Monday, 18 June 2018
Science 9
Good work this morning on the practice exam! HERE are some selected answers. Keep up the studying......
Science 8
Answers to Sc. 8 Practice Final Exam!!!
a)T 2)F 3)F 4)F 5)F 6)C 7)A 8)B 9)B 10)D 11)D 12)D 13)C 14)A 15)A 16)D 17)D 18)B 19)D 20)B 21)A 22)A 23)B 24)A 25)A 26)A 27)D 28)C 29)A 30)C 31)D 32)A 33)A 34)A OMIT #35-37 (not required for exam) 38)C 39)C 40)D 41)A 42)D 43)A 44)D 45)D 46)D #46 shows up again in the term matching!! 46) (building block for many strucutres in the cell)=C 47)D 48)A 49)B 50)E OMIT #51-56 (not on the exam) 57)B 58)C 59)D 60)A 61)B 62)E 63)D 64)C 65)A 66)F 67)H 68)G 69)C 70)A 71)E 72)D 73)F 74)B
a)T 2)F 3)F 4)F 5)F 6)C 7)A 8)B 9)B 10)D 11)D 12)D 13)C 14)A 15)A 16)D 17)D 18)B 19)D 20)B 21)A 22)A 23)B 24)A 25)A 26)A 27)D 28)C 29)A 30)C 31)D 32)A 33)A 34)A OMIT #35-37 (not required for exam) 38)C 39)C 40)D 41)A 42)D 43)A 44)D 45)D 46)D #46 shows up again in the term matching!! 46) (building block for many strucutres in the cell)=C 47)D 48)A 49)B 50)E OMIT #51-56 (not on the exam) 57)B 58)C 59)D 60)A 61)B 62)E 63)D 64)C 65)A 66)F 67)H 68)G 69)C 70)A 71)E 72)D 73)F 74)B
Biology 11--EXAM IS ON TUESDAY, JUNE 19th at 8:45
Good Ol' Exam Review....Make sure you have a cheat sheet
Answers to Practice Final Exam:
1)D 2)B 3)D 4)C 5)B 6)B 7)D 8)B 9)B 10)B 11)A 12)C 13)A 14)C 15)A 16)B 17)D 18)B
19)D 20)A 21)A 22)C 23)B 24)C 25)C 26)B 27)D 28)A 29)C 30)B 31)A 32)D 33)D 34)D 35)A 36)B 37)C 38)D 39)A 40)B 41)C 42)C 43)B 44)B 45)S 46)D 47)D 48)C 49)C 49)D 50)C 51)A 52)D 53)A 54)B 55)B 56)A 57)D 58)D 59) OMIT 60)A 61)C 62)C 63)A 64)C 65)A 66)A 67)C 68)D 69)B 70)D 71)A 72)B 73)D 74)D 75)D 76)A 77)B 78)D 79)C 80)A 81)E 82)D 83)A 84)C 85)B 86)A 87)C 88)B 89)A 90)C 91)A 92)D 93)B 94)B 95)B 96)D 97)A 98)C 99)C 100)A
Answers to Practice Final Exam:
1)D 2)B 3)D 4)C 5)B 6)B 7)D 8)B 9)B 10)B 11)A 12)C 13)A 14)C 15)A 16)B 17)D 18)B
19)D 20)A 21)A 22)C 23)B 24)C 25)C 26)B 27)D 28)A 29)C 30)B 31)A 32)D 33)D 34)D 35)A 36)B 37)C 38)D 39)A 40)B 41)C 42)C 43)B 44)B 45)S 46)D 47)D 48)C 49)C 49)D 50)C 51)A 52)D 53)A 54)B 55)B 56)A 57)D 58)D 59) OMIT 60)A 61)C 62)C 63)A 64)C 65)A 66)A 67)C 68)D 69)B 70)D 71)A 72)B 73)D 74)D 75)D 76)A 77)B 78)D 79)C 80)A 81)E 82)D 83)A 84)C 85)B 86)A 87)C 88)B 89)A 90)C 91)A 92)D 93)B 94)B 95)B 96)D 97)A 98)C 99)C 100)A
Saturday, 16 June 2018
Answers to selected final exam review:
Ecology #3)- direct animal count, quadrant sampling (sample plots), mark/recapture
#4) -.833 rats/ha/yr. #9) 9.88%
Adaptation and evolution #2) Genetic differences (variation) can arise due to mutations or from sexual reproduction. If there is non-random mating —mates with certain traits are chosen, then these traits become more prevalent in the population.
