Tuesday 15 October 2024

Anatomy and Physiology 12

 Today we continued with the power point on DNA by going to the last section on MUTATIONS.  See Friday's blog post for the link.  We watched the video below and then did THIS worksheet on mutations. 

Friday 11 October 2024

Anatomy and Physiology 12

Today we took notes on Protein Synthesis:  Transcription and Translation from the power point HERE.  Next we did some Module Questions on Protein Synthesis:  Section A and Section B (Skip recombinant DNA)  

Life Science 11

 Today we wrote our quiz on viruses and worked on our evidence of evolution worksheet from last class.

Thursday 10 October 2024

Science 10

Today we practiced balancing equations some more.  We did a balancing act worksheet found HERE.  The answers are at the end of this sheet if you want to check your answers.  

Practice writing formulas and naming compounds is due tomorrow.  This worksheet is HERE.  

QUIZ tomorrow on balancing equations.  Watch my buddy Tyler if you need help!

Wednesday 9 October 2024

Anatomy and Physiology 12

 Today we extracted some DNA from fruit.  Next we wrote up this lab and turned it in.

Next we continued on with our video from yesterday on cloning cats and we watched the crash course video below.  Module assignment:  Section A) structure of DNA and B) replication of DNA should be completed.


Life Sciences 11

Today we watched the evidence for evolution video below and started EVIDENCE for evolution worksheet found HERE.   If you want to check your VIRUS question sheet, answers are HERE.    

Tuesday 8 October 2024

Life Science 11

Today we started notes on Evidence for Evolution.  Power point is found HERE.  Next we finished off our virus lytic and lysogenic cycles if we haven't done so yet.  

Anatomy and Physiology 12

Today we wrote the CELLS quest.  Next we started DNA structure and replication.  Power point is HERE, note sheet HERE and module questions HERE.  

Science 10

 Today we took notes on BALANCING chemical equations.  We wrote notes from THIS power point and did THIS practice.  (page 3 and 4)  We will have a quiz on Friday on balancing.  

Monday 7 October 2024

Science 10

Today we reviewed some mixed naming of ionic and covalent compounds.  This sheet is found HERE.  Next we went over this together.  

We got some practice for mixed naming.    This sheet is due on Friday.  We will also have a short quiz on Friday on mixed naming.  

Lastly we worked on notes for CHEMICAL reactions.  We did the first 8 slides from THIS power point.  

Anatomy and Physiology 12

 Today we started the next unit on DNA replication and protein synthesis.  We got THIS notesheet and started THIS power point.   Next we did some CELL unit review.  Make sure you have turned in the coloring, cell matching and MODULES due tomorrow.  Module answers are found HERE (at the end).

Practice quest key is HERE.  

Life Science 11

 Today we went over the Virus Questions from last week.  Next we practiced Lytic and Lysogenic cycles found HERE.   Virus QUEST coming up on Friday! October 11.

Friday 4 October 2024

Life Sciences 11

 Today we finished off our notes on the human immune system.  These notes are found HERE.  

Next we watched the video below to review the immune system.  NOTE:  You don't need to know about cell mediated response.  

Science 10

 Today we wrote our COVALENT compounds quiz.  Next we finished off the Lab:  Classifying Ionic Compounds.  Turn this lab in with the data tables and answers to Analysis a-d and g.  

We watched the video below: 

Anatomy and Physiology 12

Today we did a short lab practicing microscope drawings and looking at our cells.  This lab is found HERE.   Rules for Drawings HERE. 

Reminder that our CELLS project is due TONIGHT!!  Friday night at 11:59 pm. Criteria HERE. 

CELL Quest is coming up next Tuesday, Oct. 8th.   Practice Quest is HERE, answers are HERE

Wednesday 2 October 2024

Anatomy and Physiology 12

 Today we worked on our CELLS projects.  This is due Friday at 11:59 pm:).  We have a CELLS quest on Tuesday, Oct. 8th  practice quest is found HERE.  Answer key is HERE.  Module questions are also due on Tuesday, Oct. 8.  Module answer key is HERE. (part B) 

Tuesday 1 October 2024

Life Science 11

Today we took notes on VIRUSES and replication of viruses.  The notesheet is found HERE.  

Next we worked on THESE questions.   Questions up to #8 are due on Wednesday.  

Science 10

Today we worked on writing formulas and naming COVALENT compounds.  These are compounds with 2 non-metals.    The note sheet is HERE (second part) and the practice questions are HERE and HERE.  Video below will help if you need practice.  Quick Quiz on FRIDAY on this concept.  

Anatomy and Physiology 12

Today we worked on our Cell Project/Cell Analogy.  This project is found HERE.  An example of past student work is found HERE.