Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Wednesday, 24 April 2024

Life Science 11

 Hi Bio Besties!   I have now left the building and you are in Mr. Roskam's good hands:) 

I left him lots of things to do with you, so here is a list of what will happen and links for when I'm away.  

Wednesday/Thursday April 24-25:  Outside protist in pond water collection!  Time to search the world for little critters in water.  We are looking for single celled EUKARYOTIC creatures (but you might see other things as well).  When you come back from your collection walk, you will be doing a lab.

Friday, April 26:  Protist lab with SLIDES of the creatures.   The lab is found HERE.   Notes taken on the board. Notesheet is HERE

Monday, April 29:  Protist Colouring Sheet found HERE.  Protist Review found HERE.  And Check answers to Protist Review HERE.    Homework: Read page 74-79.  Answer understanding of concepts page 80 #1-17

Tuesday, April 30: We started FUNGI!!  with THIS power point.  Next we worked on the Fungi Colouring.  This is found HERE.  

Wednesday/Thursday, May 1-2:  First block: Fungi Lab.   Second block: Finish off power point notes from last class.  Next finish off Fungi Colouring and turn in before you leave.   Homework: Read page 88-91 in TEXT

Protist/Fungi Quiz coming up next week on your double block.  Amoeba sisters have a good VID!