#3) Two possible outcomes if organisms are unable to adapt to their environment: extinction or emigration to a new area.
#5) Types of natural selection: stabilizing, directional, disruptive— check notes or the textbook for sketches and description
Taxonomy: #1)kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species
#2)Felis= genus. domesticus=species.... this is a house cat
#6) kingdoms contain the greatest number of individuals. The focus gets narrower with each level.
#2) body’s first line of defence= Physical and chemical barriers like skin and mucus membranes, oil, sweat and gastric fluid in the stomach
#3) eukaryotic cells have membrane bound organelles and a nucleus. Prokaryote have no nucleus—naked genetic material!
#7) obligate anaerobes must live without oxygen, obligate aerobe must live with oxygen, facultative anaerobes lives with or without oxygen
#12) beneficial bacteria= E. coil in your large intestine and lactobacilli-used to make cheese
Harmful= streptococci (causes strep throat), Bacillus anthracis (causes anthrax)
#14) all plant like protists photosynthesize. An example of a plant like protist is euglena.
#19) contractile vacuoles expel water from paramecium.
Plant Biology:
#1) 5 major plant division: aquatic plants (algae), bryophytes (mosses), pterophytes (ferns), Angiosperms (flowering plants), gymnosperms (naked seed plants)
#3) Alternation of generations refers to sporophyte and gametophyte generation "switching" back and forth during a plant's life cycle.
#4) NOTE that #5 is just the continuation of #4....... As plants become more advanced the amount of time spent in the sporophyte generation increases.
#9) Mosses are restricted to moist environments because they require water in order for fertilization to take place.
#13) Archegonia is where egg is stored and antheridia is where sperm is stored in mosses and ferns. mosses have them on two different structures and ferns have them both on the same gametophyte.
#15) Plants that live on land had to overcome the problem of lack of immediate water surrounding them for support and to transport nutrients. Roots, stems and leaves as well as spores or seeds have allowed them to live on land. Roots to carry water and nutrients to the entire plant, stems for support and leaves with a waxy cuticle covering it to keep the plant from drying out.
#22) Angiosperms and gymnosperms have seeds.
#24) Angiosperms perform double fertilization in their life. This produces seeds enclosed in an ovary which becomes the fruit.
#1) Fungi are Eukaryotic, non-photosynthetic, NON motile organisms. They are heterotrophic unlike plants.
#2) Examples of Fungi: yeast, bread mold, morels, atheletes foot
#7) The diploid stage (mushroom body) produces spores by meiosis. They will grow into hyphae and fuse to form a dikaryotic stage (hyphae fuse but the two nuclei don't fuse).
Animal Kingdom:
#2) Life functions performed by animals: All animals are heterotrophic. They must obtain and ingest organic food, digest food, circulate its nutrients for growth and energy supply. Animals must coordinate their activities,
#3) Types of symmetry in animals: asymmetry (no symmetry) as in sponges, bilateral symmetry such as all worms, and chordates, or radial symmetry like jellyfish and starfish
Ecology #3)- direct animal count, quadrant sampling (sample plots), mark/recapture
#4) -.833 rats/ha/yr. #9) 9.88%
Adaptation and evolution #2) Genetic differences (variation) can arise due to mutations or from sexual reproduction. If there is non-random mating —mates with certain traits are chosen, then these traits become more prevalent in the population.
#3) Two possible outcomes if organisms are unable to adapt to their environment: extinction or emigration to a new area.
