Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Friday, 29 September 2023

Science 9

Today we worked on our THIS WEEK IN SCIENCE presentation.  Remember that you need two recent science news articles that you will be presenting to the class as a power point or some other type of presentation.  A few people had questions about this.  You will be making two separate presentations- making sure you have lots of pictures and interesting things for the class. 

We also worked on the burning candle lab by going over the Analysis questions on page 177 as a class.      

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

 Today we had a small but mighty class of hard working students!   We worked on our CELLS and Organelles Module questions.  These are due on Wednesday Oct. 4 TEST DAY for Cells and Organelles.  Next we did a practice test found HERE.  ANSWERS to practice test are HERE.  

Finally we watched some videos on the ENDOMEMBRANE SYSTEM and the Immortal Cells of Henrietta Lacks

Thursday, 28 September 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

Today we did the Macromolecule Murder Mystery.  Who was the killer???   Lab should be completed with a conclusion by the end of class.  Next we finished off the power point notes for cells and watched a wee movie explaining why cells are so small.     Cells and Organelles TEST next Wednesday, Sept. 4th

and a fun one here:

Wednesday, 27 September 2023

Science 9

Today we set up a lab and completed a formal lab:  The Nature of a Burning Candle.  This is found on page 176-177 of your text book.  Make sure your lab has:  Title, purpose, hypothesis, materials and procedure, data and observations, and analysis and evaluation questions.  Complete the questions in full sentences for Friday.   (You will have some time to work on them in class on Friday)

Tuesday, 26 September 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

 Today we finished off the notes in the CELLS and ORGANELLES power point.  Next we watched possibly my favorite Crash Course video below.  

Module questions due Thursday:  Up to and including lysosomes.  

Monday, 25 September 2023

Science 9

Today we did a chemical and physical properties/changes and classification of matter practice quiz.  Next we went around the room and looked at examples of elements, compounds, heterogenous and homogenous mixtures.    QUIZ tomorrow!! 

Anatomy and Physiology (Bio 12)

Today we worked on the plant and animal cell colouring.  Turn these in when done.  Next we worked on Cell Organelle Module Questions up to and including endoplasmic reticulum.  Answers to module are found HERE.  (You will need to scroll through the biomolecules unit to get to cell questions).  

Friday, 22 September 2023

Science 9

Today we reviewed Chemical and Physical change by thinking about some different situations found at the end of THIS power point.  We also did the lab on page 169 of our textbooks and recorded some physical and chemical changes.    We also got a practice quiz to help us prepare for our quiz on Tuesday on pure substances and mixtures and physical/chemical change.  

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

Today we got our Biomolecules Test back.  If you didn't write it, come prepared to write it on Monday.  Next we took notes on CELL structures.  The power point is HERE (we got up to mitochondria).   The note sheet is HERE.  

Read Chapter 3.3 in your textbook and start on module if you want to get ahead.  Module questions are found HERE.  

Thursday, 21 September 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

Today we wrote the BIOMOLECULES chapter 2 Test.  Great work, my little bags of chemicals:)

We also turned in the chapter 2 Module Questions and got the pre-lab questions for the biomolecule murder mystery.  These are found HERE.

We also started on the Plant and Animal Cell Coloring sheet and read the first THREE pages of Chapter 3.  

Buffer lab is due tomorrow.  Please share it with me online   

Wednesday, 20 September 2023

Science 9

Today we finished off our physical and chemical properties of minerals and made some guesses as to which minerals we had based on THIS lab and a reference sheet.  Next we took notes on physical and chemical changes in matter.  If you missed the notes, the power point is HERE.  We got ready to do the lab on page 169 in our text book.  

Tuesday, 19 September 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Biology 12)

 Today we had some choice of fun, fun activities.  We worked on the module for biomolecules and got some more review found HERE.  Answer key is HERE.  

Science 9

 Today we looked at one property of a pure substance:  Density!!  We did THIS density lab with minerals and learned a bit about minerals with the video below:

Monday, 18 September 2023

Science 9

 Today we practiced elements, compounds and mixtures by doing some book review.  You should make sure you have completed #4, #7, #8, #9 and #10 on page 156.

Next we worked on our THIS WEEK IN SCIENCE presentations HERE is an example of one I showed.  

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

Today we worked on the MODULE questions.  All biomolecule module questions are due on Thursday.  Answers are found HERE.   TEST on the Biomolecule unit (Chapter 2) is on THURSDAY, Sept.21

There are may practice sets of questions given out in class.  HERE are the answers to two sets.  

Some musical inspiration:

Friday, 15 September 2023

Science 9

Today we had our SAFETY quiz!  Next we talked about the characteristics of PURE Substances.  Finally we got to work on our own pure substance as well as this week in science project.  

Read page 157-163 in TEXTBOOK

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Biology 12)

Today we finished off notes on ALL of Biochemistry.  Make sure you know ALL about the 4 Biomolecules:  Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins and Nucleic Acids.   UNIT TEST: Thursday, Sept. 21

Here is the Power Point in case you need to add notes.   The entire Module set is due on Thursday.   You should finish off Proteins today.   

Buffers Lab is due on Friday, Sept. 22.

Some great videos to help you review (in increasing order of difficulty) 

Thursday, 14 September 2023

Science 9

Today we finished off the WHMIS symbol sheet to practice what WHMIS symbols mean.  Next we worked on our safety poster.  If we were done with extra time, we played THIS online game to review the symbols.  

We took notes on Matter and Elements, Compounds and Mixtures.  These notes are HERE.  Finally we did a lab on elements, compounds and mixtures.  Make sure one copy makes it into the BIN!

Wednesday, 13 September 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Biology 12)

Today we took the quiz on Water Acids/Bases and Buffers.  Next we finished off notes from POWER POINT on Lipids.  Textbook reading: 2.5 and 2.6.  Module questions assigned today are:  Part C iii)Carbohydrates.  Due on Friday.  

Tuesday, 12 September 2023

Science 9

 Today we continued on our SAFETY IN THE LAB!   We highlighted some key points HERE.  Next we filled out a note sheet on WHMIS symbols.  Video below.   For the last 40 minutes we worked on Safety Rules posters (See criteria from last class) 

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

Reminder:  Do the water/acid/base quiz posted last class.  Quiz tomorrow on water, acids, bases and buffers

Today we had a power point on Biomolecules.  We looked at carbohydrates and the first part of lipids.  Power point is HERE.  Note sheet HERE.

Homework:  Read first part of chapter 2.4  DO Module questions Part C) i)overview and ii)synthesis and hydrolysis 

Monday, 11 September 2023

Science 9

Today we reviewed some safety rules and equipment in the science classroom.  Make sure you know the location and how to use:  Main gas turn off button, Fire extinguisher, Safety Shower, Eye-wash station, Fire blanket, Fume hood.

Next we got a handout on Safety Rules and picked a rule to make a poster illustrating this rule.  Poster assignment found HERE.  You don't need to memorize all these rules, but you do need to know basic rules to stay safe! 

We also did a whole class challenge with lab equipment naming.  

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Biology 12)

 Today we took notes on acids, bases and buffers.  We finished off our module questions:  Section A) Part A and B.  Answers to module questions found HERE.  

Try this fun, fun online quiz HERE.  Make sure to turn on the soothing music to accompany you:)))

Friday, 8 September 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Biology 12)

Today we practised drawing water molecules with their polar bonds,  + and - dipoles and hydrogen bonds between water molecules.  Next we wrote notes about water and finished off the power point from yesterday.  We got our first set of Module Questions found HERE.  Section A) Part A and Part B should be completed by Tuesday, Sept. 12.  

Sept. 13 we will have a quiz on water, acids and bases and buffer systems.   

Science 9

 Today we:

1) Turned in our textbook tour/scavenger hunt from last class as well as our signed course outline

2) Watched the video below on the scientific method and turned in two things you knew, two things you learned and 1 thing you wonder about

3) In groups we were given questions and then designed our own experiments to answer the question.  Make sure you can determine what the independent and dependent variables should be for a proposed experiment.

Thursday, 7 September 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

This week we have been working on Scientific Method and a Chemistry Review to help you with the Biochemistry section of the course.   

Power point is found HERE.  Notesheet is HERE

In your textbook you should be reading and answering the Check your progress for the following sections:

Chapter 1:  Read The process of Science Section and do check your progress questions

Chapter 2:  Read 2.1 Basic Chemistry and 2.2 Molecules and Compounds and do check your progress questions for each section.  

Science 9

Welcome to Grade 9 Science!!!   This year our focus is on chemical compounds, mitosis and meiosis and reproduction of cells, electricity and electrical circuits and cycling of nutrients in the environment.  

This week we got the course outline found HERE.   

Got our textbooks:  BC Science Probe 9 and did a Textbook Scavenger hunt found HERE. (Due Friday, Sept. 8) 

We also learned more about the Scientific Method.  We used THIS note sheet to take notes.