Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Life Sciences 11

Today we reviewed the 5 ways that evolution can happen in a population by watching the "5 fingers of evolution" video

and then answered some questions from the video found HERE.    Next we added some notes on the evolution power point to make sure we can explain THOROUGHLY the 5 pieces of evidence for evolution.  The updated power point is HERE.    Next we finished and turned in the breeding bunnies lab from yesterday with a graph showing the change in allelic frequency over time.  Good work on this tricky math!  

Next we had a short forest frolic followed by a FUN, FUN (I thought:) animal head band game.  We had to discuss the STRUCTURAL, BEHAVIOURAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL adaptations that our animal has to survive and reproduce in their environment.  

Finally we got some homework:  1) Finish breeding bunnies graph if not completed in class
2) Use the evolution review to make flash card of 10 vocabulary words
3) Work on the evolution practice test.  Answer key found HERE