#5) Types of natural selection: stabilizing, directional, disruptive— check notes or the textbook for sketches and description
Taxonomy: #1)kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species
#2)Felis= genus. domesticus=species.... this is a house cat
#6) kingdoms contain the greatest number of individuals. The focus gets narrower with each level.
#2) body’s first line of defence= Physical and chemical barriers like skin and mucus membranes, oil, sweat and gastric fluid in the stomach
#3) eukaryotic cells have membrane bound organelles and a nucleus. Prokaryote have no nucleus—naked genetic material!
#7) obligate anaerobes must live without oxygen, obligate aerobe must live with oxygen, facultative anaerobes lives with or without oxygen
#12) beneficial bacteria= E. coil in your large intestine and lactobacilli-used to make cheese
Harmful= streptococci (causes strep throat), Bacillus anthracis (causes anthrax)
#14) all plant like protists photosynthesize. An example of a plant like protist is euglena.
#19) contractile vacuoles expel water from paramecium.
Plant Biology:
#1) 5 major plant division: aquatic plants (algae), bryophytes (mosses), pterophytes (ferns), Angiosperms (flowering plants), gymnosperms (naked seed plants)
#3) Alternation of generations refers to sporophyte and gametophyte generation "switching" back and forth during a plant's life cycle.
#4) NOTE that #5 is just the continuation of #4....... As plants become more advanced the amount of time spent in the sporophyte generation increases.
#9) Mosses are restricted to moist environments because they require water in order for fertilization to take place.
#13) Archegonia is where egg is stored and antheridia is where sperm is stored in mosses and ferns. mosses have them on two different structures and ferns have them both on the same gametophyte.
#15) Plants that live on land had to overcome the problem of lack of immediate water surrounding them for support and to transport nutrients. Roots, stems and leaves as well as spores or seeds have allowed them to live on land. Roots to carry water and nutrients to the entire plant, stems for support and leaves with a waxy cuticle covering it to keep the plant from drying out.
#22) Angiosperms and gymnosperms have seeds.
#24) Angiosperms perform double fertilization in their life. This produces seeds enclosed in an ovary which becomes the fruit.
#1) Fungi are Eukaryotic, non-photosynthetic, NON motile organisms. They are heterotrophic unlike plants.
#2) Examples of Fungi: yeast, bread mold, morels, atheletes foot
#7) The diploid stage (mushroom body) produces spores by meiosis. They will grow into hyphae and fuse to form a dikaryotic stage (hyphae fuse but the two nuclei don't fuse).
Animal Kingdom:
#2) Life functions performed by animals: All animals are heterotrophic. They must obtain and ingest organic food, digest food, circulate its nutrients for growth and energy supply. Animals must coordinate their activities,
#3) Types of symmetry in animals: asymmetry (no symmetry) as in sponges, bilateral symmetry such as all worms, and chordates, or radial symmetry like jellyfish and starfish
Thursday, 14 June 2018
Science 9
Today we finished the last topic of the Reproduction unit: Human Karyotypes
Complete the following textbook questions to review for the Quick Question Quiz tomorrow:
Page 104-105 #1-4, #11 (skip b and h), #16, 17 and 18
Page 142 #1-7, #10-13, #17, #24
Answers pg. 104. 1)C 2)D 3)C 4)C #11a) hermaphrodites c) sperm, egg d) gametes
e) diploid f) diploid or karyotype g) diploid
#16) Sister chromatids only separate during meiosis II. Sister chromatids also separate during mitosis
#17) a) 32 b) 16 c) 16 d) C, D and E
#18) Mitosis produces two identical diploid cells. Meiosis results in 4 haploid cells
Answers to pg. 142 1)B 2)D 3)B 4)D 5)C 6)C 7)C
10a) Sex chromosomes X and Y determine gender b)Males are XY females are XX
c)X and Y chromosomes are different sizes and shapes and therefore do not carry the same information
11) the urethra carries urine and sperm
12a) prostate b) testis c)penis d)urethra
13) Preganancy stops the menstrual cycle. the corpus luteum produces progesterone, which stops the ripening of more eggs and prepares the endometrium for the fertilized egg.
