Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Thursday, 14 June 2018

Science 9

Today we finished the last topic of the Reproduction unit:  Human Karyotypes

Complete the following textbook questions to review for the Quick Question Quiz tomorrow:
Page 104-105 #1-4, #11 (skip b and h), #16, 17 and 18

Page 142    #1-7, #10-13, #17, #24

Answers pg. 104.  1)C    2)D    3)C  4)C    #11a) hermaphrodites      c) sperm, egg       d) gametes
e) diploid      f) diploid or karyotype       g) diploid     
#16) Sister chromatids only separate during meiosis II.   Sister chromatids also separate during mitosis
#17)  a) 32      b) 16    c) 16    d) C, D and E      
#18) Mitosis produces two identical diploid cells.   Meiosis results in 4 haploid cells

Answers to pg. 142   1)B     2)D     3)B      4)D       5)C      6)C      7)C  
10a) Sex chromosomes X and Y determine gender     b)Males are XY females are XX
c)X and Y chromosomes are different sizes and shapes and therefore do not carry the same information

11) the urethra carries urine and sperm
12a) prostate     b) testis         c)penis           d)urethra
13) Preganancy stops the menstrual cycle.  the corpus luteum produces progesterone, which stops the ripening of more eggs and prepares the endometrium for the fertilized egg.
17) a) cervix     b)uterus       c)endometrium

24a) female        b) there are two X chromosomes, therefore the karyotype belongs to a female.