Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Thursday, 21 December 2023

Science 9

 On Wedensday we took notes on uncontrolled cell growth:  Cancer.  The power point is found HERE.  

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Biology 12)

 Here is a annotated Bibliography already submitted. 

Monday, 18 December 2023

Science 9

 Today we reviewed the structure of DNA and then looked at MITOSIS.  We watched the video below:

Next we took notes found HERE and then did THIS mitosis unscramble assignment.  

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

Today we started the Urinary System with some notes (written on the board- OG style).  Next we did THIS labelling. (Just the front side).  

We also did THIS worksheet for the video below:

We also got the Annotated Biology Assignment found HERE.  Due on FRIDAY, Dec. 22

Wednesday, 13 December 2023

Science 9

Today we started biology!

Cell Jeopardy:

Cells battleship:

Tuesday, 12 December 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

Today we worked on and FINISHED the respiratory system colouring, the internal and external respiration worksheet and took notes on respiratory system diseases and disorders- this is from the power point from a few days ago.     Practice test for Circulatory/Respiratory system due on Friday-----Test Day!   

Science 9

 Today we wrote our electricity test.  Yah!  Great work.  Next we started the BIOLOGY unit by reading pages 36-37 and answering questions #1-7 on page 38.  

Monday, 11 December 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

 Today we finished off the Respiratory Section Notes.  The power point is found HERE. Next we got a practice test the answers to the circulatory part of the practice test are HERE.  

Science 9

 Today we did lots of practice for the Electricity Unit test coming up tomorrow!!   HERE is the practice test.  Make sure you bring your formula sheet and a calculator.  You can write anything you want on the practice test.  

Friday, 8 December 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

 Today we finished off the documentary about John's heart attack and answered the questions on the worksheet.  Next we did THIS note sheet with THIS power point to start the respiratory system.  We also got a "what you should know" sheet for the CIRCULATORY AND RESPIRATORY test coming up on Friday, Dec. 15th.  

Homework:  Finish off the Circulatory Module questions and do the Respiration colouring sheet found HERE.  

Science 9

Today we continued to work on your electricity review:  TEST ON STATIC AND CURRENT ELECTRICITY on Tuesday, Dec. 12.

HERE is the test check list and HERE is the review due on Monday.  Next we got a chance to either prepare for our electricity test by coming up with 4 questions and answers and sharing them with or working on our "This Week in Science". 

Wednesday, 6 December 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

Today we did a lab on the cardiovascular system.  This lab is found HERE.   Next we watched the video below: 

Then we answered THESE questions about the video

Tuesday, 5 December 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12

 Today we continued with the circulatory power point.  We are SKIPPING fetal circulation, however.  Not to be included on the circulatory test.   Power point is HERE.  Next we worked on the module questions.  You should have A, B and C completed for tomorrow.  Module answers are HERE.  

Some good vids:

Tuesday, 28 November 2023

Science 9

 Today we continued with our electricity notes with the power point found HERE.  Next we did a review assignment found HERE using the new knowledge we took notes on.  V = I x R 

We also watched a video on paper circuits found below.  We will start making paper circuit cards next class.......

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

Today we started THESE notes on the circulatory system.  HERE is the power point.  Practice the pathway of blood through the heart with THIS worksheet.  HERE is a great interactive website to show animations of the heart and practice the parts. 

Monday, 27 November 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

 Today we took our DIGESTIVE system test.  Next we coloured and labelled a heart from chapter 12.3 get ready for the CARDIOVASCULAR system.  

Science 9

Today we got back our current quizzes.  Great work everyone!  Make sure you always write out what is given to you in the problem, what you are trying to solve for (the formula) and give your answer in a box with units.  Today we took some notes on VOLTAGE from THIS power point (just the voltage section).  Next we did THIS worksheet.   (#1, 2, 4, 5 and 7)

Friday, 24 November 2023

Science 9

 Today we did more practice questions and took a short quiz on calculations using Q = I x t

Next we played a static and current review game for FUN and prizes.  

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

Today we got a sheet to help us prepare for the test.  This is found HERE.  Next we had some time to review for the test coming up on MONDAY on the digestive system.  Module questions also due on Monday.   Check your answers to module HERE.     Jeopardy Review found HERE. 

Thursday, 23 November 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12

 Today we did the pig dissection!!!  Great work:).  The entire digestive system module is due on Monday.  Digestive System Test on Monday as well.

Wednesday, 22 November 2023

Science 9

 Today we took some notes on current.  These notes on found HERE.  Next we did the lab on page 308 of the text book and turned this in.  Finally we did practice problems #1-3 on THIS sheet and #13, #14 on page 309.  Short quiz on Friday finding current, charge or time using the formulas.  

Tuesday, 21 November 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12

 Today we had time to work on the module and practice test.  Next we watched the PIGGIE videos getting ready for the pig dissection on Thursday.  Videos below:


Science 9

Today we looked at how to write numbers in Scientific Notation.  This is used for numbers that are very big or very small.  If you missed class or need a refresher watch videos below.  We also did the practice problems HERE.  

