Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Monday, 23 September 2019

Science 8

Today in block 7/8 we prepared for our Scientific Method Quiz by doing a practice test.  Make sure you complete this for tomorrow if you didn't finish in class.   

Block 3/4 we did the Scientific Method Lab.  This is due tomorrow if you didn't complete it. 

Biology 11

Today we are finishing off the cell metabolism from last week.  We will have a test on all of Unit 1: Part A on Thursday, Sept. 26th.   The answers to the cell metabolism concept check questions are found HERE.   Next use the online text Unit 1: Chapter 2 to answer any remaining questions from your note sheet:  Characteristics of Life.   Remember that the Unit Text is coming up on Thursday.   You got several review handouts today to help you study.   If you didn't get a mark for your Domain/Kingdom table make sure you make a table with the 3 Domains and 4 Kingdoms.     For each of these list the type of cell (prokaryote or eukaryote), type of reproduction, representative species, mode of nutrition.