Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Monday, 13 December 2021

Biology 12

 Today we started respiration by taking THESE notes power point found HERE.  

Science 10

 Today we took notes on how to do calculations with Thermal Energy found HERE.  Next we did some practice questions on THIS sheet (#1,2 and 5).   Answers to some selected review questions found HERE.  

Friday, 10 December 2021

Biology 12

Today we watched a movie about a heart attack victim- Discovery Channel documentary below:  Just go to You Tube and search for:  Discovery Channel body story the beast within to get the whole 48 minute documentary.  Questions to go with the documentary found HERE.  

Practice Test Answers are found HERE.  This practice test will help you prepare for the test on Tuesday on Circulatory System.  

Science 10

Today we wrote our quiz on kinetic and potential energy.  Next we took some notes on THERMAL ENERGY found HERE.   Make sure you work on the Physics unit review for the physics test during next week's double block.  I will post some selected answers.    

Wednesday, 8 December 2021

Biology 12

Today we looked at our pulse and blood pressure under different conditions in the heart sounds and pressure lab.  This lab is due with observations and questions answered.  Due on Monday.  Answers to module questions are found HERE.  These are due on Friday.   

Tuesday, 7 December 2021

Science 10

Today we took notes on combining KE and PE.  These are found HERE.    Next we did some practice questions HERE.  

Biology 12

 Today we took notes on Lymph next we finished off the pig heart dissection worksheet and then did module questions F and G (1, 2) 

Monday, 6 December 2021

Science 10

Today we took some notes on how to calculate Mechanical Kinetic Energy and then how to use this formula to calculate Velocity.   Complete worksheet up to #6 at least.   We also shot off our catapults.

Thursday, 2 December 2021

Science 10

 Today (or yesterday if you are G/C block) we took notes on Conservation of Energy found HERE.  Next we did questions #1-5 on Conservation of Energy found HERE.  Make sure you have double checked your answers.    Next we took some notes on Gravitational Potential Energy.  These notes are HERE.   

We also started building a catapult to see who can send an eraser the furthest by transforming gravitational and elastic potential energy into mechanical kinetic energy.  

Tuesday, 30 November 2021

Science 10

 Today we took some notes on Energy from THIS power point.  Fill in THIS note sheet.  

Next we cleaned off our silver one more time and did THESE questions on Energy.  #5 is tricky, we will go over tomorrow.  

Biology 12

Today we practiced labelling the heart for the heart quiz tomorrow.   All words will be in the word bank for you.  Next we took notes on blood pressure and blood from the circulatory system power point.  Module C 1-4 was assigned.    

Monday, 29 November 2021

Science 10

 Today we started off the ENERGY unit.  We watched good 'ol Bill Nye to start us off.  

Biology 12

 Today we practiced labelling the heart and veins and arteries.   We used THIS diagram to help us determine where veins and arteries are in the body.  

Friday, 26 November 2021

Science 10

 Today we wrote our Chemistry unit test.   Next we started the physics unit by reading page 200-205 in our textbook.   Do the purple questions on page 201 and 205 and turn in.  Make sure you have turned in the practice test as well.  

Biology 12

 Today we worked on Power Point for circulatory system up to and including the veins/arteries of the systemic system.  Power point is HERE and note sheet HERE.  We got our module questions (but these are not assigned yet).   We did a little heart building activity and got a handout to help us name all the veins and arteries.  

Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Biology 12

Today we dissected the pigs!   Great work everyone.  You should have seen the liver, pancreas (tricky to see this one), gallbladder, spleen, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum.  Make sure you can describe all the functions of these (not the spleen).   Here is a good online human body visualizer if you want to practice observing a human.

Digestion test on THURSDAY!!! 

Monday, 22 November 2021

Biology 12

Today we prepared the piggies getting ready for dissection.   Come prepared to dissect tomorrow.  Read through the lab hand out.    Next we worked on our Test Review getting ready for the DIGESTIVE system test on THURSDAY.   