Monday, 20 November 2023

Science 9

Today we took notes on electrical circuits and drew circuit diagrams.  HOMEWORK:  Read page 302-304.    Do Questions #6, 7, 11 and 12 on page 305.   If you were away, take your own notes on circuit diagrams.  

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

Today we finished off the Digestive System Power Point.  TEST on DIGESTIVE SYSTEM ON MONDAY, Nov. 27th.  Next we check our answers to the ENZYMES worksheet.  

Digestive Module Questions should be completed by THURSDAY.  Answers to module are HERE.  

Tuesday, 14 November 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Biology 12)

 Today we watched the digestive system video below:

Next we worked on our Life Size Digestive System model.  
Homework:  Module Questions A, B and C
and complete the Enzyme Worksheet found HERE using the table from chapter 14 of your text book.  

Science 9

Today we continued with our work on static electricity.  We took notes on charging by induction and conduction and reviewed the static rules.  Next we finished off the lab:  Charging by friction (page 292-293). Answer the evaluation questions on page 293 (a) (b) and (d). Turn these in tomorrow.

Tuesday, 7 November 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Biology 12)

 Today we wrote our DNA unit test.   Well done everyone!!  and done BIOCHEMISTRY!!!

Next we worked on our digestive system colouring and digestive system module questions.  Digestive system is in chapter 12 of your text book.  Module questions A and B due tomorrow.  Module is found HERE. 

We also watched some HANK talkn' about digestion

Science 9

Today we wrote our CHEMISTRY UNIT TEST.  All done the chem unit!!   I tried to tell a chemistry joke, but all the good ones ARGON!!

Make sure you have completed your Practice test found HERE.   Next unit:  Physics and electricity  

We watched the videos found below:

Monday, 6 November 2023

Science 9

Today we practiced for our Chemistry unit test.  If you think you need more practice questions for ionic names and formulas they are found HERE and HERE online.

Chemistry Unit test is coming up TOMORROW.  

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

 Today we completed the parts of the digestive system.  Next we did the practice test for DNA QUEST coming up tomorrow.  Here are some more practice questions online:

Wednesday, 1 November 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

Today we finished off the notes on Recombinant DNA from the power point.  Next we worked on the DNA module questions.  (Omit Recombinant DNA and Chromosomal mutations) Answers are found HERE.  

We also worked on a DNA practice test.  Practice test answers are found HERE.   

We also watched HANK helping us understand DNA transcription and translation of amino acids into proteins.  

Tuesday, 31 October 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

 Today we finished off our notes on DNA mutations.   Add power point notes to the end of your notesheet.  Check yesterday's blog for power point.   Next we practiced mutations by doing THIS worksheet.  Check your answers HERE.    Work on Module Questions.  Make sure that DNA (Section A) and Protein Synthesis (Section B) are completed for tomorrow.  

Good vids to watch:

Monday, 30 October 2023

Science 9

 Today we wrote notes on writing formulas with polyatomic ions and with multivalent ions.  Note sheet is found HERE.  Homework is:  page 244 #10 and page 247 #4 and #6.

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

Today we continued with our notes on DNA translation.  Next we did THIS colouring sheet to help us visualize all the steps in translation.  The videos below are helpful in understanding the concepts.  Power point for DNA is found HERE.  Student note sheet is HERE.  

Friday, 27 October 2023

Science 9

Today we wrote a short chemistry quiz.   Make sure you know how to classify compounds as ionic compounds, covalent compounds or polyatomic ions as well as write the balanced formula for an ionic compound.  

Thursday, 26 October 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

 Today we started our last Biochem unit, DNA!   Power point is found HERE and notesheet HERE.  We started off on our module questions on DNA.  Do Section A) DNA structure part A and B.  Module is found HERE.  

We also watched a short video on human gene editing.  If you missed this video, watch the one below and write a short synopsis.

Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Science 9

 Today we worked on recognizing a formula for ionic compounds, covalent compounds or polyatomic ions.  Check the practice questions at the end of the note sheet answers are found HERE. (on the last page).   Next we did a lab.  Great job on this lab!  Lab is found HERE.  All questions should be answered with the lab turned in.   

Tuesday, 24 October 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

 Today we wrote our CELL MEMBRANE and TRANSPORT and ENZYME test.   Done!   Next we read chapter 25.2 and 25.3 on DNA replication and protein synthesis.  

Science 9

Today we finished off the compounds notes from the power point.  Power point is found HERE.  Notes sheet is HERE.  Next we took a few more notes on ionic compounds and practiced ionic compound formula writing HERE.   

Monday, 23 October 2023

Science 9

Today we finished off our notes on ionic compounds.  The note sheet is HERE.  The power point is HERE.  Next we practiced drawing some ionic and covalent compounds on the white boards.  For homework practice drawing the Bohr models for these compounds and showing how they form bonds.

Also, make sure you completed the Lab on page 225-226.  

