Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Tuesday, 29 October 2024

Anatomy and Physiology 12

Today we worked on our Solute Concentration of Potato Cytoplasm Lab.  You need the following THREE things to be completed and emailed to me by Friday at 11:59 pm:).  Please include the three items as attachments on the same email.  

1) A hand drawn graph of % Change in Potato Mass vs. Concentration of Sucrose (M) 

2) An excel graph with 2 lines of best fit on an x y scatter graph, labelled axes with units, R squared values , y= mx + b equations

3) Answers to all 9 questions at the end of the lab in full sentences.  

We also watched the video below to review active and facilitated transport across the cell membrane

Module questions Section A, B and C should be completed by Thursday.