There is a quiz on FRIDAY on only ionic compounds.  Next we went over how to write up a lab report and we started working on the lab report for this lab:  Physical and Chemical Changes lab.  You should have the first sections written out up to the data table.