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

Today we did practice questions and watched some videos to help us practice for the unit test coming up TOMORROW!!   Practice test HERE.  Answer key HERE.  Good videos below.  If you need to check your module answers the Enzyme module answer key is HERE and cell membrane answer key HERE.  

Thursday, 19 October 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

 Today we finished off the Enzyme notes from the Power point found HERE.  We moved the cell membrane, transport and Enzyme test until TUESDAY.   All module questions are due on Tuesday.  Answers to Enzyme module are found HERE.  

We also practiced some quick Enzyme questions.  Answers are found HERE.  

Good video below:

Wednesday, 18 October 2023

Science 9

 Today we did lab 7B on page 226-227.  We finished the lab and answered the Analysis and Evaluation questions in full sentences.  Answer these for Monday if you aren't done.  

Tuesday, 17 October 2023

Science 9

 Today we had a quiz on Atoms and Bohr models.   I gave you the following information:

Atomic # = The number of protons = the identity of the element

Mass # = # Protons +  # Neutrons

Next we set up the Atoms and Ions lab on page 226-227 of the text.  Come prepared to do this lab tomorrow.    If you missed this lab, take notes on the video below:

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

 Today we took notes on Enzymes.  Power point is found HERE and notes sheet HERE.

Enzyme module questions are found at the end of cell membrane and transport module.  Do A and B for Thursday.  Enzymes are found in Chapter 6.3 in textbook.

Solute Concentration of Potato lab is due today! (Thursday at the latest) 

Monday, 16 October 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

 Today we worked on our Solute Concentration of Potato lab.  This is due TOMORROW, Oct. 17th.   Make sure you use the RUBRIC so you include all the parts of the lab.  

We also got a Cell Membrane and Transport Review found HERE.  The answers to this review is HERE.  

Science 9

Today we practiced for our atoms and Bohr model quiz tomorrow.  Make sure you know how to calculate number of protons, neutrons and electrons in atoms and ions.

Next we started the notes on THIS sheet using THIS power point.  Finally we watched the fireworks video below, BOOOOOM!!! 

If you were not in class today, you should read page 210-211 and do #5 and #6 on page 212.  (pick 5 questions in each number)

Friday, 13 October 2023

Science 9

 Today we took some notes on determining the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in isotopes and ions.  We watched the video below and took notes.

Next we did THIS worksheet.  HERE is the key

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

Today we finished off the potato lab by taking measurements after osmosis happened!  We crunched the numbers and worked on our lab this block.  If you were away for this entire lab use the data collected from a previous class found HERE.    Solute concentration of potato lab is due on Tuesday, October 17th.  

Cell membrane/transport and Enzyme test has been moved to Monday, October 23rd.

Also watch BOZEMAN science below on the osmosis lab.

Thursday, 12 October 2023

Science 9

Today we went over the answers to the homework on page 230 #14.  Next we completed the lab on page 224 and 225 of the text book on flame colours.  If you were away, as an alternate, watch the video below and write a short summary for me about tests for flame colours.  

In the second block we worked on our THIS WEEK IN SCIENCE presentations.  Ben and Sam presenting tomorrow.  

Next Tueday:  October 15, we will have a short quiz on Bohr Models, subatomic particles and atoms.  Page 218-220 in your text book.

Wednesday, 11 October 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Biology 12)

Today we did the first part of the Solute Concentration of Potatoes lab.  Complete the Cell Membrane and Transport Module Questions for Friday.  Answers to Module are found HERE.  

Tuesday, 10 October 2023

Science 9

Today we finished off the notes we started on Friday.  See Friday's blog entry.  Next we made Bohr models for the first 20 elements.  Finally we got homework:  page 230 #14

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

 Today we finished off our notes on Cell Membrane and Transport.  Note sheet is HERE, power point is HERE.  

Tomorrow we will do the solute concentration of potatoes lab.  

Homework:  Do Module Questions up to but NOT including facilitated transport.  Section A Part A) B) and C) up to ii

Friday, 6 October 2023

Science 9

Today we had our first THIS WEEK IN SCIENCE presentations.  Thanks to Bella and Josie for being our first volunteers!    Next we took notes on ATOMS.  Notesheet is HERE and power point HERE.  

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

Today we took notes on Osmosis and Diffusion.  Power point is HERE.  Note sheet HERE .  Next we watched an Amoeba Sisters video below and answered THESE questions

Thursday, 5 October 2023

Science 9

Today we finished off our notes on elements and the periodic table.  Next we did a lab looking at elements where we had to classify the element as a metal or non-metal based on where it lives on the table.  If you missed this lab.  Take notes on the video below as an alternative

We also got THIS data booklet that will stay with us until the end of the course.  

Wednesday, 4 October 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

 Today we wrote the Cells and Organelles Unit Test.    Next we read Chapter 4.1 and got our new Module Questions found HERE.  Do the first 9 questions of section A for Friday.  

Tuesday, 3 October 2023

Science 9

Today we took notes on Naming and Classifying elements.  These notes are found HERE.  