Science 10

Today we did the last topic of the Chemistry Unit by looking at THIS power point.  Next we  worked on our Chemistry Practice test getting rid for the test on Friday.  The practice test is due on Wednesday/Thursday depending on when your double block falls.   Here is my friend Trevor helping out with classifying reactions:

Thursday, 18 November 2021

Science 10

 Today we practiced balancing and classifying chemical reactions.  Worksheet found HERE.  

Next we did a type:  6 types of reactions found on page 180-182.   Answer the questions #3, 4, and 5 on page 182.

Mini quiz tomorrow only on balancing.  

Biology 12

Today we worked on our board games first block.     Last day to turn them in is on Nov. 25.   Next we got an outline for the digestive system test.  Practice test is found HERE.      Test is on Thurs. Nov. 25

Next we worked on module questions and looked at the pig dissection video.   Module questions on the Liver should be completed by tomorrow.   Small intestine for Monday.  

Pig Dissection below:  

Tuesday, 16 November 2021

Biology 12

Today we finished off our body posters. Finished off all the notes from the digestive system and worked on module questions and questions on glucagon and insulin.  Module questions D, E, F (1,2, 3 and 8, 9, 10 ) should be completed tonight.  Answers are found HERE.  

Science 10

 Today we took notes on types of chemical reactions and practiced balancing chemical reactions.  Notes are found HERE starting on page 12.   Make sure you can classify the 6 types of reactions.  

Monday, 15 November 2021

Biology 12

Today we did some quick notes on absorption of nutrients.  These are found in the power point on Digestive System.  Next we worked on the giant body system poster.  Finally we were assigned the module questions D, E and F (1, 2, 3) 

Monday, 8 November 2021

Biology 12

Today we took notes on the digestive system with the power point note sheet from last class.  We did up to and including all the digestive enzymes.   Next we worked on our Module for Digestion A and B.  Tomorrow we will do Module part C and THIS worksheet.   We will also watch HANKKKKKK!

Science 10

Today we took notes on balancing chemical equations.  Notesheet is found HERE with the answer section found HERE.  You should be able to answer all the the questions on the page with the "grids" for the element tally and #2, 3, 4, 7 and 12 on the balancing race page.    Check your answers!  If this really doesn't make sense, go to my friend Tyler's you tube:

Friday, 5 November 2021

Science 10

Today we wrote a quick quiz on naming and writing formulas for ionic and covalent compounds.  Next we took notes on how to determine the number of atoms in a chemical formula for chemical reactions.  We did THIS worksheet (9 questions minimum) and checked our work with the key.  

Biology 12

Today we worked on our biochemistry game and got the Module Questions for the digestive system.   A and B in the module are due Tuesday.  

Biology 12

This week we wrote our Quest on DNA and protein synthesis.  Next we started the body systems unit on Digestive System.   The notes are HERE and power point HERE.    

Science 10

 This week we practiced mixed ionic and covalent naming with a quiz on Friday on this topic.  Remember that if you have a compound with two non-metals, DON"T look at the charges, just use the prefixes.  

Call this:  N2O5   dinitrogen pentoxide due to the number of each atom in the formula:  

1) due this week:   Text book reading Page 123-126.   Due the purple questions on page 124 and 126 for marks.   

2) Turn in lab Physical and Chemical Changes (handout) with the questions answered and a Conclusion

3)  Complete lab:  Law of Conservation of Mass.  Page 136-137 in text.   Complete all questions at the end of the lab.  This includes a graph on graph paper.  

We also took notes on the law of conservation of mass.   Notes are found HERE and power point HERE.  We also practiced word equations and skeleton equations.   This is found HERE.  

Monday, 1 November 2021

Biology 12

Today we worked on module questions, quest review and mutations worksheet.   Answers to mutations worksheet found HERE.   Don't forget module quiz tomorrow as well as the DNA quest on Wednesday.  

Sunday, 31 October 2021

Biology 12

Happy Halloween!!    A reminder that your module quiz is on Tuesday.  Here is the answer key to the module questions.  

Wednesday is the DNA quest day.  

Thursday, 28 October 2021

Biology 12

 Today we finished off the last of the DNA unit.  Next we started brainstorming and preparing our biochemistry section review game.   DNA unit QUEST next Wednesday.  

