Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Tuesday, 12 September 2023

Science 9

 Today we continued on our SAFETY IN THE LAB!   We highlighted some key points HERE.  Next we filled out a note sheet on WHMIS symbols.  Video below.   For the last 40 minutes we worked on Safety Rules posters (See criteria from last class) 

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

Reminder:  Do the water/acid/base quiz posted last class.  Quiz tomorrow on water, acids, bases and buffers

Today we had a power point on Biomolecules.  We looked at carbohydrates and the first part of lipids.  Power point is HERE.  Note sheet HERE.

Homework:  Read first part of chapter 2.4  DO Module questions Part C) i)overview and ii)synthesis and hydrolysis