Next we coloured a periodic table with the different families.  This table is found HERE.   

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

 Today we practiced for the TEST ON CELLS AND CELL STRUCTURES!!!   Coming up tomorrow-Wednesday, Oct. 4.  

Module Questions are due tomorrow.  Answers are found HERE.    We also came up with a list of possible short answer questions for the TEST.    A/E block is HERE and C/G block HERE.  

Friday, 29 September 2023

Science 9

Today we worked on our THIS WEEK IN SCIENCE presentation.  Remember that you need two recent science news articles that you will be presenting to the class as a power point or some other type of presentation.  A few people had questions about this.  You will be making two separate presentations- making sure you have lots of pictures and interesting things for the class. 

We also worked on the burning candle lab by going over the Analysis questions on page 177 as a class.      

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

 Today we had a small but mighty class of hard working students!   We worked on our CELLS and Organelles Module questions.  These are due on Wednesday Oct. 4 TEST DAY for Cells and Organelles.  Next we did a practice test found HERE.  ANSWERS to practice test are HERE.  

Finally we watched some videos on the ENDOMEMBRANE SYSTEM and the Immortal Cells of Henrietta Lacks

Thursday, 28 September 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

Today we did the Macromolecule Murder Mystery.  Who was the killer???   Lab should be completed with a conclusion by the end of class.  Next we finished off the power point notes for cells and watched a wee movie explaining why cells are so small.     Cells and Organelles TEST next Wednesday, Sept. 4th

and a fun one here:

Wednesday, 27 September 2023

Science 9

Today we set up a lab and completed a formal lab:  The Nature of a Burning Candle.  This is found on page 176-177 of your text book.  Make sure your lab has:  Title, purpose, hypothesis, materials and procedure, data and observations, and analysis and evaluation questions.  Complete the questions in full sentences for Friday.   (You will have some time to work on them in class on Friday)

Tuesday, 26 September 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

 Today we finished off the notes in the CELLS and ORGANELLES power point.  Next we watched possibly my favorite Crash Course video below.  

Module questions due Thursday:  Up to and including lysosomes.  

Monday, 25 September 2023

Science 9

Today we did a chemical and physical properties/changes and classification of matter practice quiz.  Next we went around the room and looked at examples of elements, compounds, heterogenous and homogenous mixtures.    QUIZ tomorrow!! 

Anatomy and Physiology (Bio 12)

Today we worked on the plant and animal cell colouring.  Turn these in when done.  Next we worked on Cell Organelle Module Questions up to and including endoplasmic reticulum.  Answers to module are found HERE.  (You will need to scroll through the biomolecules unit to get to cell questions).  

Friday, 22 September 2023

Science 9

Today we reviewed Chemical and Physical change by thinking about some different situations found at the end of THIS power point.  We also did the lab on page 169 of our textbooks and recorded some physical and chemical changes.    We also got a practice quiz to help us prepare for our quiz on Tuesday on pure substances and mixtures and physical/chemical change.  

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

Today we got our Biomolecules Test back.  If you didn't write it, come prepared to write it on Monday.  Next we took notes on CELL structures.  The power point is HERE (we got up to mitochondria).   The note sheet is HERE.  

Read Chapter 3.3 in your textbook and start on module if you want to get ahead.  Module questions are found HERE.  

Thursday, 21 September 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

Today we wrote the BIOMOLECULES chapter 2 Test.  Great work, my little bags of chemicals:)

We also turned in the chapter 2 Module Questions and got the pre-lab questions for the biomolecule murder mystery.  These are found HERE.

We also started on the Plant and Animal Cell Coloring sheet and read the first THREE pages of Chapter 3.  

Buffer lab is due tomorrow.  Please share it with me online   

Wednesday, 20 September 2023

Science 9

Today we finished off our physical and chemical properties of minerals and made some guesses as to which minerals we had based on THIS lab and a reference sheet.  Next we took notes on physical and chemical changes in matter.  If you missed the notes, the power point is HERE.  We got ready to do the lab on page 169 in our text book.  

Tuesday, 19 September 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Biology 12)

 Today we had some choice of fun, fun activities.  We worked on the module for biomolecules and got some more review found HERE.  Answer key is HERE.  

Science 9

 Today we looked at one property of a pure substance:  Density!!  We did THIS density lab with minerals and learned a bit about minerals with the video below:

Monday, 18 September 2023

Science 9

 Today we practiced elements, compounds and mixtures by doing some book review.  You should make sure you have completed #4, #7, #8, #9 and #10 on page 156.

Next we worked on our THIS WEEK IN SCIENCE presentations HERE is an example of one I showed.  

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

Today we worked on the MODULE questions.  All biomolecule module questions are due on Thursday.  Answers are found HERE.   TEST on the Biomolecule unit (Chapter 2) is on THURSDAY, Sept.21

There are may practice sets of questions given out in class.  HERE are the answers to two sets.  

Some musical inspiration:

Friday, 15 September 2023

Science 9

Today we had our SAFETY quiz!  Next we talked about the characteristics of PURE Substances.  Finally we got to work on our own pure substance as well as this week in science project.  

Read page 157-163 in TEXTBOOK

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Biology 12)

Today we finished off notes on ALL of Biochemistry.  Make sure you know ALL about the 4 Biomolecules:  Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins and Nucleic Acids.   UNIT TEST: Thursday, Sept. 21

Here is the Power Point in case you need to add notes.   The entire Module set is due on Thursday.   You should finish off Proteins today.   

Buffers Lab is due on Friday, Sept. 22.

Some great videos to help you review (in increasing order of difficulty) 

Thursday, 14 September 2023

Science 9

Today we finished off the WHMIS symbol sheet to practice what WHMIS symbols mean.  Next we worked on our safety poster.  If we were done with extra time, we played THIS online game to review the symbols.  

We took notes on Matter and Elements, Compounds and Mixtures.  These notes are HERE.  Finally we did a lab on elements, compounds and mixtures.  Make sure one copy makes it into the BIN!

Wednesday, 13 September 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Biology 12)

Today we took the quiz on Water Acids/Bases and Buffers.  Next we finished off notes from POWER POINT on Lipids.  Textbook reading: 2.5 and 2.6.  Module questions assigned today are:  Part C iii)Carbohydrates.  Due on Friday.  

Tuesday, 12 September 2023

Science 9

 Today we continued on our SAFETY IN THE LAB!   We highlighted some key points HERE.  Next we filled out a note sheet on WHMIS symbols.  Video below.   For the last 40 minutes we worked on Safety Rules posters (See criteria from last class) 

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

Reminder:  Do the water/acid/base quiz posted last class.  Quiz tomorrow on water, acids, bases and buffers

Today we had a power point on Biomolecules.  We looked at carbohydrates and the first part of lipids.  Power point is HERE.  Note sheet HERE.

Homework:  Read first part of chapter 2.4  DO Module questions Part C) i)overview and ii)synthesis and hydrolysis 

Monday, 11 September 2023

Science 9

Today we reviewed some safety rules and equipment in the science classroom.  Make sure you know the location and how to use:  Main gas turn off button, Fire extinguisher, Safety Shower, Eye-wash station, Fire blanket, Fume hood.

Next we got a handout on Safety Rules and picked a rule to make a poster illustrating this rule.  Poster assignment found HERE.  You don't need to memorize all these rules, but you do need to know basic rules to stay safe! 

We also did a whole class challenge with lab equipment naming.  

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Biology 12)

 Today we took notes on acids, bases and buffers.  We finished off our module questions:  Section A) Part A and B.  Answers to module questions found HERE.  

Try this fun, fun online quiz HERE.  Make sure to turn on the soothing music to accompany you:)))

Friday, 8 September 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Biology 12)

Today we practised drawing water molecules with their polar bonds,  + and - dipoles and hydrogen bonds between water molecules.  Next we wrote notes about water and finished off the power point from yesterday.  We got our first set of Module Questions found HERE.  Section A) Part A and Part B should be completed by Tuesday, Sept. 12.  

Sept. 13 we will have a quiz on water, acids and bases and buffer systems.   

Science 9

 Today we:

1) Turned in our textbook tour/scavenger hunt from last class as well as our signed course outline

2) Watched the video below on the scientific method and turned in two things you knew, two things you learned and 1 thing you wonder about

3) In groups we were given questions and then designed our own experiments to answer the question.  Make sure you can determine what the independent and dependent variables should be for a proposed experiment.

Thursday, 7 September 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

This week we have been working on Scientific Method and a Chemistry Review to help you with the Biochemistry section of the course.   

Power point is found HERE.  Notesheet is HERE

In your textbook you should be reading and answering the Check your progress for the following sections:

Chapter 1:  Read The process of Science Section and do check your progress questions

Chapter 2:  Read 2.1 Basic Chemistry and 2.2 Molecules and Compounds and do check your progress questions for each section.  

Science 9

Welcome to Grade 9 Science!!!   This year our focus is on chemical compounds, mitosis and meiosis and reproduction of cells, electricity and electrical circuits and cycling of nutrients in the environment.  

This week we got the course outline found HERE.   

Got our textbooks:  BC Science Probe 9 and did a Textbook Scavenger hunt found HERE. (Due Friday, Sept. 8) 

We also learned more about the Scientific Method.  We used THIS note sheet to take notes.     

Thursday, 15 June 2023

Environmental Science 12

Today we did the DAM tour, no I mean the tour of the dam!   If you missed this, you need to complete THIS alternate assignment.  We also had a bit of time to work on our Dream Day Meal Analysis.  The Rubric for this is HERE.  

Wednesday, 14 June 2023

Life Sciences 11

 Today we continued our notes on animals.  We wrote notes on worms and mollusks found HERE.  Next we watched some videos:

Finally we dissected a SQUID.  Nice work analyzing the external and internal structures.  Practice exam is HERE and key HERE.  

Monday, 12 June 2023

Environmental Science 12

 Today we looked at a REALLY enthusiastic YouTubers take on the Revelstoke Dam.  Found below:

Next we worked on our Dream Day Meal Analysis.  Single point Rubric is HERE.    A reminder that this project is due on Friday.  

Life Science 11

 Today we took notes on Sponges and Cnidarians (2 Phyla of the Animal Kingdom).  Power point is HERE.  We watched the awesome videos below:

Finally we practiced for the PLANT TEST - Coming up tomorrow!!   Answer Key for Seed Plant Questions is HERE

Thursday, 8 June 2023

Life Sciences 11

 Today we went over the Moss and Fern Questions.  Answers to moss found HERE and fern HERE.  Next we watched the videos below to review angiosperm and gymnosperm life cycles.  Next we did a seed plants lab and turned it in and then did some work on our seed plants questions.  

Wednesday, 7 June 2023

Environmental Science 12

 We went to visit the bees today.  If you were not here, you can write an essay with APA citations on the decline of the bee population.  Share with me on office 365

Tuesday, 6 June 2023

Life Science 11

Today we watched Hank's video below.  Next we took notes on the seed plants.  They are HERE.  Remember that the mosses and ferns questions will be due on THURSDAY.  

Environmental Science 12

Today we watched a few Rivers presentations and then the video on BEE Pollinators below.  Remember that we will be visiting the BEE HIVE teaching apiary tomorrow.  Bring a hat, sunscreen, water and good shoes.   We also started a food system project found HERE.  

Friday, 2 June 2023

Life Science 11

 Today we looked at FERNS!!   Power point is HERE and Lab HERE.  

Questions on MOSS and FERNS are due on TUESDAY. 

Environmental Science 12

 Today we heard one more rivers project.  THESE are all due on Monday at the latest.  Next we watched the Nature of Things documentary below:

 Do three things you knew, three you learned and 2 questions you have

Thursday, 1 June 2023

Life Science 11

 Today we looked at non-vascular plants the mosses.  First we took notes, found HERE.  Next we did a lab found HERE and finally we watched Hank talk about Ferns below:



Wednesday, 31 May 2023

Environmental Science 12

Today we went off to visit Sarah Boyle.  She works for Parks Canada and has a LARGE garden and backyard.  She told us about her career path as well as the ECOSYSTEM services provided by her yard.  

Next we watched the two videos below and answered the THREE THINGS you knew, three things you learned and one question.  

Tuesday, 30 May 2023

Life Science 11

Today we wrote our FUNGI quizeroooo.  It was quick!  Next we started our plant unit by taking notes on non-vascular plants.  Next class we will collect some moss to be analyzed.   Notes are found HERE.  

Environmental Science 12

Today we dug out the compost and sent it on its way to the industrial compost at the dump.  Next we watched the two videos below and did THREE things you knew, THREE things you learned and ONE question.  

Tuesday, 23 May 2023

Environmental Science 12

Today Leah Evans came in to talk about Revy Refest.   Next we finished off our Rivers Presentations and presented some to the class.  Next we watched the TED Ed on the donut economy found below:

Life Sciences 11

Today we finished off the Fungi Unit by writing the final notes from THIS power point.  Next we worked on our Fungi Colouring worksheet.  This is due on Wednesday.  Finally we started off on THIS fungi lab and started dissecting our mushroom.   

Tuesday, 16 May 2023

Environmental Science 12

 Today we talked about water quality and water quality tests.  We watched and took notes on the videos below:

Life Science 11

 Today we took more notes from the Fungi Power point posted yesterday.  Up to and including reproduction of Fungi.  Next we finished the Protist Lab.  Finally we got a practice for the Protist RE-QUIZ.  Answers are found HERE.  

Monday, 15 May 2023

Environmental Science 12

 We worked on our Rivers presentation today.  This is due on Friday this week.  

Reminder that Thursday afternoon is our biking field trip.  We will bike to Williamson Lake to do some water quality testing

Life Science 11

Today we started the next unit FUNGI we took some notes from THIS power point.   Next we worked on our protist lab from last Friday.  Not quite done yet!  Will get this done tomorrow!

WEDNESDAY re-write protist quiz if you choose.  Homework:  Read page 84-86 

Do Concept Check #1-3 on page 86.  

Friday, 12 May 2023

Life Science 11

 Today we wrote the PROTIST quiz.  Next we worked on the PROTIST lab, we aren't quite done yet though.  

Environmental Science 12

Today we worked on our RIVERS project.  This is supposed  to be due today:) but you might get some time on Monday to work on it.   

Thursday, 11 May 2023

Life Sciences 11

Today we went on a pond walk to collect protists.  Next we returned to class to work on our Abundance and Distribution of Bacteria Lab.  This is due tomorrow.    We got a practice protist quiz found HERE and the answer key HERE.  

Wednesday, 10 May 2023

Environmental Science 12

On Tuesday and Wednesday this week we went to the community centre to listen to the responsible recreation conference.  If you missed either of these days you need to make a power point explaining ONE of the following concepts:  

1) UNDRIPA (Section 7)

2) Canada's SARA legislation

3) SEAs (Strategic environmental assessments)

4) Shuswap Trail Alliance

5) FSPs (Forest Stewardship plans)


Monday, 8 May 2023

Life Sciences 11

Today we finished off our notes on Kingdom Protista with THIS notesheet.  We will have a short quiz on protists on Friday.   Next we had time to work on our distribution and abundance of bacteria lab.  We watched a short video to remind us how to use in text citations.  This is below: 

Environmental Science 12

Today we talked about our week long plan.  Monday and Friday will be work on Rivers Project (due at the end of next week).  Tuesday and Wednesday will be going down to the community centre to listen to some talks on Responsible Recreation.   Today we watched the following video:

Next we got THIS river assignment that will be due at the end of next week.   Take your time to pick a river of your choosing.  

Friday, 5 May 2023

Life Sciences 11

Today we 1) Got our tests back from yesterday.  2) Took some notes on protists found HERE

3) Worked on Abundance and Diversity of Bacteria lab.  Rubric is HERE

Check out the coool protist bioluminescence below: 

Environmental Science 12

Today we had a discussion about the conference we will be attending next week:  Responsible Recreation. The link is found HERE.   Next we continued our discussion on rivers.  We watched the crash course below and wrote up 2 things we knew, 2 thinks we learned and 1 question:

Thursday, 4 May 2023

Life Sciences 11

1) Today we wrote out Bacteria QUESSSST.   Nice work everyone, slayed that!   

2) Next we did some reading about protists:  page 68-71 in our text books.

3) Worked on the Distribution and Abundance of Bacteria Lab.  We took our second data collection and then worked on writing up the lab on the computers.   Make sure you share this lab with me by Tuesday, May 9  

Wednesday, 3 May 2023

Environmental Science 12

Today we did a walk about along the Illecillewaet River to Bridge Creek to look at stream flow, erosion effects, natural ecosystem management and Kokanee spawning grounds.  If you missed part of the walk, your assignment is to:  

1) Prepare a power point about a specific river anywhere on earth.  You need pictures from google earth and some data about the river and it's connection to the people of the area.  Explain why you picked this river, what did you find interesting about it?  


2) Prepare an information brochure about Kokanee Salmon 

Tuesday, 2 May 2023

Life Science 11

 Ms. Wood is home sick today so no need to observe the BACTERIA from the lab last week.  We will make our second observations on Thursday after the Bacteria Quest.   Reminder that on Thursday there is a bacteria unit quest.  Use your notes, review and textbook concept check questions to help you review.  There is a a lot of new vocabulary here.  Here is what you should work on:  

1) Bacteria Quest Review found HERE.  I will collect this on Thursday.   This can be handwritten on done on computer and shared with me.

2) Watch the videos below to help you review: 

Environmental Science 12

Ms. Wood is home sick today, but here is the work to get ready for the river study.  No need to bring bikes tomorrow, we can't go as far as I thought we could!  

1) Read the River Systems document found HERE.  Write a summary of the main points of the article (include new vocabulary words you learned).   Share your document with me on word.  

2) Use good old google to answer the following River Study questions found HERE.  You can answer directly on the document after downloading and saving it with your name in the title.  

3) Watch the Crash Course in Geography below:   

Wednesday, 26 April 2023

Life Sciences 11

 Today we finished off notes on bacteria.  Next we made some streak plates and then worked on our Abundance and Diversity of bacteria lab.  This lab is HERE.  

Tuesday, 25 April 2023

Life Sciences 11

 Today we continued with the bacteria notes from yesterday.  Next we started a Distribution and Abundance of bacteria lab found HERE with details HERE.  

Environmental Science 12

 Today we started a quick assignment!   We are making posters with the topic of "Climate Justice" for the BCTF Earth Day contest.   Contest details are found HERE.  Poster can be hand drawn or digital.

Monday, 24 April 2023

Life Sciences 11

 Today we went over the taxonomy practice questions from last week.  Keys are in class if you were away.  Next we started THIS note sheet with THIS power point.  Homework:  Read page 58-60.  Do concept check page 59 #1,2 and page 61 #1-4

Environmental Science 12

Today we watched the following two videos to learn about the Columbia River dams and the Columbia River treaty.  If you were away, write out your thoughts about these two videos.  What did you learn from each of them?  


Friday, 21 April 2023

Life Sciences 11

Today we finished off the taxonomy unit by learning about Cladograms and practicing a Cladogram.  See video below and THIS worksheet.  We went over the worksheet so make sure you check with someone who has completed it.  Key is HERE.  

Finally we practiced THIS and THIS assignment as review for the unit.  

Thursday, 20 April 2023

Environmental Science 12

 This week we have been working on our "Sustainability Fair" presentations.  We will present to the school on Thursday afternoon and to the elementary students on Friday morning.  

