Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Thursday, 30 April 2020

Science 10

Energy Unit starting next week:  May 4th.     All of May will be spent on the Energy Unit with a video project for you to do as well.

For the week of May 4th- 8th:   In textbook read page 200-208

Power point for the week     Note sheet to go with the power point

Assignment #1:  Make sure you have your own examples here:Worksheet forms of energy   

Answer Key to forms of energy

Note sheet:  Energy transformations and transfers

Assignment #2:  Watch the short video below, write out 3 things you knew, 3 things you learned and 2 questions you have:

Assignment #3:  Watch this slightly longer video on the future of energy.  Write out three things you knew, 3 things you learned and 2 questions based on this video.  Watch with a critical eye!!  Technology advances without lowering consumption will not help us control climate change.    What big questions do you have after watching this?

Biology 12

Work for the weeks of May 4- May 15.  Due on May 15th.   Mini Research Paper #2 is also due on May 15th.  

Assignment #1:  Draw the following structures on your own paper--must be hand drawn!!  Label structures indicated. 

Digestive system  A.  Label all coloured structures

Heart diagram.      B. Label all numbered structures.  Draw arrows to show the path of blood through                                the heart.

 Arteries and Veins     C. Label the aorta, inferior and superior vena cava, iliac artery and vein, carotid artery, jugular vein, Pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein, mesenteric artery,  hepatic                                vein, renal artery, renal vein, femoral artery, subclavian artery, subclavian vein

Assignment #2:  Watch the Crash Course video and do:  3 things K/L and 2 Questions

Assignment #3:  Watch the Crash Course video and do:  3 things K/L and 2 Questions

Assignment #4:  Do the Module Questions below in your own words.  Check answers and comment on any changes/additions.  
Module Questions                   Answer Key

Thursday, 23 April 2020

Science 10

Science 10 LAST WEEK OF CHEMISTRY!! (April 27- May 1)      This work is due on May 1

Online practice balancing (from last week)                     reactions simulation (try these online)

Types of Reactions Notes  and Video below help explain the week's work

Assignment #1.  Balance and Classify.  Explain your answers and check your work

Practice #1


Assignment #2.  REVIEW ASSIGNMENT BELOW.  Note that this has been re-posted as some questions from part B classifying were changed!!

Review Assignment

Monday, 20 April 2020

Science 10

Science 10 Work for the Week Sept. 20-24

Review from last week:  Remember to use your data booklet!   Online practice quizzes for naming and writing formulas for compounds

khan academy Do the last three practice sets
ionic and covalent compound practice
ionic naming
tricky ones!! Pick your own types

Assignment #1:   Watch the video below and write two things you knew, two you learned and one question you have: 

Assignment #2:  Watch the video below and about your favorite reaction in here.  Explain the science behind it 

USE YOUR TEXTBOOK for the next assignment.  If you don't have one, ask a friend to send you pictures of the pages from the book.   
Assignment #3:  Read and take note from page. 123-133.   Make sure you have a heading for each section and subsection.  This can be typed on written on your own piece of paper.  Do questions #1-6 page 133 and #5 on page 135.   Use the videos below to help you if you are having trouble 

Assignment #4:  Print off or just write out the questions on your own piece of paper

Friday, 17 April 2020

Science 10

If you are having trouble opening the assignment for this week, there is a PDF linked HERE

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Biology 12

DNA unit update.  Have you completed your DNA module questions?   These will not be submitted, but if you are going on in Biology -  Make sure you feel comfortable explaining DNA transcription --into mRNA and translation ---into chains of amino acids. 

Here is practice from Khan Academy on DNA transcription and translation

Biology 12

Find Circulatory System work below.  Note that this work is not due until April 30th.  The first mini research paper is due April 24th.

Circulatory System Power Point 

Note Sheet for Power Point

Module Questions (note that there are some sections missing as I removed non-essential questions)
(Task #1)

Module Answer Key

Task #2 3 things K/L 2 Questions

Task #3 (start at 4:43)
3 things K/L and 2 Questions

Task #4
3 things K/L and 2 Questions

Task #5
3 things K/L and 2 Questions

Task #6
3 things K/L and 2 Questions

Monday, 13 April 2020

Biology 12

Breaking News in the Digestive System!! 

Check your understanding with this interactive review found HERE!!

Module Answer Key

Sunday, 12 April 2020

Science 10

Work for the week of April 13-17th

Don't forget to refer to your data booklet for ALL CHEMISTRY!!!   Check the periodic table and the polyatomic ion chart.



Use videos below to help with assignments inside booklet

For Assignment #1: Names/formulas Ionic

For Assignment #2:  Multivalent elements      

For Assignment #3: Polyatomic ions.                 

For Assignment #4:  Covalent Compounds.       

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Science 10

Hi everyone, if you are having trouble downloading the assignments, I will add them here.  Please do your best to put your completed assignments into your folder in Class Notebook.  If you can't make that work then you can share them with me.   Thanks again for your patience and perseverance everyone!  We will make this work:)

Assignment #1:
Write out two things you knew, learned and one question you have based on the video below:

Assignment #2:  No need to do all the questions.  Every second one is good and show me how you marked your work.  You can print off or copy on a piece of paper or use the word document.

You might need this power point to help you out

Assignment #3: Again I'm more interested in you learning from this.  Show me the questions you had trouble with.

Power point for this one.  Please let me know if you need help!  Email or call on Teams. 

Videos below might help as well:

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Biology 12

For those folks having trouble opening the files for assignments I will post the Digestive System here.  Please make sure you can access the hand in section within your folder in Notebook within TEAMS.  This is where I will mark all your work. 

Digestive System Power Point

Digestive System Note Sheet to fill in

Digestive System Module Questions (To be completed and handed in)

Crash course videos each need 3 things learned/knew and 2 questions

Sunday, 5 April 2020

Biology 12

Hi everyone-Thanks to those who have already turned in their first digestive system assignment.  I look forward to seeing you in the virtual world!!   We will be working on TEAMS which is available within office 365.  You can also download on your computer or phone.   I will post the assignments and notes in notebook in TEAMS.   Online lectures/tutorials given during my virtual office hours for your class. 

Science 10

Hi Everyone!   I'm looking forward to seeing you in the virtual world.  We will be using the platform TEAMS within Office 365.  This can also be downloaded on your computer or phone.   I will add assignments for each week within Notebooks in TEAMS.   Tutorials will be available during the office hours for your class.    We will be starting with Chemistry, so I thought you might like the song below: