Today we reviewed for our Plants Test----coming up TOMORROW!!
We did a practice test and then played a rousing game of pictionary. Make sure you bring your Reading Guide to Invertebrates in tomorrow.
Tuesday, 18 December 2018
Science 8
Today we got a mark print out.....make sure you have turned in all your missing assignments before the holidays begin! Next we took some notes on the Electromagnetic Spectrum. Finally we finished with the graphing math/science lab. Make sure you have completed Day #2 up to step #4.
Monday, 17 December 2018
Science 8
Today we did some quick questions on waves. Next we completed "wire waves" lab on page 140-141 and did the Analyze and Conclude and Apply questions on page 141 and turned them in.
Block 3/4 also did the reading check on page 157.
Block 3/4 also did the reading check on page 157.
Biology 11
Today we went over the answers to the Seed Plants reading guide. Tomorrow there will be a practice test on plants. Next we started the Animals Unit: Power point with notes.
Friday, 14 December 2018
Biology 11
Today we wrote a quiz on mosses and ferns. Next we turned in the Seed Plants Lab if we hadn't already done so. We got a lot of work back including a print off of where our mark is so far. Next we did the Seed Plants Reading Guide-due on Monday. Plant Review was also given out- Plant test next Wednesdayyyy.
Science 8
Today we turned in the reading check from page 138 in the text book. Next we did lab 4-4 on page 140-141: Wire Waves. Make sure you bring this lab back to class on Monday. We will be completing the questions with your group.
Wednesday, 12 December 2018
Science 8
Today we presented our body systems projects to the Grade 8 class and our own classmates. Well done! Next we did some work on Waves for our next unit: Optics. We watched Bill Nye waves and read page 134-138. Reading Check on page 138 is due next class if you didn't get it done.
Biology 11
Today our quick questions were on the fern life cycle.--Fern/Moss quiz on Friday. Then we started flowering plants, we watched crash course and then took notes on Gymnosperms and Angiosperms. Next we did a Gymnosperm/Angiosperm Lab, this lab is due next class if you haven't turned it in yet.
Tuesday, 11 December 2018
Biology 11
Today we completed the Fern Lab by going outside and collecting our ferns to looks at the sori. Isn't that the coolest thing you've ever seen?? Lab was due by the end of class. Next we did the Fern Reading Guide. This is due tomorrow.
Science 8
Today we completed the body systems projects by doing the dissections. Nice work on these! You will present to the grade 5 class tomorrow.
Monday, 10 December 2018
Biology 11
Science 8
Today we continued to work on the body systems project. Last day to work on it is on Tuesday.
Friday, 7 December 2018
Science 8
Today we did our BIG test on Cells and the Immune system. Good work on this!! Next we worked on our human body systems for the poster presentation next week. You will have Monday and Tuesday to complete the poster and do a dissection/demo. Presentation will be during the double block next week.
Thursday, 6 December 2018
Biology 11
Today we went over the Fungi practice quiz. Next we started our next unit on land plants with the Bryophytes (non-vascular) plants. We took some notes on moss and did a moss lab. Don't forget the Fungi quiz tomorrow.
Science 8
Today we reviewed for the BIG SCARY TEST (little cute fuzzy test) on Cells and the Immune System. This is on everything in chapter 1 and 3. Next we worked on our body systems projects.
Wednesday, 5 December 2018
Science 8
Today we prepared for the Cells/Immune System Review by going over the immune system review. Make sure you thoroughly prepare for the test....Anything from chapter 1 and 3 in your text is fair game. Make sure you read page 102-105 many times!!
Tuesday, 4 December 2018
Science 8
Today we did some quick questions on the immune system. Next we had some time to do our review for chapters 1 and 3: Cells and the Immune System. Make sure your review is completed for next class. Finally we got into groups to start our Human Body Systems Project. This will be worked on for the next couple of classes and presented next week.
Biology 11
We watched some Fungi movies to review the unit on Fungi. Next we turned in the Fungi Colouring sheet and then did a practice test for the Fungi Quiz on Friday. Make sure your practice test is completed for next class.
Biology 11
Today we finished the Food Mold lab Found on page 243 of your text. Make sure you complete this with the questions at the end. Next we worked on the Fungi Colouring Workbook. This is due tomorrow.
Monday, 3 December 2018
Science 8
Today we took notes on the immune system. Next we got a check list for the Test on Friday on Chapter 1 and 3. Finally I handed out a review assignment for the test.....This is NOT due tomorrow.
Biology 11
Today we finished off our mold lab.....yummmy! Make sure you complete the lab with all questions on page 243 of your text. Next we worked on the Fungi Colouring Sheet. This is due tomorrow.
Thursday, 29 November 2018
Biology 11
Today we turned in the Fungi Reading assignment from yesterday and then did the Mushroom lab. Next we played an exciting game of Jeopardy/Pictionary. Fun times had by all!!
Wednesday, 28 November 2018
Science 8
Today we had a crazy time combining the Math/Science classes to do a little project building alien cells and calculating the surface area and volume of the cells. Great work everyone! Remember that the Reading Check on page 106 is due next day if you didn't turn it in.
Tuesday, 27 November 2018
Science 8
Today we started the immune system. We took a few introductory notes. Next we spread a disease around the classroom (well, we modelled how a disease would spread) and tried to determined which patient started the disease. Next we read page 100-105. Do Reading Check on page 106 in full sentences for homework.
Biology 11
Today we watched two videos to review for our Microbiology Test. Bozeman science (viruses) and Crash Course in Biology Archaea, Bacteria and Protists. Next we did the Fungi Reading Guide. Due on Thursday. Make sure you turn in your jeopardy questions as well. The microbiology review can be turned in for bonus marks.
Monday, 26 November 2018
Biology 11
Today we started a food mold lab.....This is found in your book and will be worked on for the next week. Next we took some notes on FUNGI. Power point found HERE and notes HERE.
Homework: STUDY for microbiology Test (you have your review). Due tomorrow: 5 Jeopardy style questions worth: 200, 300, 400 or 500 points based on viruses, bacteria, protists or microscopes
Here is a link to writing good jeopardy questions if you want to be really professional!
Homework: STUDY for microbiology Test (you have your review). Due tomorrow: 5 Jeopardy style questions worth: 200, 300, 400 or 500 points based on viruses, bacteria, protists or microscopes
Here is a link to writing good jeopardy questions if you want to be really professional!
Science 8
Today we finished our EGGCELLENT lab. Make sure you complete the lab with a ABCDE paragraph for your conclusion. Tomorrow we start cells in the immune system.
Sunday, 25 November 2018
Science 8
After the quick question quiz we took some notes on what happens to a cell based on three Osmosis scenarios. Next we did our own Osmosis experiment with some raw eggs with no shell on them. Yah! Nobody broke any eggs, eggcellent!
Biology 11
Today we worked on completing any missing work. Answers to Protist Biology Questions found HERE.Make sure you check if you have any questions about these.
Fun with Fungi starting on Monday! Test on Microbiology on Friday, Nov. 30th.
Fun with Fungi starting on Monday! Test on Microbiology on Friday, Nov. 30th.
Wednesday, 21 November 2018
Biology 11
Today we finished off Protists and you may never swim in Williamson Lake again!
We did a lab on Protists. Next we got some questions: Protist Biology which are due on Friday.
Finally we watched some mirobiologists wading through a cave filled with Sulfuric Acid in the NOVA movie: How Life Began.
We did a lab on Protists. Next we got some questions: Protist Biology which are due on Friday.
Finally we watched some mirobiologists wading through a cave filled with Sulfuric Acid in the NOVA movie: How Life Began.
Science 8
For double block in 3/4: First I collected the homework from yesterday (page 40 #1-4)
Next we took some notes on osmosis and diffusion. See powerpoint HERE. We did a lab looking
at onion cells under the microscope. Finally we watched a few minutes of NOVA, How Life Began.
HOMEWORK FUN TIMES: (the secret password is butterfly!) Page 50 #1-14 in Checking Concepts.
Next we took some notes on osmosis and diffusion. See powerpoint HERE. We did a lab looking
at onion cells under the microscope. Finally we watched a few minutes of NOVA, How Life Began.
HOMEWORK FUN TIMES: (the secret password is butterfly!) Page 50 #1-14 in Checking Concepts.
Tuesday, 20 November 2018
Biology 11
Today we finished off notes on Kingdom Protista. We worked on the protist colouring sheet (See Monday's post). This is due tomorrow.
Science 8
Today we did some partner questions on photosynthesis/respiration. We turned these in before we got to work on our cell videos.
Homework: Read page 40-45 in textbook. Answer questions #1-4 page 49.
Homework: Read page 40-45 in textbook. Answer questions #1-4 page 49.
Monday, 19 November 2018
Science 8
Today we took some notes on Photosynthesis/Respiration. Link to the power point found HERE.
Next we used the animal cells we made and the ipads to make a video of a news cast/ interview/ rap song/ song poem to explain the cell organelles. Here is another one to inspire you!
Next we used the animal cells we made and the ipads to make a video of a news cast/ interview/ rap song/ song poem to explain the cell organelles. Here is another one to inspire you!
Biology 11
Today we took a few notes on our next Kingdom: Protists.
Microbiology Project is due today at MIDNIGHT at the latest! Next we completed Actual Size and Drawing Magnification Lab or started the Protist Colouring assignment (Due Wednesday).
Microbiology Project is due today at MIDNIGHT at the latest! Next we completed Actual Size and Drawing Magnification Lab or started the Protist Colouring assignment (Due Wednesday).
Wednesday, 14 November 2018
Science 8
Today we completed the Cheek Cell lab by making sure we understood how to calculate actual size of our cells. We spent some time writing an ABCDE paragraph for the conclusion. This lab is due on Friday.
Next we watched crash course in Biology Cells.We also prepared for the making and edible cell by comparing and contrasting Plant and Animal Cells and Eukaryotic/Prokaryotic cells.
Finally we went to the computer lab to write a review of an online game about cells. Pick a game from one of the following websites and write in word: 1)A description of the game 2)What you liked about the game 3) What you didn't like about the game 4)Your score /10. Share this with Ms. Wood on office 365 (
Next we watched crash course in Biology Cells.We also prepared for the making and edible cell by comparing and contrasting Plant and Animal Cells and Eukaryotic/Prokaryotic cells.
Finally we went to the computer lab to write a review of an online game about cells. Pick a game from one of the following websites and write in word: 1)A description of the game 2)What you liked about the game 3) What you didn't like about the game 4)Your score /10. Share this with Ms. Wood on office 365 (
Biology 11
Today we did some Quick Questions on bacteria. Next we took a few short notes on specific and non-specific lines of defense against pathogens. We completed a microscope lab (up to the middle of page 5) and turned in it. Second block we worked on our microbiology projects....due on Monday!
Tuesday, 13 November 2018
Biology 11
Today we took some notes on bacterial reproduction and fighting pathogenic bacteria.
Next we finished the Antibiotics vs. Bacteria lab. Make sure this lab with questions completed gets turned in.
Next we finished the Antibiotics vs. Bacteria lab. Make sure this lab with questions completed gets turned in.
Science 8
Make sure your two cell diagrams (from Thursday) get completed, labelled and coloured and turned in tomorrow.
In class today we looked at our own cheek cells and did a lab determining their actual sizes. Make sure you bring this lab back tomorrow, but it doesn't need to be finished.
Remember to bring in your left over Halloween candy for edible cell building.
In class today we looked at our own cheek cells and did a lab determining their actual sizes. Make sure you bring this lab back tomorrow, but it doesn't need to be finished.
Remember to bring in your left over Halloween candy for edible cell building.
Thursday, 8 November 2018
Biology 11
Today we did two labs looking at Bacterial colonies. The first was staining E. coli and B. subtilus to see bacteria that are gram positive and gram negative. That lab (Staining and Observing Bacterial cells) is due on Tuesday with questions completed.
The next lab was: Antibiotics and Bacteria. We cultured our two strains of bacteria and added different types of antibiotic discs to see their effects on E. coli and B. subtilus
The next lab was: Antibiotics and Bacteria. We cultured our two strains of bacteria and added different types of antibiotic discs to see their effects on E. coli and B. subtilus
Monday, 5 November 2018
Biology 11
Today we looked at our rapidly growing bacteria in the Distribution of Bacteria lab. This isn't due yet, we will culture it a few more days. Next we answered some questions: Diversity and Biology of Monerans. This is due tomorrow if you didn't finish it in class.
I also collected the Prokaryotes Colouring Sheet
I also collected the Prokaryotes Colouring Sheet
Science 8
Today we got back our subatomic particles quiz. Next we completed our Microscope Lab and determined the actual sizes of three organisms. Homework: Read page 6-11 do the reading check on page 11.
Friday, 2 November 2018
Biology 11
Today we did a quiz on viruses, took a few notes on bacteria: mode of nutrition and respiration, next we gathered some bacteria for the Abundance of Bacteria lab.
Science 8
Today we did a quiz on subatomic particles, finished our atom models and started a microscope lab. Make sure you bring the lab back on Monday.
Thursday, 1 November 2018
Biology 11
Today we started Monera (bacteria) we took notes on the two major types of bacteria, their structure and shape. We did a prokaytoic colouring worksheet and worked on our microbiology project.
Wednesday, 31 October 2018
Science 8
Today we finished off Subatomic Particles. We took a few notes on how to determine # of protons, neutrons and electrons in an atom. We did some practice questions on this. These types of questions will be on the QQQuiz on Friday.
Next we started the Biology Unit by learning the parts of the microscope and how to use it. We looked a prepared slide of a Hydra and made a wet mount of some human hairs. We will finish the microscope drawing next class.
Next we started the Biology Unit by learning the parts of the microscope and how to use it. We looked a prepared slide of a Hydra and made a wet mount of some human hairs. We will finish the microscope drawing next class.
Tuesday, 30 October 2018
Biology 11
Today we went over the questions from yesterday: Viruses, structure and nature. We took a few notes on steps in the lytic and lysogenic cyles.
Next we got the microbiology project given to us and did some research on the lap tops to start off this project. This project will be due in term 2 (November 16)
Next we got the microbiology project given to us and did some research on the lap tops to start off this project. This project will be due in term 2 (November 16)
Science 8
Today we spent most of the class finishing off the models of an atom. Make sure you go through the criteria sheet for your one page write up that goes along with the atom. These are due on Friday, November 2.
Monday, 29 October 2018
Biology 11
Today we started the microbiology unit with a brief look at viruses. We looked at characteristics of viruses and compared the lytic and lysogenic cyles. The question sheet: Viruses: Structure and Nature. Was given out. Questions #1-11 and #14 and #15 due tomorrow.
Bonus marks if you dress as your favorite virus for Halloween.
Bonus marks if you dress as your favorite virus for Halloween.
Wednesday, 24 October 2018
Biology 11
This afternoon we discussed Energy Flow in Ecosystems. We looked at For Chains, Food Webs, Biomass, and Bioaccumulation. You can find the powerpoint slides here.
** Remember - the final Ecology test is this Friday October, 26 **
** Remember - the final Ecology test is this Friday October, 26 **
Monday, 22 October 2018
Science 8
Today we had a small test on Matter and Density. If you were away you must arrange to write the test this week in Homework Club.
We then began to discuss and explore atoms. We watched the following videos...
how small is an atom?
the history of the atom
the creation of the periodic table of elements
We then began to discuss and explore atoms. We watched the following videos...
how small is an atom?
the history of the atom
the creation of the periodic table of elements
Tuesday, 16 October 2018
Biology 11
Today we discussed Limiting Factors in ecosystems. You can find the powerpoint here.
Tomorrow - Wednesday October 17 - you will have a Quest on all topics covered in our Ecology unit so far.
Tomorrow - Wednesday October 17 - you will have a Quest on all topics covered in our Ecology unit so far.
Friday, 12 October 2018
Biology 11
Today we examined 2 ways that ecologist estimate the size of populations.
We completed a lab where we practiced using the Quadrat method.
After the break we discussed the Mark-Recapture method and completed our own trials using beans.
Both labs have a written component that is due on Monday October 15.
The powerpoint on the Mark-Recapture method is here.
We completed a lab where we practiced using the Quadrat method.
After the break we discussed the Mark-Recapture method and completed our own trials using beans.
Both labs have a written component that is due on Monday October 15.
The powerpoint on the Mark-Recapture method is here.
Science 8
Work you are responsible for this week:
Check Your Understanding pg 259 questions #2 - 6, 8, 10
Hand-in the lab report for Lab 7-4, Changing States of Water
We each built and tested a water distiller - next week you will complete your reflective report on the success of your distiller.
Check Your Understanding pg 259 questions #2 - 6, 8, 10
Hand-in the lab report for Lab 7-4, Changing States of Water
We each built and tested a water distiller - next week you will complete your reflective report on the success of your distiller.
Biology 11
We have gotten a good start on the Ecology Unit.
We watched Being Caribou as it looks at the many biotic and abiotic influences on Caribou in Yukon & Alaska.
We have also made our way through the first set of notes on populations and communities.
Click here for the powerpoint.
So far in your textbook we have read pages 506-513 and completed the following questions:
page 508 # 5, 7, 8, 9
page 515 #10, 12, 14, 16
We watched Being Caribou as it looks at the many biotic and abiotic influences on Caribou in Yukon & Alaska.
We have also made our way through the first set of notes on populations and communities.
Click here for the powerpoint.
So far in your textbook we have read pages 506-513 and completed the following questions:
page 508 # 5, 7, 8, 9
page 515 #10, 12, 14, 16
Thursday, 4 October 2018
Science 8 (3/4)
Today I had 1 to 1 discussions with each student where we discussed areas of strength and improvement in their last 2 lab reports.
We then discussed the necessary elements of a complete lab report.
We worked collaboratively as a class to complete our current lab report for Lab 7-4 on page 256 in the textbook.
Students must complete the Analysis (line graph) and Conclusion (ABCDE paragraph) on their own. This report is due on Tuesday October 9.
We then discussed the necessary elements of a complete lab report.
We worked collaboratively as a class to complete our current lab report for Lab 7-4 on page 256 in the textbook.
Students must complete the Analysis (line graph) and Conclusion (ABCDE paragraph) on their own. This report is due on Tuesday October 9.
Tuesday, 2 October 2018
Science 8
Today we completed the practical portion of Lab 7-4 on page 256 in your textbook. Next class we will complete the written lab report.
Wednesday, 26 September 2018
Science 8 (Blocks 4/3)
We worked hard today on the foundational skills of a proper lab report.
Students wrote conclusions using the ABCDE scientific paragraph outline, and then workshopped and edited with a partner. They then used the data collected in last class during Lab 7-1 to write a complete lab report - including the finished copy of their ABCDE paragraph.
Students wrote conclusions using the ABCDE scientific paragraph outline, and then workshopped and edited with a partner. They then used the data collected in last class during Lab 7-1 to write a complete lab report - including the finished copy of their ABCDE paragraph.
Tuesday, 25 September 2018
Monday, 24 September 2018
Science 8
Hello Science 8,
Your new teacher is Ms. England and she will be filling in for Ms. Wood for the month of October.
Today we discussed the States of Matter and the Kinetic Molecular Theory.
Your independent work is to read pages 246 - 249 in your textbook and complete the Reading Check questions #1-5 on page 249.
Your new teacher is Ms. England and she will be filling in for Ms. Wood for the month of October.
Today we discussed the States of Matter and the Kinetic Molecular Theory.
Your independent work is to read pages 246 - 249 in your textbook and complete the Reading Check questions #1-5 on page 249.
Thursday, 20 September 2018
Wednesday, 19 September 2018
Science 8
Today we did some quick questions on scientific method. Make sure you can identify the dependent and independent variables as well as the control if you are given an example of an experiment.
Next we finished off our power point notes on science and the scientific method. Go back to September 11 to get a link to these notes if you are missing them.
Next we did a lab looking at different factors that affect the speed of a reaction. What can make the iodine clock reaction speed up or slow down? Make sure this lab is complete along with the ABCDE paragraph conclusion. Here is a reminder of what your conclusion should look like.
Next we finished off our power point notes on science and the scientific method. Go back to September 11 to get a link to these notes if you are missing them.
Next we did a lab looking at different factors that affect the speed of a reaction. What can make the iodine clock reaction speed up or slow down? Make sure this lab is complete along with the ABCDE paragraph conclusion. Here is a reminder of what your conclusion should look like.
Tuesday, 18 September 2018
Science 8
Today we made a graph on excel to show the change in mass and length of our gummy bears in different solutions. We are almost done the never ending lab! Only the conclusion is left.
Monday, 17 September 2018
Science 8
Today we began graphing our Gummy Bear Lab data using Excel. We entered our data and learned how to make formulas. Tomorrow we will graph it!
We also took a few more notes from the power point on Scientific Method
We also took a few more notes from the power point on Scientific Method
Friday, 14 September 2018
Science 8
Today we completed the gummy bear lab. Make sure you record the mass and length of the gummy bears after they have been removed from the solutions. Next we spent some time working on the lab report on the lab tops. No homeworkwork for the weekend!
Wednesday, 12 September 2018
Science 8
Today we begun work on the Gummy Bear Lab. We have our gummy bears being subjected to a variety of solutions and we recorded the initial data of mass and length.
Second block we wrote out a good copy of the lab on the lab tops.
Textbook tours were turned in as well.
Second block we wrote out a good copy of the lab on the lab tops.
Textbook tours were turned in as well.
Tuesday, 11 September 2018
Science 8
Today we wrote our safety quiz. Next we added to our power point notes on Scientific Method. Here is a link to the power point if you want to review.
Next we split into lab groups and begin work on the Gummy Bear lab. What type of liquid will increase a Gummy Bear's size?
Reminder that the textbook tour is due on Thursday for block 3/4 and on Wednesday for block 7/8
Next we split into lab groups and begin work on the Gummy Bear lab. What type of liquid will increase a Gummy Bear's size?
Reminder that the textbook tour is due on Thursday for block 3/4 and on Wednesday for block 7/8
Monday, 10 September 2018
Science 8
Happy Monday!
Reminder of the Safety Quiz tomorrow. Here is a good website to practice the WHMIS symbols.
Reminder of the Safety Quiz tomorrow. Here is a good website to practice the WHMIS symbols.
Friday, 7 September 2018
Science 8
Today we filled out a Student Survey for Ms. Wood to get to know you and your learning style better. Next we did some more work on safety by watching a short video showing the WHMIS symbols and then we did a cutting and pasting activity to help remember the symbols.
Next we started a tour around the text book. This assignment will be due on Wednesday. Make sure you bring it back to class next day.
Finally I did a little demo using hydrogen peroxide.. and we had a class science challenge.
Next we started a tour around the text book. This assignment will be due on Wednesday. Make sure you bring it back to class next day.
Finally I did a little demo using hydrogen peroxide.. and we had a class science challenge.
Thursday, 6 September 2018
Science 8
Today we picked up Textbooks from the library. Make sure your names go in them and you keep them in a safe place! Next we worked on some safety rules as a team. Safety quiz coming up on Tuesday Sept. 11. Keep these safety T/F in a safe place.
Wednesday, 5 September 2018
Science 8
Welcome to Science 8! Course Outlines are found here. Today we looked at course procedures and routines and learned about the safety equipment and procedures in the science room. You will be responsible for knowing all the safety rules and will be tested on it next week. Here is a good video to help remember rules in the science lab:
Monday, 18 June 2018
Science 8
Answers to Sc. 8 Practice Final Exam!!!
a)T 2)F 3)F 4)F 5)F 6)C 7)A 8)B 9)B 10)D 11)D 12)D 13)C 14)A 15)A 16)D 17)D 18)B 19)D 20)B 21)A 22)A 23)B 24)A 25)A 26)A 27)D 28)C 29)A 30)C 31)D 32)A 33)A 34)A OMIT #35-37 (not required for exam) 38)C 39)C 40)D 41)A 42)D 43)A 44)D 45)D 46)D #46 shows up again in the term matching!! 46) (building block for many strucutres in the cell)=C 47)D 48)A 49)B 50)E OMIT #51-56 (not on the exam) 57)B 58)C 59)D 60)A 61)B 62)E 63)D 64)C 65)A 66)F 67)H 68)G 69)C 70)A 71)E 72)D 73)F 74)B
a)T 2)F 3)F 4)F 5)F 6)C 7)A 8)B 9)B 10)D 11)D 12)D 13)C 14)A 15)A 16)D 17)D 18)B 19)D 20)B 21)A 22)A 23)B 24)A 25)A 26)A 27)D 28)C 29)A 30)C 31)D 32)A 33)A 34)A OMIT #35-37 (not required for exam) 38)C 39)C 40)D 41)A 42)D 43)A 44)D 45)D 46)D #46 shows up again in the term matching!! 46) (building block for many strucutres in the cell)=C 47)D 48)A 49)B 50)E OMIT #51-56 (not on the exam) 57)B 58)C 59)D 60)A 61)B 62)E 63)D 64)C 65)A 66)F 67)H 68)G 69)C 70)A 71)E 72)D 73)F 74)B
Biology 11--EXAM IS ON TUESDAY, JUNE 19th at 8:45
Good Ol' Exam Review....Make sure you have a cheat sheet
Answers to Practice Final Exam:
1)D 2)B 3)D 4)C 5)B 6)B 7)D 8)B 9)B 10)B 11)A 12)C 13)A 14)C 15)A 16)B 17)D 18)B
19)D 20)A 21)A 22)C 23)B 24)C 25)C 26)B 27)D 28)A 29)C 30)B 31)A 32)D 33)D 34)D 35)A 36)B 37)C 38)D 39)A 40)B 41)C 42)C 43)B 44)B 45)S 46)D 47)D 48)C 49)C 49)D 50)C 51)A 52)D 53)A 54)B 55)B 56)A 57)D 58)D 59) OMIT 60)A 61)C 62)C 63)A 64)C 65)A 66)A 67)C 68)D 69)B 70)D 71)A 72)B 73)D 74)D 75)D 76)A 77)B 78)D 79)C 80)A 81)E 82)D 83)A 84)C 85)B 86)A 87)C 88)B 89)A 90)C 91)A 92)D 93)B 94)B 95)B 96)D 97)A 98)C 99)C 100)A
Answers to Practice Final Exam:
1)D 2)B 3)D 4)C 5)B 6)B 7)D 8)B 9)B 10)B 11)A 12)C 13)A 14)C 15)A 16)B 17)D 18)B
19)D 20)A 21)A 22)C 23)B 24)C 25)C 26)B 27)D 28)A 29)C 30)B 31)A 32)D 33)D 34)D 35)A 36)B 37)C 38)D 39)A 40)B 41)C 42)C 43)B 44)B 45)S 46)D 47)D 48)C 49)C 49)D 50)C 51)A 52)D 53)A 54)B 55)B 56)A 57)D 58)D 59) OMIT 60)A 61)C 62)C 63)A 64)C 65)A 66)A 67)C 68)D 69)B 70)D 71)A 72)B 73)D 74)D 75)D 76)A 77)B 78)D 79)C 80)A 81)E 82)D 83)A 84)C 85)B 86)A 87)C 88)B 89)A 90)C 91)A 92)D 93)B 94)B 95)B 96)D 97)A 98)C 99)C 100)A
Saturday, 16 June 2018
Answers to selected final exam review:
Ecology #3)- direct animal count, quadrant sampling (sample plots), mark/recapture
#4) -.833 rats/ha/yr. #9) 9.88%
Adaptation and evolution #2) Genetic differences (variation) can arise due to mutations or from sexual reproduction. If there is non-random mating —mates with certain traits are chosen, then these traits become more prevalent in the population.
#3) Two possible outcomes if organisms are unable to adapt to their environment: extinction or emigration to a new area.
#5) Types of natural selection: stabilizing, directional, disruptive— check notes or the textbook for sketches and description
Taxonomy: #1)kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species
#2)Felis= genus. domesticus=species.... this is a house cat
#6) kingdoms contain the greatest number of individuals. The focus gets narrower with each level.
#2) body’s first line of defence= Physical and chemical barriers like skin and mucus membranes, oil, sweat and gastric fluid in the stomach
#3) eukaryotic cells have membrane bound organelles and a nucleus. Prokaryote have no nucleus—naked genetic material!
#7) obligate anaerobes must live without oxygen, obligate aerobe must live with oxygen, facultative anaerobes lives with or without oxygen
#12) beneficial bacteria= E. coil in your large intestine and lactobacilli-used to make cheese
Harmful= streptococci (causes strep throat), Bacillus anthracis (causes anthrax)
#14) all plant like protists photosynthesize. An example of a plant like protist is euglena.
#19) contractile vacuoles expel water from paramecium.
Plant Biology:
#1) 5 major plant division: aquatic plants (algae), bryophytes (mosses), pterophytes (ferns), Angiosperms (flowering plants), gymnosperms (naked seed plants)
#3) Alternation of generations refers to sporophyte and gametophyte generation "switching" back and forth during a plant's life cycle.
#4) NOTE that #5 is just the continuation of #4....... As plants become more advanced the amount of time spent in the sporophyte generation increases.
#9) Mosses are restricted to moist environments because they require water in order for fertilization to take place.
#13) Archegonia is where egg is stored and antheridia is where sperm is stored in mosses and ferns. mosses have them on two different structures and ferns have them both on the same gametophyte.
#15) Plants that live on land had to overcome the problem of lack of immediate water surrounding them for support and to transport nutrients. Roots, stems and leaves as well as spores or seeds have allowed them to live on land. Roots to carry water and nutrients to the entire plant, stems for support and leaves with a waxy cuticle covering it to keep the plant from drying out.
#22) Angiosperms and gymnosperms have seeds.
#24) Angiosperms perform double fertilization in their life. This produces seeds enclosed in an ovary which becomes the fruit.
#1) Fungi are Eukaryotic, non-photosynthetic, NON motile organisms. They are heterotrophic unlike plants.
#2) Examples of Fungi: yeast, bread mold, morels, atheletes foot
#7) The diploid stage (mushroom body) produces spores by meiosis. They will grow into hyphae and fuse to form a dikaryotic stage (hyphae fuse but the two nuclei don't fuse).
Animal Kingdom:
#2) Life functions performed by animals: All animals are heterotrophic. They must obtain and ingest organic food, digest food, circulate its nutrients for growth and energy supply. Animals must coordinate their activities,
#3) Types of symmetry in animals: asymmetry (no symmetry) as in sponges, bilateral symmetry such as all worms, and chordates, or radial symmetry like jellyfish and starfish
Ecology #3)- direct animal count, quadrant sampling (sample plots), mark/recapture
#4) -.833 rats/ha/yr. #9) 9.88%
Adaptation and evolution #2) Genetic differences (variation) can arise due to mutations or from sexual reproduction. If there is non-random mating —mates with certain traits are chosen, then these traits become more prevalent in the population.
#3) Two possible outcomes if organisms are unable to adapt to their environment: extinction or emigration to a new area.
#5) Types of natural selection: stabilizing, directional, disruptive— check notes or the textbook for sketches and description
Taxonomy: #1)kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species
#2)Felis= genus. domesticus=species.... this is a house cat
#6) kingdoms contain the greatest number of individuals. The focus gets narrower with each level.
#2) body’s first line of defence= Physical and chemical barriers like skin and mucus membranes, oil, sweat and gastric fluid in the stomach
#3) eukaryotic cells have membrane bound organelles and a nucleus. Prokaryote have no nucleus—naked genetic material!
#7) obligate anaerobes must live without oxygen, obligate aerobe must live with oxygen, facultative anaerobes lives with or without oxygen
#12) beneficial bacteria= E. coil in your large intestine and lactobacilli-used to make cheese
Harmful= streptococci (causes strep throat), Bacillus anthracis (causes anthrax)
#14) all plant like protists photosynthesize. An example of a plant like protist is euglena.
#19) contractile vacuoles expel water from paramecium.
Plant Biology:
#1) 5 major plant division: aquatic plants (algae), bryophytes (mosses), pterophytes (ferns), Angiosperms (flowering plants), gymnosperms (naked seed plants)
#3) Alternation of generations refers to sporophyte and gametophyte generation "switching" back and forth during a plant's life cycle.
#4) NOTE that #5 is just the continuation of #4....... As plants become more advanced the amount of time spent in the sporophyte generation increases.
#9) Mosses are restricted to moist environments because they require water in order for fertilization to take place.
#13) Archegonia is where egg is stored and antheridia is where sperm is stored in mosses and ferns. mosses have them on two different structures and ferns have them both on the same gametophyte.
#15) Plants that live on land had to overcome the problem of lack of immediate water surrounding them for support and to transport nutrients. Roots, stems and leaves as well as spores or seeds have allowed them to live on land. Roots to carry water and nutrients to the entire plant, stems for support and leaves with a waxy cuticle covering it to keep the plant from drying out.
#22) Angiosperms and gymnosperms have seeds.
#24) Angiosperms perform double fertilization in their life. This produces seeds enclosed in an ovary which becomes the fruit.
#1) Fungi are Eukaryotic, non-photosynthetic, NON motile organisms. They are heterotrophic unlike plants.
#2) Examples of Fungi: yeast, bread mold, morels, atheletes foot
#7) The diploid stage (mushroom body) produces spores by meiosis. They will grow into hyphae and fuse to form a dikaryotic stage (hyphae fuse but the two nuclei don't fuse).
Animal Kingdom:
#2) Life functions performed by animals: All animals are heterotrophic. They must obtain and ingest organic food, digest food, circulate its nutrients for growth and energy supply. Animals must coordinate their activities,
#3) Types of symmetry in animals: asymmetry (no symmetry) as in sponges, bilateral symmetry such as all worms, and chordates, or radial symmetry like jellyfish and starfish
Thursday, 14 June 2018
Science 9
Today we finished the last topic of the Reproduction unit: Human Karyotypes
Complete the following textbook questions to review for the Quick Question Quiz tomorrow:
Page 104-105 #1-4, #11 (skip b and h), #16, 17 and 18
Page 142 #1-7, #10-13, #17, #24
Answers pg. 104. 1)C 2)D 3)C 4)C #11a) hermaphrodites c) sperm, egg d) gametes
e) diploid f) diploid or karyotype g) diploid
#16) Sister chromatids only separate during meiosis II. Sister chromatids also separate during mitosis
#17) a) 32 b) 16 c) 16 d) C, D and E
#18) Mitosis produces two identical diploid cells. Meiosis results in 4 haploid cells
Answers to pg. 142 1)B 2)D 3)B 4)D 5)C 6)C 7)C
10a) Sex chromosomes X and Y determine gender b)Males are XY females are XX
c)X and Y chromosomes are different sizes and shapes and therefore do not carry the same information
11) the urethra carries urine and sperm
12a) prostate b) testis c)penis d)urethra
13) Preganancy stops the menstrual cycle. the corpus luteum produces progesterone, which stops the ripening of more eggs and prepares the endometrium for the fertilized egg.
17) a) cervix b)uterus c)endometrium
24a) female b) there are two X chromosomes, therefore the karyotype belongs to a female.
Complete the following textbook questions to review for the Quick Question Quiz tomorrow:
Page 104-105 #1-4, #11 (skip b and h), #16, 17 and 18
Page 142 #1-7, #10-13, #17, #24
Answers pg. 104. 1)C 2)D 3)C 4)C #11a) hermaphrodites c) sperm, egg d) gametes
e) diploid f) diploid or karyotype g) diploid
#16) Sister chromatids only separate during meiosis II. Sister chromatids also separate during mitosis
#17) a) 32 b) 16 c) 16 d) C, D and E
#18) Mitosis produces two identical diploid cells. Meiosis results in 4 haploid cells
Answers to pg. 142 1)B 2)D 3)B 4)D 5)C 6)C 7)C
10a) Sex chromosomes X and Y determine gender b)Males are XY females are XX
c)X and Y chromosomes are different sizes and shapes and therefore do not carry the same information
11) the urethra carries urine and sperm
12a) prostate b) testis c)penis d)urethra
13) Preganancy stops the menstrual cycle. the corpus luteum produces progesterone, which stops the ripening of more eggs and prepares the endometrium for the fertilized egg.
17) a) cervix b)uterus c)endometrium
24a) female b) there are two X chromosomes, therefore the karyotype belongs to a female.
Science 8
Today we looked at everyone's Earth Science Projects. Great work! I learned lots about Earthquakes and volcanoes.
Biology 11
Today we worked on our Animal Unit "cheat sheet". Tomorrow is the Quest on Animals.....bring your cheat sheeeeeeet!
Wednesday, 13 June 2018
Science 9
Today we watched the birth video!! Here are the links to the 2 videos in case you need to see it again:)
Friday's Quick Question Quiz: Sexual and Asexual reproduction, meiosis, male and female reproductive systems, fertilization
Friday's Quick Question Quiz: Sexual and Asexual reproduction, meiosis, male and female reproductive systems, fertilization
Biology 11
Today we marked the Mollusks and Arthropods colouring. Make sure your Echinoderms is in.
Next we tried cuttin' and organizin' all the Animal Phyla with their characteristics. Complete this to help you make your cheat sheet for the Animal Quest on Friday.
Scavenger hunt tomorrow.....wear appropriate clothing:)
Next we tried cuttin' and organizin' all the Animal Phyla with their characteristics. Complete this to help you make your cheat sheet for the Animal Quest on Friday.
Scavenger hunt tomorrow.....wear appropriate clothing:)
Tuesday, 12 June 2018
Biology 11
Today we looked at our last animal Phlyum: Chordata. Chordata and the Vertebrates Questions are due as well as Echinodermata colouring.
Science 9
Today we did our core competency self evaluation. Next we came back to class and watch Hank talk about reproduction on Crash Course....
Male and Female Reproduction System handouts are due tomorrow.
Male and Female Reproduction System handouts are due tomorrow.
Science 8
Today we did our core competency self-evaluation...Next we went back to class and wrote the Earth Science Test. Remember that the Earth Science Projects are due Thursday.
Monday, 11 June 2018
Biology 11
Almost done with the animal phyla!! Today we looked at Echinoderms. These are starfish, sand dollars and the weirdest creature ever....the sea cucumber!
Make sure you turn in Arthropods and Mollusk Colouring by tomorrow.
Make sure you turn in Arthropods and Mollusk Colouring by tomorrow.
Science 8
Today we went over our Earth Science review. Next we worked on our Earth Science projects and got the exam review.
Science 9
Today did some practice DNA questions. Make sure you know the sequence that gets followed for DNA----proteins. Next we looked at meiosis which is how you DNA is divided in half to make egg or sperm cells. Meiosis stages and DNA questions due tomorrow.
Friday, 8 June 2018
Science 8
Today we worked on our Volcanoes/Earthquakes project. We have some serious work going on here!
Remember that you Earth Science Review is due Monday and the test is Tuesday.
Remember that you Earth Science Review is due Monday and the test is Tuesday.
Science 9
Sexual and Asexual worksheet is due Monday.
Biology 11
Today we took a quick question quiz on Ecology. Next we took notes on our next Animal Phyla............"Arthropods". We worked on the Mollusk colouring sheet and Arthropod colouring sheet. Mollusks is due Monday. Arthopods-you will have more time to work on.
Thursday, 7 June 2018
Biology 11
Today we had an improvised field lab.......nice work despite the heat, bugs and lack of Begbie Falls:(
Make sure your lab gets turned in. We will have an Ecology quiz tomorrow on determining density, rate of change of density and population growth.
Make sure your lab gets turned in. We will have an Ecology quiz tomorrow on determining density, rate of change of density and population growth.
Science 9
Today we practiced using a microscope and did two labs: The Microscope Lab and Viewing Mitosis under the Microscope Lab. Both should be turned in.
Next we took some power point notes on mutations and cancer.
Make sure page 56 #1-7 is completed.
You should have worked on your mitosis model (you can finish tomorrow if not done).
Page 70 #1-9 (omit #3)
Next we took some power point notes on mutations and cancer.
Make sure page 56 #1-7 is completed.
You should have worked on your mitosis model (you can finish tomorrow if not done).
Page 70 #1-9 (omit #3)
Wednesday, 6 June 2018
Science 9
Today we continued with cell growth and reproduction by learning about Mitosis....the process that body cells use to replicate. Is it a coincidence that Anna taught us about ANAPHASE?? We did a mitosis cuttin' and pastin' assignment, due at the end of class. Page 57 #1-7 is due next class if you didn't already turn in.
Biology 11
Today we prepared for our Field Quadrat sampling lab by looking at densities of different "plant" species scattered around the classroom. Make sure you bring your randomly assigned grids as well as a calculator, some sunscreen and decent shoes to walk around in on Thursday.
Ecology quiz coming up on Friday. Formulas for Population Growth, Density and Rate of Change of density will be given.
Ecology quiz coming up on Friday. Formulas for Population Growth, Density and Rate of Change of density will be given.
Tuesday, 5 June 2018
Science 8
Today we got to work on the Earth Science Review since we are done our last unit!!!
Next we started a project on Earth Science.......I'm excited to see all your creative ideas.
Test on Earth Science is Tuesday next week. Project is due for class viewing on Thursday.
Next we started a project on Earth Science.......I'm excited to see all your creative ideas.
Test on Earth Science is Tuesday next week. Project is due for class viewing on Thursday.
Monday, 4 June 2018
Science 9
Today we spent the majority of class time writing the Ecology Test.
Homework: Read page 53-55 do questions #1-7 on page 56
Homework: Read page 53-55 do questions #1-7 on page 56
Biology 11
Today we left the Animal kingdom and jumped over to the Ecology Unit.....we will be doing Ecology all this week with a quiz on Friday. Next we did a little mathy math with the populations worksheet. The first 2 pages of this worksheet were due at the end of class.
Friday, 1 June 2018
Biology 11
Today we did a partner quiz on Flatworms/Roundworms. Next we started the next Phylum: Mollusks....squid, oysters, octopus, oh my!
Mollusks colouring sheet due TUESDAY.
Mollusks colouring sheet due TUESDAY.
Science 9
Today we did some review for the Ecology test coming up on Monday. We watched a few short videos from the "Amoeba Sisters" check out their Ecology videos as well as food webs and chains and Biomagnification.
Finally we worked on the visual dictionary. Also due Monday!
Finally we worked on the visual dictionary. Also due Monday!
Thursday, 31 May 2018
Science 9
Today we painted storm drains with little yellow fish to remind people that everything they put down the drains goes straight into the river with no treatment.
Check the top of the blog for your marks and answer keys to Ecology Unit work. Remember that the Ecology test is on Monday.
Check the top of the blog for your marks and answer keys to Ecology Unit work. Remember that the Ecology test is on Monday.
Biology 11
Today we wormed it up! First we reviewed invertebrates up to we watched a segmented worm movie and then dissected an earthworm. Nice work on the micro surgery!
Tomorrow we have a partner quiz on Flatworms/Roundworms....Do the worm review to practice.
Tomorrow we have a partner quiz on Flatworms/Roundworms....Do the worm review to practice.
Wednesday, 30 May 2018
Science 8
Today we took notes on plate tectonics. Power point is found HERE and note sheet is found HERE.
We watched this good video summarizing plate tectonics.
Next we did some practice questions found HERE.
Second block we made some models of the three types of plate boundaries with ice cream!!! and made a model of the earth with all the layers shown and labelled.
Next we did some practice questions found HERE.
Second block we made some models of the three types of plate boundaries with ice cream!!! and made a model of the earth with all the layers shown and labelled.
Monday, 28 May 2018
Biology 11
Today we had some time to work on our Flatworm/Roundworm Reading Guide. This is due tomorrow.
Next we looked at the next Phylum: Segmented Worms (Annelida)
Next we looked at the next Phylum: Segmented Worms (Annelida)
Science 9
Today we started the cell unit by looking at the structure of DNA. Those folks who missed the power point find it HERE.
Next we had some time to work on our Ecology Assignments: 1) Interactions and Energy Flow in Ecosystems 2) The Nitrogen Cycle 3) pg. 335 #1-6 and 8 4) Earth's Sustainability Assignment
These are due on TUESDAY!! Visual Dictionary is due on Monday, June 4th
Next we had some time to work on our Ecology Assignments: 1) Interactions and Energy Flow in Ecosystems 2) The Nitrogen Cycle 3) pg. 335 #1-6 and 8 4) Earth's Sustainability Assignment
These are due on TUESDAY!! Visual Dictionary is due on Monday, June 4th
Science 8
Today we did more practice for the Optics test tomorrow. A good review in your book is on page 232 - 233.....This is EVERYTHING you need to know.
We also started the Earth Science section....prepare to build a model of the earth's layers!
We also started the Earth Science section....prepare to build a model of the earth's layers!
Friday, 25 May 2018
Biology 11
Today we did a Porifera/Cnidaria partner practice quiz. I'll add it to your quiz mark if you did really well. Next we tried to revive our flatworms as they were looking a bit sickly.....gave them some fresh water. We worked on Unsegmented worms reading guide (not due until next week).
Due on Monday: Intro to Animals, Porifera and Cnidaria Review
Make sure that your 12 plant pictures from yesterdays field trip get sent to me before June 6th.
Due on Monday: Intro to Animals, Porifera and Cnidaria Review
Make sure that your 12 plant pictures from yesterdays field trip get sent to me before June 6th.
Thursday, 24 May 2018
Science 8
Today we reviewed for the Optics Test coming up next week. First we reviewed the reading check on page 223 #1-6.
Next we worked on the Unit Review on page 236 #1-14. If you get this done by Friday and turned in, I will mark it so that you have it to study with on Monday.
Finally, we built our own Optical Devices using the design on page 227. Evaluate questions #1-3 will be due per team.
Next we worked on the Unit Review on page 236 #1-14. If you get this done by Friday and turned in, I will mark it so that you have it to study with on Monday.
Finally, we built our own Optical Devices using the design on page 227. Evaluate questions #1-3 will be due per team.
Tuesday, 22 May 2018
Science 8
Today we watched some short videos on eye disorders and how to correct them as well as optical instruments.
Next we read page 217-223 and did the reading check #1-6 on page 223.
Our Optics Test is next Tuesday. Review Questions for Test: page 236-237 #1-14
Next we read page 217-223 and did the reading check #1-6 on page 223.
Our Optics Test is next Tuesday. Review Questions for Test: page 236-237 #1-14
Science 9
Today we worked on finishing up questions assigned in the Ecology Unit.
You should have ALREADY completed.....but you have until Friday to do:
1) Interactions and Energy Flow in Ecosystems
2) The Nitrogen Cycle Worksheet
3) Pg. 334 #1-6 and 8 (These were out of the photocopied booklet)
4) Earth's Sustainability Assignment worksheet
5) Visual Dictionary
Field trip with Wildsight tomorrow
You should have ALREADY completed.....but you have until Friday to do:
1) Interactions and Energy Flow in Ecosystems
2) The Nitrogen Cycle Worksheet
3) Pg. 334 #1-6 and 8 (These were out of the photocopied booklet)
4) Earth's Sustainability Assignment worksheet
5) Visual Dictionary
Field trip with Wildsight tomorrow
Biology 11
Today we talked about the field trip tomorrow. It will be HOT!! Bring lots of water to drink, wear good shoes and cool clothing.
We did some Cnidaria review today and watched some exciting footage of anemone fights. The Porifera/Cnidaria review is due Friday as well as the Flatworm colouring sheet
We did some Cnidaria review today and watched some exciting footage of anemone fights. The Porifera/Cnidaria review is due Friday as well as the Flatworm colouring sheet
Tuesday, 15 May 2018
Science 8
Today we were missing lots of folks due to track, so we went over some old work to make sure we had the correct answers. You should have corrected page 181#1-4 and page 189 #1, 3 and 5.
Next we practiced measuring reflected angles with a protractor. No homework!
Next we practiced measuring reflected angles with a protractor. No homework!
Monday, 14 May 2018
Biology 11
Today we looked at a new Phylum of the animal Kingdom: Cnidaria. We looked at power point notes and did the Cnidaria Colouring Sheet. Make sure you have the questions answered for tomorrow. We will go over the labelling.
Science 8
Today we reviewed our lenses converge light in different ways. Next we watched this cool video on human vision:
and then we previewed the eyeball dissection we will be doing on Thursday! Class work and homework: Read page 202-205 Do Reading check on page 205.
Science 9
Today we collected pond water to experiment with fertilizer treatment. MAKE SURE YOUR FIELD TRIP FORMS ARE IN BY TOMORROW at the latest for Wednesday's field trip.
Nitrogen Cycle questions are due on Wednesday.
Nitrogen Cycle questions are due on Wednesday.
Sunday, 13 May 2018
Science 9
Today we continued with nutrient cycles by getting some notes on the phosphorus cycle and reading about the carbon and nitrogen cycle. Assignment was to Reading handout on nitrogen and phosphorus cycle and do pg. 335 #1-6 and 8
Friday, 11 May 2018
Biology 11
Today we went outside to find 5 trees. We will be helping the grade 5s ID these next week.
Next we continued with our Sponge Spectacular!! We got some notes on sponges and did a sponge colouring sheet.
Next we continued with our Sponge Spectacular!! We got some notes on sponges and did a sponge colouring sheet.
Thursday, 10 May 2018
Biology 11
Today we did our Plant Kingdom Test
Next we took some notes on the Characteristics of Animals and watched some videos on early invertebrates and sponges.
Complete for tomorrow: Reading Guide: Early invertebrates. Found HERE if you were away.
Next we took some notes on the Characteristics of Animals and watched some videos on early invertebrates and sponges.
Complete for tomorrow: Reading Guide: Early invertebrates. Found HERE if you were away.
Science 9
Today we started with the Sustainability Poster viewing session. Great work on those posters. I learned a lot that camels are an invasive species in Australia and that we waste a wooping 25% of the food we buy!
Next we worked on the Interactions and Energy Flow in Ecosystems worksheet. THIS IS DUE TOMORROW.
Next we watched some Hank videos on nutrient (carbon, phosphorus and nitrogen) and water cycles.
If you need the notes on population ecology those are found HERE.
Next we worked on the Interactions and Energy Flow in Ecosystems worksheet. THIS IS DUE TOMORROW.
Next we watched some Hank videos on nutrient (carbon, phosphorus and nitrogen) and water cycles.
If you need the notes on population ecology those are found HERE.
Tuesday, 8 May 2018
Science 9
Sustainability Posters are due.
Today we made a movie about an ecosystem nearby. Look out for snakes!
Next we watched a movie about the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Energy Flow in Ecosystems Worksheet isn't due until FRIDAY, so you will have time to work on it on Thursday.
Today we made a movie about an ecosystem nearby. Look out for snakes!
Next we watched a movie about the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Energy Flow in Ecosystems Worksheet isn't due until FRIDAY, so you will have time to work on it on Thursday.
Science 8
Today we had lots of people away............we took a quick question quiz on optics.
Next we took some notes on reflection of light off mirrors. Next we went outside to see if we could warm up water using a different combination of mirrors.
Next we took some notes on reflection of light off mirrors. Next we went outside to see if we could warm up water using a different combination of mirrors.
Biology 11
Today we reviewed for our Plant Kingdom test coming up on Thursday, May 10th by playing jeopardy.....cograts to Rose between three thorns for their ovary winning game!
Reminder that the Plant Kingdom Review is due on Thursday.
Reminder that the Plant Kingdom Review is due on Thursday.
Monday, 7 May 2018
Science 8
Today we reviewed some questions from the Properties of Visible Light worksheet. Make sure you review these questions before tomorrow's quick question quiz.
Next we looked at how light is reflected by concave and convex mirrors. We did the lab on page 187. Make sure you have your ray diagrams (one per group) as well as the Analyze (#1-3) and Conclude and Apply (#2). Finish these questions off for homework.
Next we looked at how light is reflected by concave and convex mirrors. We did the lab on page 187. Make sure you have your ray diagrams (one per group) as well as the Analyze (#1-3) and Conclude and Apply (#2). Finish these questions off for homework.
Science 9
Today we took some notes on ecology. Make sure you know the terms: organism, community, population, ecosystem, biome, niche, habitat, limiting factors, biotic and abiotic factors.
We did a worksheet looking at pictures of ecosystems and determined what all the biotic and abiotic factors were. Worksheet was due at the end of class. Due tomorrow: Sustainability Poster
Due Thursday: Interactions and Energy Flow in Ecosystems.
We did a worksheet looking at pictures of ecosystems and determined what all the biotic and abiotic factors were. Worksheet was due at the end of class. Due tomorrow: Sustainability Poster
Due Thursday: Interactions and Energy Flow in Ecosystems.
Biology 11
Today we finished off the plant unit with the seed plants lab. Good work on gymnosperms and angiosperms. Lab is due at the end of class.
Reminder that plant test is on Thursday and the unit review is due on or before that day.
Reminder that plant test is on Thursday and the unit review is due on or before that day.
Thursday, 3 May 2018
Science 9
Today we took some notes on food webs, food chains and bioaccumulation and magnification.
Next we went outside and acted out a food web and then played predator/prey. Here's a good video to show how biomagnification works
Second block we worked on our sustainability poster projects- these are due on Tuesday.
Next we went outside and acted out a food web and then played predator/prey. Here's a good video to show how biomagnification works
Second block we worked on our sustainability poster projects- these are due on Tuesday.
Biology 11
Today we corrected our Gymnosperm and Angiosperm reading guide. Next we went on a scavenger hunt to find 4 different species of gymnosperms.
When we got back we started some monocots and dicots germinating.
Homework: Complete the Plant Unit Review
When we got back we started some monocots and dicots germinating.
Homework: Complete the Plant Unit Review
Wednesday, 2 May 2018
Science 8
Today we looked at light reflecting in plane mirrors (flat mirrors). We did Lab 5-5. Inferring the Law of Reflection. Answer Analyze #1-3 and Conclude and Apply #1.
Homework: Pg. 181 #1-4
Homework: Pg. 181 #1-4
Tuesday, 1 May 2018
Biology 11
Today we completed the plant unit by finishing the notes on Angiosperms.
Complete Power Point is found HERE
And to finish off Flower fun we did the colouring sheet for angiosperms and gymnosperms
Complete Power Point is found HERE
And to finish off Flower fun we did the colouring sheet for angiosperms and gymnosperms
Science 8
Today we finished off the prism lab make sure you turn in the worksheet for this lab. (worksheet 4 exploring white light and filters). Next some of us started the lab on page 169. Don't worry if you haven't completed this lab. Due tomorrow: Properties of Visible Light Worksheet
Science 9
Today we continued with the notes from solar energy power point. Next we went to the library to work on our sustainability projects. See blog entry from April 31 for links.
Monday, 30 April 2018
Biology 11
Today we finished ferns. We started the next unit on Gymnosperms with some power point notes and a gymnosperm reading worksheet.
Science 9
Today we took some notes on solar energy.....Power Point found HERE. Note sheet found HERE Make sure you bring the note sheet back every day. Next we went to the library to work on our sustainability projects.
Science 8
Today in class we marked the waves worksheet and then did a lab with prisms and different coloured light filters. Make sure you bring this lab back tomorrow as we aren't quite done.
Thursday, 26 April 2018
Science 8
Today we looked at Electromagnetic Radiaion in the form of waves........
We took notes on 6 different types of EM radiation
Next we did a "sunscreen spot" lab looking at how suncreen affects UV radiation. This lab with questions is due tomorrow with all questions completed. (page 161)
Make sure your properties of waves worksheet has been handed in as well. It will be marked tomorrow.
We took notes on 6 different types of EM radiation
Next we did a "sunscreen spot" lab looking at how suncreen affects UV radiation. This lab with questions is due tomorrow with all questions completed. (page 161)
Make sure your properties of waves worksheet has been handed in as well. It will be marked tomorrow.
Wednesday, 25 April 2018
Science 9
Today we took our Electricity Unit test and turned in the review!
Next we had a computer lab session to calculate our global footprint. How many Earths do you take up?
Next we had a computer lab session to calculate our global footprint. How many Earths do you take up?
Tuesday, 24 April 2018
Biology 11
Today we had the fun cuttin' and pastin' moss cycle quiz. Next we answered some moss questions (worksheet # 1-6) and started the vascular plants ferns. Moss questions due tomorrow.
Monday, 23 April 2018
Science 9
Today we reviewed how to determine current, voltage and resistance in parallel and series circuit. Remember that your Electricity Test is on Wednesday and the review is due on or BEFORE that!!
Biology 11
Today we had a guest speaker talk about the Columbia River. Next we went outside and did some chalk lifecycle drawings. We have a quiz on the moss life cycle tomorrow. Cuttin' and Pastin' the different pictures and labelling the different stages.
Friday, 20 April 2018
Science 8
Today we wrote the Matter Test. Next we checked our solar water distillers and turned in our write up which included an explanation of the theory behind the distillation and a description of our distiller. We also worked on and turned in page 255 Lab: Thermal Expansion of Metal with Analyze #1, 2.
Science 9
Today we went over the rules for calculating total current, resistance and voltage in series and parallel circuits. We tried page 325 #2, 3 and 6 together. You don't need to turn this in!
I gave out the Electricity review (in pieces:). Make sure you have 5 pages. This is due on or before Wednesday, April 25th
I gave out the Electricity review (in pieces:). Make sure you have 5 pages. This is due on or before Wednesday, April 25th
Wednesday, 18 April 2018
Science 9
Today we finished the lab on resistance on page 315. Make sure you tun in the questions and graph by the end of class.
We did some practice problems on Ohm's Law. This should have been turned in as well. Quick Question Quiz on Friday will be questions like these.
Next we looked at some virtual labs using the Ipad. These is due on Friday if you didn't get finished in class.
We did some practice problems on Ohm's Law. This should have been turned in as well. Quick Question Quiz on Friday will be questions like these.
Next we looked at some virtual labs using the Ipad. These is due on Friday if you didn't get finished in class.
Biology 11
Today we had moss mania.......cue the music. We did a lab and then a worksheet on the moss lifecycle. Make sure both of these are turned in.
Next we started the movie: Secret Life of Plants
Next we started the movie: Secret Life of Plants
Tuesday, 17 April 2018
Biology 11
Today we had a quiz on Fungi. Next we took notes on mosses and collected some mosses.
When we returned to class we completed the Mold lab on page 243 with questions #1-5 answered.
When we returned to class we completed the Mold lab on page 243 with questions #1-5 answered.
Science 9
Today we were introduced to the concept of resistance in an electric circuit. We STARTED the "Try This" on page 315. You don't need to complete this for homework. We will have time to work on this tomorrow
Science 8
Today we finished off our atomic models. Make sure you check your criteria sheets so that you have all your info.
We worked on the Matter Unit Review booklet (due Thursday) and page 272 #1-12 (due Thursday).
We worked on the Matter Unit Review booklet (due Thursday) and page 272 #1-12 (due Thursday).
Monday, 16 April 2018
Biology 11
Today we finished off FUNGI----quiz tomorrow. We went over the answers to the Fungi Reading Guide and then started our next unit on non-vascular plants. We played fungi pictionary to review.
No homework but check the work you are missing. Note the final hand in date and time.
No homework but check the work you are missing. Note the final hand in date and time.
Science 8
Today we had some time to catch up on any missing assignments as well as work on our Atom models. These models are due on Wednesday April 18.
I also assigned some review for the Matter test: page 272 #1-12. DO NOT do this for homework. You will have time tomorrow to work on this.
I also assigned some review for the Matter test: page 272 #1-12. DO NOT do this for homework. You will have time tomorrow to work on this.
Science 9
Today we wanted to review some of the previous work we had done so we went back to practice some questions on current: pg. 309 #1-6, 8-13 and 15. We went over those questions together at the end of the class. Make sure you can use the formula: I= Q/T and be able to give the correct units in your answer.
Friday, 13 April 2018
Science 8
Today we took a quick question quiz on Denisty. Next we checked out our solar water distillers to see if they had collected any water. We worked on improving the efficiency of the distillers as well as working on the atomic models.
Scinece 9
Today we took a quick question quiz on Current. We went over the difference between series and parallel circuits and then completed the lab on page 327. Make sure you turn this lab in with the analysis questions
Biology 11
Today we had FUN WITH FUNGI! We did some practice questions and then did a Fungi Reading worksheet. This is due on Monday. Tuesday fungus quiz.
Tuesday, 10 April 2018
Science 9
Today we turned in page 305 #1-6. Next we made sure we understood how to read current with our ammeters and completed the Activity (lab) on page 308. Next we did some current questions (turn these three questions in). Finally we watched the conclusion of the Tesla/Edison showdown.
Science 8
Today we marked page 273 #13, 14 and 15 together and we worked on our solar distillers and atomic models.
Biology 11
Mushroom lab today. Make sure you complete all the questions and turn in the lab next class if not finished today.
Monday, 9 April 2018
Science 8
Today we started work on the solar water distiller as well as the building an atom model project. Both of these require stuff from home. Bring in what you've got!
Now back to Density and some practice questions: page 273 #13, 14 and 15
Now back to Density and some practice questions: page 273 #13, 14 and 15
Science 9
Today we took some notes on current electricity and schematic diagrams. We did a mini lab on current in electric circuits. Homework: page 305 #1-6
Biology 11
Today we started our next unit: Fungi! So this mushroom walks into a bar............................... We took some power point notes and then started off some mold on food lab. Yummy!
Next we had this assigned: Read page 239-245. Do #1-5 on page 245.
Next we had this assigned: Read page 239-245. Do #1-5 on page 245.
Thursday, 5 April 2018
Biology 11
Today we looked at Protists under the microscope! You should be nearly finished your protist lab, but you will have time after the test tomorrow. Microbiology Unit Review is due tomorrow.
Science 9
Today we finished the short unit on static electricity. We took notes on insulators and conductors and then did an electroscope lab. This lab will all the analysis questions is due today. Review questions on page 298 is due tomorrow. Next we started current electricity with some notes and a video showing the "epic battle" between Edison and Tesla.
Wednesday, 4 April 2018
Science 8
Today we started with a Denisty Lab. We looked at the densities of both regular and irregular solids as well as liquids. This lab with a conclusion should be turned in by the end of the class. Next we went to the computer lab to complete the States of Matter and Phase Changes Project. This is due on Friday.
Tuesday, 3 April 2018
Science 8
Today we took notes on elementary particles and the standard model.
Next we started a project on the States of Matter and Phase Changes. This will be due on Friday.
Next we started a project on the States of Matter and Phase Changes. This will be due on Friday.
Science 9
Today we finished the notes on static electricity. We looked at getting a static charge from friction, conduction and induction. Next we had some time to work on our element superheros project.
Element Superhero is due Thursday
Static Practice (you will have time on Thursday to work on this): page 298 #1-10
Element Superhero is due Thursday
Static Practice (you will have time on Thursday to work on this): page 298 #1-10
Monday, 26 March 2018
Science 9
Don't forget that the Element Superhero project is due on Thursday, April 5th.
We will be working on the Electricity Unit when we get back from break.
Don't forget that the Element Superhero project is due on Thursday, April 5th.
We will be working on the Electricity Unit when we get back from break.
Biology 11
Make sure you work on your Microbiology Unit Review as the test is coming up on April 6th. You may turn your review in early if you want it marked before the test.
We will do the "Protist" section when we get back from break.
Make sure you work on your Microbiology Unit Review as the test is coming up on April 6th. You may turn your review in early if you want it marked before the test.
We will do the "Protist" section when we get back from break.
Thursday, 15 March 2018
Science 8
Today we started our next unit on Matter. We took some notes on matter and atoms. Next we did a Lab: 7-1 Modelling the Particle Model. Make sure you answer all "What did you find out" questions on page 247.
Last block we played Pandemic.
Last block we played Pandemic.
Wednesday, 14 March 2018
Science 8
Today we did our Chemistry Unit test. Done Chemistry!! and we took some of our silver home in a mini test tube. Too bad it's only worth $1.
Next we worked on our Element Superheros. Finally we took notes on Static Electricy. Homework: Read page 274-277. Do #1-4 page 278.
Next we worked on our Element Superheros. Finally we took notes on Static Electricy. Homework: Read page 274-277. Do #1-4 page 278.
Tuesday, 13 March 2018
Science 8
Today we wrote the test on the immune system. Next we threw our osmosis eggs off the balcony!
For classwork (and homework if you don't get it done): Read page 246-249. Do Reading Check on page 249.
For classwork (and homework if you don't get it done): Read page 246-249. Do Reading Check on page 249.
Science 9
Today we did a mini lab to practice chemistry. We got some silver out of our reaction!
Next we turned in our review questions and all the text book questions....Yes there were a lot of them!
Answers to some of the Practice Test: Modified True/False 1)F (8 electrons max) 2)F (lost electrons) 3)F (alkali metals) 4)T 5)F (Halogen Family) 6)F ammonium chlorite 7)T
Multiple Choice: 1)D 2)D 3)A 4)D 5)D 6)A 7)C 8)+2 9)D 10)A 11)D
Short Answer: 1a) protons=15 electrons=18 neutrons = 14
b) Phosphorus-29
2) electrons are gained in the outer shell. Non-metal gets a negative charge
3 and 4) Make sure you can draw the Bohr models.
5a) chemical change
b) physical change
Next we turned in our review questions and all the text book questions....Yes there were a lot of them!
Answers to some of the Practice Test: Modified True/False 1)F (8 electrons max) 2)F (lost electrons) 3)F (alkali metals) 4)T 5)F (Halogen Family) 6)F ammonium chlorite 7)T
Multiple Choice: 1)D 2)D 3)A 4)D 5)D 6)A 7)C 8)+2 9)D 10)A 11)D
Short Answer: 1a) protons=15 electrons=18 neutrons = 14
b) Phosphorus-29
2) electrons are gained in the outer shell. Non-metal gets a negative charge
3 and 4) Make sure you can draw the Bohr models.
5a) chemical change
b) physical change
6a) CuCl2
6b) Na2NO3
6c) Fe(NO3)3
7a) Copper (I) iodide 7b) zinc nitrate c) manganese (IV) carbonate d) calcium phosphate
e) sodium fluoride
Biology 11
Today we set up our bacterial plates to test different antibiotics on two different bacterial cultures. Then we worked on our microbiology projects---due Friday AT THE LATEST!! Found HERE
Due Wednesday: The Diversity and Biology of Monerans. (Worksheet from last class).
Due Wednesday: The Diversity and Biology of Monerans. (Worksheet from last class).
Monday, 12 March 2018
Science 9
Today we worked on our review for the Chemistry Unit test coming up on Wednesday. Here is a great online practice for naming and formula writing for ionic compounds. Make sure you click on IONIC compounds.
We also played an exciting game of jeopardy. Found HERE.
Chemistry Unit Review handout and textbook questions due on Tuesday.
Text questions:
We also played an exciting game of jeopardy. Found HERE.
Chemistry Unit Review handout and textbook questions due on Tuesday.
Text questions:
Page 180
#2, 9, 13
Page 200
#2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 15, 20
Page 230
#1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12-19, 21, 22, 28
Page 264
Page 266
#1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 13-16, 18, 19, 22, 23, 27
Draw the
Bohr diagram for NF3
Biology 11
Today we took more notes on bacteria and looked again at our distribution of bacteria lab agar plates.....ewww. You got a bunch of work back and have questions due on Wednesday: "Diversity and Biology of Monerans".
Friday, 9 March 2018
Science 8
We went to an assembly today. Make sure homework from yesterday (page 117 # 4-10) gets turned in on Monday.
Science 9
Today we wrote a Quick Question Quiz. Next we took some notes on Lewis Dot diagrams. We decided the best day for the Chemistry Unit Test was Wednesday, March 14th. Two review assignments are due on Tuesday. (one is a handout and one is from the textbook-see yesterday's blog).
Thursday, 8 March 2018
Science 8
Today we went to the computer lab to work on a concept map of the immune system. This will help with review for the unit test.
Next we played Pandemic and most of us saved the world! Homework: Read page 110-114
Do #4-10 on page 117
Next we played Pandemic and most of us saved the world! Homework: Read page 110-114
Do #4-10 on page 117
Wednesday, 7 March 2018
Science 9
Today we took notes on Bohr Models and ionic and covalent compounds. Next we did a lab on electrical conductivity of elements. Make sure you turn this lab in with a conclusion.