Wednesday, 19 April 2023

Life Sciences 11

This week we've been working on making and using Dichotomous Keys.  The workbook is found HERE.  

The imaginary animal key is due this week.  


Monday, 17 April 2023

Life Sciences 11

Today we took some notes on Taxonomy and then did the FIRST part of the dichotomous key found HERE.  Tomorrow we will learn how to make our own key.  Videos below show how to make a key and use a key:

Thursday, 13 April 2023

Life Sciences 11

Today we got some time to do the Evolution Unit Review and the two practice tests.  Next we played a rousing game of Pictionary to review for the quest tomorrow on UNIT D Evolution.  Next we did the two  practice tests and checked our answers HERE and HERE.  

Evolution Unit Review Answers are HERE

Some vids to help you study!!

(Slow this one down!!)

Thursday, 6 April 2023

Life Science 11

Today we took notes on Genetics and DNA with the power point found HERE.  Next we finished the bunny lab and turned it in with a graph.  Sample bunny lab is found HERE.  

Wednesday, 5 April 2023

Environmental Science 12

Today we went on a walk about on the Columbia River and Illecillewaet River.  We discussed river features and measured the velocity of the rivers at different places.

Tuesday, 4 April 2023

Life Science 11

 Today we finished off the Natural Selection notes from last class.  Next we watched the 5 fingers of evolution video below to answer THESE questions about it:

Finally we got THIS review, due next Thursday. (Omit #2 for now) 

Environmental Science 12

Today we did a weee cross word and a map sketch of the Revelstoke area.  Come prepared for a River walk on Wednesday!  

Monday, 3 April 2023

Life Science 11

Today we continued looking at Natural Selection by filling in THESE notes up to Reproductive Isolating Mechanisms.  Use THIS power point.

Next we watched the movie below and turned in Three things I knew, Three things I learned and one question I have.  

Environmental Science 12

Today we started work on our next unit:  Water Systems.  We made a rough sketch of the Columbia River Basin and labelled the following:  Ocean, Glaciers, Evaporation, Evapotranspiration, Condensation, Clouds, Rivers, Streams, Groundwater, Infiltration, Moutains

Next we worked on our Earth Day Poster.  Please send me your color pictures if you require any

Friday, 17 March 2023

Life Science 11

 Today we wrote the quiz on 5 pieces of evidence for evolution.  If you missed the quiz, there was one question:  1) List and describe 5 pieces of evidence for evolution.  Give examples for each of your points.  

Next we did a lab evolution of hairless rabbits.  Lab is found HERE.    If you were away, fear not!  We aren't finished the lab so no write up yet.  

Environmental Science 12

Today we did a "walkability" tour up to Arrow Heights by way of the pedestrian bridge.   If you were not there, you should write a couple of paragraphs about Revelstoke's Community Energy Corporation.  

Thursday, 16 March 2023

Environmental Science 12

Today we worked on our poster presentations for Earth DAY on April 20th.  Next we watched the rest of the REBELLION documentary to discuss Climate Action protests.  If you missed class, write a brief synopsis about this movie.

(the first 20 minutes) 

Life Science 11

 Today we practiced the 5 pieces of evidence for evolution.  Next we took notes on natural selection.  At the end of class we did a lab on natural selection found HERE.  

Tuesday, 14 March 2023

Life Sciences 11

Today we finished off notes on Evidence for Evolution.  On Friday we will have a Quiz on: 5 pieces of Evidence for Evolution.  Next we worked on our Evidence of Evolution Assignment.  This assignment is due tomorrow.   We also watched the video below on human vestigial structures:

Environmental Science 12

 Today we started working on our final project for the Climate Change Unit.  HERE are some ideas for you, but there are many more.  

Monday, 13 March 2023

Life Sciences 11

 Today we started taking notes about EVOLUTION and evidence for EVOLUTION.  Power point is found HERE and evidence assignment is HERE.  We also finished watching the evidence of evolution video below:  

Environmental Science 12

 Today we had guest speakers come and talk about public transportation in Revelstoke.  If you missed class your alternate assignment is to go this  City Website a synopsis about the Transportation Master Plan.   Discuss proposed bike routes and public transportation as your main focus.  

Friday, 10 March 2023

Life Science 11

 Today we wrote a VIRUS quiz.  This was short!  Next we started our next unit on EVOLUTION.  We got THIS assignment on the evidence for evolution and watched the video below:

Wednesday, 8 March 2023

Life Sciences 11

Today we took notes using THIS notes sheet.  Use THIS power point to complete it if you were away.  We also spent some time working on our VIRUS project which is due on FRIDAY.  You can share the project through office 365.    We have a virus quiz on Friday.  Complete THESE questions and check your answers HERE.  

Remember that to help you study for quizzes, you can also watch the awesome You tubers below:

Monday, 6 March 2023

Environmental Science 12

 Today we prepped our grocery store walkability survey and we worked on THIS webquest assignment. 

Use website to answer questions