Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Science 10

Hi everyone, if you are having trouble downloading the assignments, I will add them here.  Please do your best to put your completed assignments into your folder in Class Notebook.  If you can't make that work then you can share them with me.   Thanks again for your patience and perseverance everyone!  We will make this work:)

Assignment #1:
Write out two things you knew, learned and one question you have based on the video below:

Assignment #2:  No need to do all the questions.  Every second one is good and show me how you marked your work.  You can print off or copy on a piece of paper or use the word document.

You might need this power point to help you out

Assignment #3: Again I'm more interested in you learning from this.  Show me the questions you had trouble with.

Power point for this one.  Please let me know if you need help!  Email or call on Teams. 

Videos below might help as well: