Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Friday, 22 May 2020

Science 10

For the week of May 25-29 we will look at energy transformations in chemical and nuclear reactions.

Notesheets:  Fill these in from a printed page, or just save as an electronic copy:
#1. Energy in Chemical Reactions STUDENT FILL IN                NOTESHEET KEY

#2. Energy in Nuclear Reactions    STUDENT FILL IN                NOTESHEET KEY

Assignment #1.  Do the 6 questions at the end of the #2 Notesheet

Assignment #2.  Do three things you knew/learned and 2 questions you have

Assignment #3.  Do three things you knew/learned and 2 questions you have:

Assignment #4.  Build your own Rube Goldberg machine and take a video!!  I've inserted an old assignment here, but yours doesn't need to be so complex.  Just explain three energy transformations.