Second block we started a project on an "Element Superhero". This is due on Friday, March 16th.
Review for Test handout along with:
Second block we started a project on an "Element Superhero". This is due on Friday, March 16th.
Review for Test handout along with:
Unit Review Assignment #2 (Due Monday March 12):
Page 180
#2, 9, 13
Page 200
#2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 15, 20
Page 230
#1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12-19, 21, 22, 28
Page 264
Page 266
#1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 13-16, 18, 19, 22, 23, 27
Draw the
Bohr diagram for NF3
Biology 11
Today we did two bacterial culture labs. These baby bacteria are incubating and wating for next class. We completed our microscope lab and turned it in and worked on our virus project.
Homework: Read page 215-219. Answer questions #1-4 pg. 219. Remember that we have a quiz on viruses on Friday.
Homework: Read page 215-219. Answer questions #1-4 pg. 219. Remember that we have a quiz on viruses on Friday.
Monday, 5 March 2018
Biology 11
Today we had some time to work on our Microbiology projects A, B or C. Make sure you have turned in the virus questions (worksheet from last week). Otherwise, no homework.
Science 8
Today we took LOTS of notes on the immune system: Pathogens and Lines of Defense of your immune system. Homework: Read page 104-105. Do Questions #3-12 page 109.
Science 9
Today we continued with ionic compounds by looking at writing formulas for ionic compounds as well as naming compounds. You should have turned in Ionic Compounds 3 worksheet. Naming Ionic Compounds is NOT for homework but Ions and Atoms lab on page 227 is due tomorrow with all Analysis and Evaluation questions.
Friday, 2 March 2018
Biology 11
Today we wrote a quick question quiz on taxonomy. We turned in our Virus questions #1-15. Next we started our micrbiology project by doing some research on bacterial and viral diseases.
Thursday, 1 March 2018
Biology 11
Today we took some notes on viruses and did some virus questions (#1-15)--Due tomorrow
Second block we did a microscope lab. By the end of tomorrow you should be able to: Calculate Actual Size of an organism and The Magnification of your Drawing.
Quiz on Taxonomy tomorrow!!
Second block we did a microscope lab. By the end of tomorrow you should be able to: Calculate Actual Size of an organism and The Magnification of your Drawing.
Quiz on Taxonomy tomorrow!!
Wednesday, 28 February 2018
Science 8
Today we played a game to illustrate the spread of disease....we had to determine who patient 0 was. Nice work Alyssa! Next we took some brief notes on the immune system. Then we went to the computer lab to work on our body systems projects. No Quick Question Quiz on Friday. Instead we will have 1) Ben/Tye 2) Rebecca/Lucianna 3) Dane/Cole and Bryce present body systems projects.
Tuesday, 27 February 2018
Science 9
Today we looked at how elements were organized into a Periodic Table by doing a group lab: "The Path to the Periodic Table" No homework tonight! make sure you completed pg. 192 #1-11
We also watched: The Periodic Table Crash Course in Chemistry
We also watched: The Periodic Table Crash Course in Chemistry
Science 8
Today we wrote the Cell Unit Test. Next we read page: 100-103 and did Reading Check page 106 #1-4. Do this for homework if you aren't done.
Biology 11
Today we started the Microbiology Unit by doing an intro lab on microscopes. We reviewed Taxonomy for the quiz on Friday. Make sure you have turned in: Questions pg. 199, Dichotomous key worksheet Part I and II and Cladogram worksheet.
Monday, 26 February 2018
Science 8
Thanks again to Ms. Bex for coming in. Today we got to work in the IT lab on our body systems projects. I can't wait to see them! Reminder that your test on Cells is tomorrow. Review your 5 criteria for being alive, parts of the cell theory and photosynthesis and respiration.
Science 9
Today we started work on the Elements and the Periodic Table. First we turned in pg. 170 #1-13, next we did a "mini lab" on the elements. When finished this: Read page 184-186 and 188-191. Do Questions on page 192 #1-11.
Biology 11
Thanks to Ms. Bex for coming in today. Today we turned in the shark dichotomous key questions, took notes on taxonomy, completed part II on dichotomous key activity (make your own), cladogram worksheet and questions on page 199.
Thursday, 22 February 2018
Science 9
Today we got new marks and got caught up on missing work. I collected The Nature of a Burning Candle Lab. (pg. 176) with all analysis and evaluation questions.
Next we did the Kinetic Molecular Theory Worksheet and read page 166-170 and did questions #1-13 page 170. Make sure to get all these done by Monday if you have not done so.
Second block we went to the computer lab to work on our This Week in Science projects. Make sure you know when you are presenting!
Next we did the Kinetic Molecular Theory Worksheet and read page 166-170 and did questions #1-13 page 170. Make sure to get all these done by Monday if you have not done so.
Second block we went to the computer lab to work on our This Week in Science projects. Make sure you know when you are presenting!
Biology 11
Today we wrote our test on the Evolution Unit. Next we read the intro to Taxonomy in the textbook (page 196-199) and did the Dicotomous Key worksheet. You only need to do Part I (Shark ID) for Tuesday. Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, 21 February 2018
Science 8
Today we marked our cells review and practice some cells questions on the ipads. Here are some good links for games/quizzes:
Next we took some notes on human body systems and started a partner project on body systems. Thanks Ms. Bex for coming in!
Tuesday, 20 February 2018
Biology 11
Today we practiced for the Evolution Test on Thursday. Did some questions and played a rousing game of jeopardy. Make sure your Evolution Unit Review is complete for Thursday.
Science 8
Today we went over questions #1-5 pg. 49 and continued with our osmosis egg lab. Too bad we only have 3 eggs left! After that we completed our Cells Review. Make sure this is complete for next class.
Science 9
Today we completed the "Nature of a Burning Candle" Lab. (pg. 176). Make sure you complete all the analysis and evaluation questions for Thursday.
Monday, 19 February 2018
Biology 11
Today we finished off "What Darwin Never Knew" video and answered the questions. Next we did a T/F worksheet on misconceptions in evolution.
Due tomorrow: #1-4 from worksheet: Patterns of Evolutionary Change
Due thursday: Evolution Unit Review
Due tomorrow: #1-4 from worksheet: Patterns of Evolutionary Change
Due thursday: Evolution Unit Review
Science 9
Today we practice some more examples of physical and chemical change. First we took notes on Kinetic Molecular Theory and then we started a lab on observations of a burning candle. Bring this lab back tomorrow and we will finish it.
Science 8
Today we got a mark sheet with updated marks. Make sure you have all your work in! We continued with our Osmosis Egg lab: pg. 46.
Next we practiced osmosis and diffusion by reading page: 42-45 and doing questions pg. 49 #1-5.
We also got a Unit 1 Review. This will be due on Wednsday.
Next we practiced osmosis and diffusion by reading page: 42-45 and doing questions pg. 49 #1-5.
We also got a Unit 1 Review. This will be due on Wednsday.
Friday, 16 February 2018
Science 9
Today we wrote a quick question quiz on physical and chemical properties.
Next we took notes on physical and chemical changes and finished with a mini lab on reactions with magnesium.
No homework!
Next we took notes on physical and chemical changes and finished with a mini lab on reactions with magnesium.
No homework!
Science 8
Today we took a quick question quiz on Cells. Next we took a few notes on osmosis and diffusion and then started a lab by dissolving an egg in vinegar so that we could test it in different solutions.
Homework: Complete osmosis and diffusion questions (on the sheet).
Homework: Complete osmosis and diffusion questions (on the sheet).
Biology 11
-Today we finished off the Evolution unit by looking at different types of natural selection: directional, divergent and stabilizing.
-We had Friday Fun Darwian survivor to see who could eat the most food at different stations with different tools.
-Next we continued What Darwin Never Knew movie.
-We had Friday Fun Darwian survivor to see who could eat the most food at different stations with different tools.
-Next we continued What Darwin Never Knew movie.
Thursday, 15 February 2018
Science 8
Today we finished off looking at organelles inside Eurkaryotic cells. We watched crash course in biology video on animal cells. Next we did the lab on page 15: Observing living things in pond water. We finished by taking some notes on Photosyntheis and Respiration.
Book work due tomorrow: page 39 #16-21
Quick Question Quiz on Friday.
Book work due tomorrow: page 39 #16-21
Quick Question Quiz on Friday.
Wednesday, 14 February 2018
Science 9
Today we looked at physical and chemical properties of matter and took notes on this. We also discussed physical and chemical changes. We did two labs: Recognizing Chemical Change (pg. 169) and Elements, Compounds and Mixtures (pg. 155)
Homework: Read page 157-163 Do #1-9 page 164
Homework: Read page 157-163 Do #1-9 page 164
Tuesday, 13 February 2018
Friday, 9 February 2018
Biology 11
Today we had a quick quiz on Evolution and Natural selection. Next we looked and genetics in more detail with Punnet squares. Make sure the genetics review gets done for homework.
Science 8
Today we wrote a quick question quiz. Next we watched a Bill Nye video on cells......and then we built our own plant or animal cell from crafty things in the classroom.
Science 9
Today we had a quick question quiz. Next we took some notes on matter: pure substances and mixtures. Then we went to the IT lab and started some research on "This Week in Science" presentations that we will start next week.
Thursday, 8 February 2018
Science 8
Today we practiced using microscopes and determining actual size of organisms. We started by taking notes about cells and cell theory. We did a big lab on cells by looking at our own cheek cells under a microscope. How cool is that! Make sure you finish the lab and the venn diagram on prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
Wednesday, 7 February 2018
Biology 11
Today we worked on the Natural Variations lab and turned it in with three graphs (length of beans etc.) next we took some notes on DNA and genes and watched a video on the evolution of human skin colour. Finally we did a lab looking at our own genotypes and phenotypes called Variations in Human Beings and turned that in.
Next class you have a short quiz on evidence for evolution and how natural selection works.
Next class you have a short quiz on evidence for evolution and how natural selection works.
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