Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Friday, 5 November 2021

Science 10

 This week we practiced mixed ionic and covalent naming with a quiz on Friday on this topic.  Remember that if you have a compound with two non-metals, DON"T look at the charges, just use the prefixes.  

Call this:  N2O5   dinitrogen pentoxide due to the number of each atom in the formula:  

1) due this week:   Text book reading Page 123-126.   Due the purple questions on page 124 and 126 for marks.   

2) Turn in lab Physical and Chemical Changes (handout) with the questions answered and a Conclusion

3)  Complete lab:  Law of Conservation of Mass.  Page 136-137 in text.   Complete all questions at the end of the lab.  This includes a graph on graph paper.  

We also took notes on the law of conservation of mass.   Notes are found HERE and power point HERE.  We also practiced word equations and skeleton equations.   This is found HERE.