17) a) cervix b)uterus c)endometrium
24a) female b) there are two X chromosomes, therefore the karyotype belongs to a female.
Complete the following textbook questions to review for the Quick Question Quiz tomorrow:
Page 104-105 #1-4, #11 (skip b and h), #16, 17 and 18
Page 142 #1-7, #10-13, #17, #24
Answers pg. 104. 1)C 2)D 3)C 4)C #11a) hermaphrodites c) sperm, egg d) gametes
e) diploid f) diploid or karyotype g) diploid
#16) Sister chromatids only separate during meiosis II. Sister chromatids also separate during mitosis
#17) a) 32 b) 16 c) 16 d) C, D and E
#18) Mitosis produces two identical diploid cells. Meiosis results in 4 haploid cells
Answers to pg. 142 1)B 2)D 3)B 4)D 5)C 6)C 7)C
10a) Sex chromosomes X and Y determine gender b)Males are XY females are XX
c)X and Y chromosomes are different sizes and shapes and therefore do not carry the same information
11) the urethra carries urine and sperm
12a) prostate b) testis c)penis d)urethra
13) Preganancy stops the menstrual cycle. the corpus luteum produces progesterone, which stops the ripening of more eggs and prepares the endometrium for the fertilized egg.
17) a) cervix b)uterus c)endometrium
24a) female b) there are two X chromosomes, therefore the karyotype belongs to a female.
Science 8
Today we looked at everyone's Earth Science Projects. Great work! I learned lots about Earthquakes and volcanoes.
Biology 11
Today we worked on our Animal Unit "cheat sheet". Tomorrow is the Quest on Animals.....bring your cheat sheeeeeeet!
Wednesday, 13 June 2018
Science 9
Today we watched the birth video!! Here are the links to the 2 videos in case you need to see it again:)
Friday's Quick Question Quiz: Sexual and Asexual reproduction, meiosis, male and female reproductive systems, fertilization
Friday's Quick Question Quiz: Sexual and Asexual reproduction, meiosis, male and female reproductive systems, fertilization
Biology 11
Today we marked the Mollusks and Arthropods colouring. Make sure your Echinoderms is in.
Next we tried cuttin' and organizin' all the Animal Phyla with their characteristics. Complete this to help you make your cheat sheet for the Animal Quest on Friday.
Scavenger hunt tomorrow.....wear appropriate clothing:)
Next we tried cuttin' and organizin' all the Animal Phyla with their characteristics. Complete this to help you make your cheat sheet for the Animal Quest on Friday.
Scavenger hunt tomorrow.....wear appropriate clothing:)
Tuesday, 12 June 2018
Biology 11
Today we looked at our last animal Phlyum: Chordata. Chordata and the Vertebrates Questions are due as well as Echinodermata colouring.
Science 9
Today we did our core competency self evaluation. Next we came back to class and watch Hank talk about reproduction on Crash Course....
Male and Female Reproduction System handouts are due tomorrow.
Male and Female Reproduction System handouts are due tomorrow.
Science 8
Today we did our core competency self-evaluation...Next we went back to class and wrote the Earth Science Test. Remember that the Earth Science Projects are due Thursday.
Monday, 11 June 2018
Biology 11
Almost done with the animal phyla!! Today we looked at Echinoderms. These are starfish, sand dollars and the weirdest creature ever....the sea cucumber!
Make sure you turn in Arthropods and Mollusk Colouring by tomorrow.
Make sure you turn in Arthropods and Mollusk Colouring by tomorrow.
Science 8
Today we went over our Earth Science review. Next we worked on our Earth Science projects and got the exam review.