We are doing THIS Review and THESE questions on DNA mutations tomorrow.   Review answers found HERE.  

Science 10

Today (or yesterday if you are in DH block) we did a practice quiz for our names and formulas of ionic compounds quiz that we will write tomorrow.  More practice HERE  Next we did a lab on physical and chemical changes.  Questions for this lab are HERE.  

Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Biology 12

Today we finished off the notes up to translation of a protein.  (See the power point from last entry).  Next we watched the rest of Crash Course DNA replication (just the last 5 minutes or so) and crash course on protein synthesis.  Module Questions- second page Protein Synthesis (A) protein synthesis and (B) Features of RNA.  

 Next class we will start making our biochemistry review game:   Bring stuff from home!!    Assignment is found HERE......this is not due for some time!

Science 10

Today we worked on balancing compounds and writing names of compounds for ionic and covalent compounds.  There is a quiz on FRIDAY on only ionic compounds.  Next we went over how to write up a lab report and we started working on the lab report for this lab:  Physical and Chemical Changes lab.  You should have the first sections written out up to the data table.  

Monday, 25 October 2021

Biology 12

Today we started the DNA section.  Check the blog entry from Thursday for Power point and notesheet.  Today we did the first page of the module.    Tomorrow we will do protein synthesis questions in the module:  Second page Section B:  A (protein synthesis)  and B (Features of RNA) (not the process of protein synthesis).

 We will also watch the rest of Crash Course on DNA replication and TEDed on Rosalind Franklin


Science 10

Today we reviewed naming and writing formulas for ionic compounds.  Next we took notes on names and formulas for covalent compounds.  Next we Practiced, practiced and practiced with THIS worksheet.  Answers found HERE.   You do not need to have this completed by tomorrow.  Just make sure you are working through it slowly and carefully!   Check answers after each section.   Here is a video on the hoaxes that were pulled on people about the covalent compound: Dihydrogen monoxide

Thursday, 21 October 2021

Bio 12

Today we wrote our Quest on Cell Membrane, Transport and Enzymes.  Next we took a few notes on DNA......found HERE with THIS power point.   And of course, ye ol' module questions if you want to get a jump on next week.......

Science 10

Today (or yesterday depending on which class you are in) we did the quick quiz on subatomic particles, Bohr Models and Lewis dot structures.  We took notes on writing formulas and naming ionic compounds.  The notes are found HERE and power point HERE.   Make sure you do ALL the questions for homework if you did not finish them.  If you are confused, watch Tyler!

Tuesday, 19 October 2021

Science 10

Today we finally wrote the safety quiz......even though I wasn't there!   Next we did some practicing on Lewis Dot diagrams.   These are usually build for COVALENT compounds (2 non-metals).   We did THIS worksheet and turned in.   Make sure you have also completed yesterday's worksheet.  

We also practiced for the quiz tomorrow on subatomic particles.  Do this practice and check your answers HERE

Biology 12

I was sick again today!   That liver in the fridge might be getting a bit stinky:(     Instead of the lab, we studied for the QUEST on Thursday on cell membrane, transport and enzymes.  Do the practice test and all module questions.  Module answers found HERE.   

Monday, 18 October 2021

Science 10

SAFETY QUIZ TOMORROW!!   We looked at our practice quiz and made sure we reviewed the WHMIS symbols.   Today we did some work on Ionic and Covalent Compound recognizing as well as Lewis dot diagrams.  We took THESE notes with THIS Power point.  Do these practice problems.

Wednesday or Thursday (depending on the block) we will have a quiz on recognizing how many electrons, protons and neutrons are in an isotope given it's symbol.  Bohr models will also be on there.

Here's professor Dave and some Lewis dot theory.  The 1s2p etc. isn't important for us, and the double bonds are for extension.  

Biology 12

QUEST on Cell Membrane, Transport and Enzymes coming up on THURSDAY!!  Test objectives HERE.  Practice test HERE.  and the KEY for the practice.  

