Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Saturday, 16 June 2018


Answers to selected final exam review:
Ecology #3)- direct animal count, quadrant sampling (sample plots), mark/recapture
#4) -.833 rats/ha/yr.                #9) 9.88%

Adaptation and evolution #2) Genetic differences (variation) can arise due to mutations or from sexual reproduction.   If there is non-random mating —mates with certain traits are chosen, then these traits become more prevalent in the population.
#3) Two possible outcomes if organisms are unable to adapt to their environment:  extinction or emigration to a new area.
#5) Types of natural selection:  stabilizing, directional, disruptive— check notes or the textbook for sketches and description

Taxonomy:  #1)kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species
#2)Felis= genus.  domesticus=species.... this is a house cat
#6) kingdoms contain the greatest number of individuals.  The focus gets narrower with each level.

#2) body’s first line of defence= Physical and chemical barriers like skin and mucus membranes, oil, sweat and gastric fluid in the stomach
#3) eukaryotic cells have membrane bound organelles and a nucleus.  Prokaryote have no nucleus—naked genetic material!
#7) obligate anaerobes must live without oxygen, obligate aerobe must live with oxygen, facultative anaerobes lives with or without oxygen
#12) beneficial bacteria= E. coil in your large intestine and lactobacilli-used to make cheese
Harmful= streptococci (causes strep throat), Bacillus anthracis (causes anthrax)
#14) all plant like protists photosynthesize.  An example of a plant like protist is euglena.
#19) contractile vacuoles expel water from paramecium.

Plant Biology:
#1) 5 major plant division:  aquatic plants (algae),  bryophytes (mosses),  pterophytes (ferns), Angiosperms (flowering plants), gymnosperms (naked seed plants)
#3) Alternation of generations refers to sporophyte and gametophyte generation "switching" back and forth during a plant's life cycle.
#4) NOTE that #5 is just the continuation of #4.......  As plants become more advanced the amount of time spent in the sporophyte generation increases.
#9) Mosses are restricted to moist environments because they require water in order for fertilization to take place.
#13) Archegonia is where egg is stored and antheridia is where sperm is stored in mosses and ferns.  mosses have them on two different structures and ferns have them both on the same gametophyte.
#15) Plants that live on land had to overcome the problem of lack of immediate water surrounding them for support and to transport nutrients.  Roots, stems and leaves as well as spores or seeds have allowed them to live on land.  Roots to carry water and nutrients to the entire plant, stems for support and leaves with a waxy cuticle covering it to keep the plant from drying out.
#22) Angiosperms and gymnosperms have seeds.
#24) Angiosperms perform double fertilization in their life.  This produces seeds enclosed in an ovary which becomes the fruit.

#1) Fungi are Eukaryotic,  non-photosynthetic, NON motile organisms.  They are heterotrophic unlike plants.
#2)  Examples of Fungi:  yeast, bread mold, morels,  atheletes foot
#7) The diploid stage (mushroom body) produces spores by meiosis.  They will grow into hyphae and fuse to form a dikaryotic stage (hyphae fuse but the two nuclei don't fuse).

Animal Kingdom:
#2) Life functions performed by animals:  All animals are heterotrophic.  They must obtain and ingest organic food, digest food, circulate its nutrients for growth and energy supply.  Animals must coordinate their activities,
#3) Types of symmetry in animals:  asymmetry (no symmetry) as in sponges,  bilateral symmetry such as all worms, and chordates, or radial symmetry like jellyfish and starfish