Science 9
Today did some practice DNA questions. Make sure you know the sequence that gets followed for DNA----proteins. Next we looked at meiosis which is how you DNA is divided in half to make egg or sperm cells. Meiosis stages and DNA questions due tomorrow.
Friday, 8 June 2018
Science 8
Today we worked on our Volcanoes/Earthquakes project. We have some serious work going on here!
Remember that you Earth Science Review is due Monday and the test is Tuesday.
Remember that you Earth Science Review is due Monday and the test is Tuesday.
Science 9
Sexual and Asexual worksheet is due Monday.
Biology 11
Today we took a quick question quiz on Ecology. Next we took notes on our next Animal Phyla............"Arthropods". We worked on the Mollusk colouring sheet and Arthropod colouring sheet. Mollusks is due Monday. Arthopods-you will have more time to work on.
Thursday, 7 June 2018
Biology 11
Today we had an improvised field lab.......nice work despite the heat, bugs and lack of Begbie Falls:(
Make sure your lab gets turned in. We will have an Ecology quiz tomorrow on determining density, rate of change of density and population growth.
Make sure your lab gets turned in. We will have an Ecology quiz tomorrow on determining density, rate of change of density and population growth.
Science 9
Today we practiced using a microscope and did two labs: The Microscope Lab and Viewing Mitosis under the Microscope Lab. Both should be turned in.
Next we took some power point notes on mutations and cancer.
Make sure page 56 #1-7 is completed.
You should have worked on your mitosis model (you can finish tomorrow if not done).
Page 70 #1-9 (omit #3)
Next we took some power point notes on mutations and cancer.
Make sure page 56 #1-7 is completed.
You should have worked on your mitosis model (you can finish tomorrow if not done).
Page 70 #1-9 (omit #3)
Wednesday, 6 June 2018
Science 9
Today we continued with cell growth and reproduction by learning about Mitosis....the process that body cells use to replicate. Is it a coincidence that Anna taught us about ANAPHASE?? We did a mitosis cuttin' and pastin' assignment, due at the end of class. Page 57 #1-7 is due next class if you didn't already turn in.
Biology 11
Today we prepared for our Field Quadrat sampling lab by looking at densities of different "plant" species scattered around the classroom. Make sure you bring your randomly assigned grids as well as a calculator, some sunscreen and decent shoes to walk around in on Thursday.
Ecology quiz coming up on Friday. Formulas for Population Growth, Density and Rate of Change of density will be given.
Ecology quiz coming up on Friday. Formulas for Population Growth, Density and Rate of Change of density will be given.
Tuesday, 5 June 2018
Science 8
Today we got to work on the Earth Science Review since we are done our last unit!!!
Next we started a project on Earth Science.......I'm excited to see all your creative ideas.
Test on Earth Science is Tuesday next week. Project is due for class viewing on Thursday.
Next we started a project on Earth Science.......I'm excited to see all your creative ideas.
Test on Earth Science is Tuesday next week. Project is due for class viewing on Thursday.
Monday, 4 June 2018
Science 9
Today we spent the majority of class time writing the Ecology Test.
Homework: Read page 53-55 do questions #1-7 on page 56
Homework: Read page 53-55 do questions #1-7 on page 56
Biology 11
Today we left the Animal kingdom and jumped over to the Ecology Unit.....we will be doing Ecology all this week with a quiz on Friday. Next we did a little mathy math with the populations worksheet. The first 2 pages of this worksheet were due at the end of class.
Friday, 1 June 2018
Biology 11
Today we did a partner quiz on Flatworms/Roundworms. Next we started the next Phylum: Mollusks....squid, oysters, octopus, oh my!
Mollusks colouring sheet due TUESDAY.
Mollusks colouring sheet due TUESDAY.
Science 9
Today we did some review for the Ecology test coming up on Monday. We watched a few short videos from the "Amoeba Sisters" check out their Ecology videos as well as food webs and chains and Biomagnification.
Finally we worked on the visual dictionary. Also due Monday!
Finally we worked on the visual dictionary. Also due Monday!
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