Good enzyme video:  

Friday, 15 October 2021

Biology 12

 We were supposed to do a lab today, but I was sick so we worked on the potato lab instead.   Got THIS worksheet as well as THIS one to practice ENZYMES!!

Science 10


I was sick today and switched the plan.   If you were in class you should do the following worksheet HERE using a computer simulation.   If you weren't there do THIS instead.  Either way you should be able to calculate the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in different atoms and ions.   Make sure you can write the standard symbol to show different isotopes.   

Quick safety quiz on Monday, we will look at the practice quiz first and have some time to review.  

Thursday, 14 October 2021

Science 10

 Check out the Wednesday blog entry for what went on during the double block.  

Wednesday, 13 October 2021

Science 10

 Today we finished off the notes on ATOMS and subatomic particles from Tuesdays class.  Practice questions HERE.   Make sure you can draw some Bohr models and calculate #protons, #neutrons and #electrons in atoms and ions.   Next we did a coolie lab on Flame Colours of Metal ions.  This is found HERE.   watch it on you tube if you weren't with us:


Biology 12

Today we took notes on Enzymes.  Power point is found HERE.  Notes are HERE.   

Module questions on Enzymes (Section B: Enzyme Action) do up to question 11 in part B.  

Tuesday, 12 October 2021

Biology 12

Today we had the last day with the computers and worked on our solute concentration of potatoes lab.   We also got a review of cell membrane and transport.  This is found HERE.  Answers posted tomorrow.    We are finished chapter 4 (Cell membrane and transport) and starting enzymes tomorrow.  

Science 10

Today we reviewed the safety rules and lab equipment used in the classroom.  Safety quiz coming up on Friday.  Use the textbook on page xiv-xvii to answer these practice questions and these whims symbols.  

Next we started CHEMISTRY UNIT.  We started THESE notes using THIS power point.  

Friday, 8 October 2021

Science 10

Today we wrote our Biology unit test.  Make sure you have turned in your visual dictionary and Test Review for this unit.  Next we worked on some safety in preparation for the lab component of the Chemistry unit coming up on TUESDAY!!

Read Safety in the Science Classroom page xiv-xvii at the front of the textbook.  Complete the WHMIS worksheet and safety worksheet with the amoeba sisters lab safety video:


Biology 12

Today we worked on our "Solute Concentration of Potato Cytoplasm Lab"  on the laptops.  Make sure you have used the criteria given to you about lab write ups.  These are found HERE and HERE.   Double check the module answer key posted.  It has been reposted in Wednesdays entry.   Module quiz on cell membranes and transport moved to TUESDAY.   

Wednesday, 6 October 2021

Science 10

 Today we continued to work on our Test Review.  It is due on Friday.  Key is posted up in class.

We also answered some questions about a computer simulation.   This is found HERE.   Turn in when complete.  

Biology 12

Today we finished our notes on Transport across the cell membrane using THIS power point.  Next we worked on module questions.  By Friday you should have all the Cell membrane and Transport module questions done.  Module Quiz coming up on Friday...... Answers are found HERE.   

Solute Concentration of Potatoes Lab is due next Friday (Oct. 15th).  An example of a past lab is found HERE.  

Tuesday, 5 October 2021

Biology 12

 Today we did a lab using the principles of osmosis to determine the sucrose concentration of potatoes......Next we started writing the lab up on the computer.  This will be worked on tomorrow.  

Science 10

Today we continued with the documentary "What Darwin Never Knew".  See post on Oct. 2.  You should have up to question #12 answered.  Next we worked on our test review for the Biology unit test coming up on Friday.   The answers to selected questions will be posted in class.....the links from yesterday's post don't work:(


Monday, 4 October 2021

Science 10

 Today in class we watched a short video on misconceptions of evolution:

Next we took some notes on evolution found found HERE.  

We worked on review for the BIOLOGY UNIT TEST COMING UP ON FRIDAY!!!

Found HERE (DNA and protein synthesis) and HERE (Genetics) and HERE.   

Review is due on Friday as well (selected answers  for the first section posted HERE for the section section HERE).  

Saturday, 2 October 2021

Science 10

Today we finished off the Battle of the Beaks by graphing our results and answering the questions.  Next we watched the first 30 minutes of What Darwin Never Knew:  

Questions to go with the video (up to #4):  Found HERE.  

Biology 12

 Today we wrote our module quiz and quest on cells and cell organelles.  We started notes on the cell membrane and transport across the membrane.  Power point is HERE and notes HERE.    

Wednesday, 29 September 2021

Science 10

Today we spent some time working on the visual dictionary.  These are due on MONDAY at the latest.  Next we did a battle of the beaks to learn about natural selection.    Make sure you bring back your results on Friday in order to graph them.  

Biology 12

Today we looked at our cheek cells under the microscope and did the drawings for this.  Next we worked on the module questions that are due on Friday (see yesterday's post).  We got a "fun, fun" game of mix and match.  Check your answers at the end HERE.   HERE are answers to the cells practice test. 

Module Quiz and Cell Organelle QUiz/QUest coming up on Friday Oct. 1

Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Science 10

 Today we worked on our biology visual dictionary questions.  Make sure you have checked your answers for the co-dominantand incomplete dominant punnett square questions.  

Biology 12

 Today we finished off the blood cell lab, looking at actual size of red blood cells and white blood cells.  Next we practiced all the cell organelles from the module.  Finish off these module questions:  vi) Golgi (all questions).  vii) vacuoles and vesicles (1, 2)   viii) lysosomes (3)    xi) cell wall and chloroplasts (1,3, 4)  x) mitochondria (2-5) 

Answers to all module questions found HERE  Note that you need to scroll down past the biomolecules questions.  

Practice cell organelle quiz answers posted tomorrow.  

Good video to see the connection between different cell organelles:

Monday, 27 September 2021

Biology 12

 Today we finished off the power point on Cell Organelles.  Next we did a lab looking at blood cells and calculating their sizes.  Homework:  Complete Module Questions on Endoplasmic Reticulum and Ribosomes.  

Science 10

Today we went over our Punnett square quiz on completely dominant alleles.  Next we looked at some examples of sex-linked traits and multiple alleles.  Do these worksheets and check your answers in class (answer key posted).   

Incomplete and Co-dominant (omit #12)      Sex-linked traits (first page only)

Friday, 24 September 2021

Science 10

 Today we did a short quiz on Punnett squares with completely dominant traits.  Next we took some notes  on sex-linked traits and multiple alleles.   These are in THIS power point at the end (slide 18-32).

Finally we practiced some in-complete and co-dominant trait questions.  

Biology 12

Today we watched the last part of the crash course in Biology on CELLS.  Next we ran or walked the Terry fox run.  For Monday you should have the Module Questions on Cells completed up to and including the nucleolus.  

Here is a good article on how blood cells lose their nuclei:

Thursday, 23 September 2021

Biology 12

Today we took our biomolecules test.  Next we read page 45-53 in our textbooks and answered the Module questions on cells up to and including nucleolus.  Next we started the Cell and Cell organelles.  We took notes found HERE using THIS power point.  Finally we built a cell out of play dough and labelled all of its organelles.  

Science 10

Today (or Wednesday for the other class) We looked at some aliens traits.  This assignment is found HERE.   Next you paired up with someone and reorganized your alleles in order to bred your aliens.  This assignment is HERE.   

Tuesday, 21 September 2021

Science 10

 Today we went over page 39 #4, 6.  Next we finished notes on genetics from yesterday.  Then we did a worksheet on SpongeBobs genetics answers are HERE.  

Biology 12

 Today we did more practice review.  The key is found HERE.  

Online practice HERE.  

Monday, 20 September 2021

Science 10

Today we took some notes on genetics with THESE notes from THIS power point.  Next we finished our Karyotype assignment.  Make sure you number the pairs of chromosomes from largest to smallest.   Determine what the mutation is (example:  trisomy 18).    Do some research to find out how this mutation would affect the individual.    

TEXTBOOK ASSIGNMENT:  Read page 26-32.  Do Questions #4, 6 page 39.  

Biology 12

Today we worked on Review for the Biomolecules Test coming up on THURSDAY, Sept. 23.  Hank and Paul have helpful videos below:

Check your answers to biomolecules test review:  Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Biomolecules practice found HERE

Friday, 17 September 2021

Science 10

 Today we got our DNA quizzes back and went over our mutations worksheet.  Answers found HERE.  

Thursday, 16 September 2021

Science 10 (DH block)

See yesterday's blog entry.  There are two block of Science 10 and we will try to do EXACTLY the same thing!!  Although my stories might be different:)

Wednesday, 15 September 2021

Science 10

Today we wrote a quiz on DNA/RNA and amino acids.  Next we took some notes found HERE on DNA mutations -found in THIS power power.  (starting on page 33) 

Next we used our new found knowledge to do some crafts and build a bee!!  We built "regular" bees and some mutated bees based on the amino acid sequences.   Finally we did THIS worksheet to practice mutations.  

Biology 12


Today we did a lab on macromolecules and turned it in by the end of class.  Your challenge was to find the killer based on the victim's stomach contents.  Next we worked on our module questions.  Answers to water-carb questions found HERE.   Lipid-proteins answers HERE.   

Tuesday, 14 September 2021

Biology 12

 Today we wrote a quiz on Acids/Bases and Water.  Next we took notes on proteins and lipids.  All questions on carbohydrates, proteins and lipids from the module are due on Friday.  

Science 10

 Today we reviewed DNA, Genes and Chromosomes by watching an amoeba sisters video

Worksheet answers found HERE

Next we practiced protein synthesis by doing THIS worksheet.  Selected answers found HERE.  

Quiz next class on DNA, RNA structure and function and protein synthesis

Monday, 13 September 2021

Biology 12

 Today we took some notes on acids and bases and did the practice quiz found HERE.   Next we completed the notes on carbohydrates from the Friday post.  QUIZEROO tomorrow on water, acids, bases.  

Science 10

 Today we filled in the note sheet pages 3-6 on THIS NOTE SHEET.  Use the power point posted on Friday.  Next we finished off the DNA coloring sheet from Friday and did the following text book assignment:  Read page 10-13.  Do the purple questions on page 13 (Before you leave this page)

Friday, 10 September 2021

Science 10

I collected the signed course outline as well as the textbook tour today.  

Today we started the Biology unit by looking at DNA structure and function.  First we did the first few pages of this note sheet using the power point found HERE.  Next we did a relaxing coloring assignment HERE.  

Biology 12

 Today we went over the water questions (Section A) from the Module.   We reviewed some concepts with Hank by watching: 

Next we filled in the sections on biomolecules and dehydration synthesis/hydrolysis on the note sheet with this power point.    Homework: Read page 27-29 in textbook.  Do Section A part B and up to C(i) of Module. 

Thursday, 9 September 2021

Science 10

Today we took notes on Scientific Method found HERE.  Next we completed the penny lab with our teams.  Make sure you have collected your data as well as answered questions #1-6 in Analysis and Conclusion.  Next we got a textbook tour assignment found HERE.  This is due tomorrow along with your signed course outline.  

Biology 12

Today we worked on review of Chemistry in order to understand how molecules will work in our bodies. We took notes on THIS power point and then filled in THESE notes on water.  

Homework fun today:   Read page 19-27 in your text.  Do all the questions on the first page of your module questions.  That is Section A part A questions #1-4.  Here's a cool video on the AMAZING properties of water:

Wednesday, 8 September 2021

Biology 12

 Welcome to Anatomy and Physiology 12!!

We will get our textbooks tomorrow.  Today we did some introductions of me and of the class.  Next we did a short intro power point found HERE and tomorrow we will do a review of chemistry needed to understand the human body.  Read ahead in the text book on these pages:  Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Science 10

 If you need more practice for the exam:  MORE CHEM REVIEW.            CHEM KEY



Monday, 21 June 2021

Science 10

 Today we watched three quick videos on the life cycles of stars:

                                                        (Just up to the low mass stars)

Next we went to the IT lab and worked on an assignment:  Stellarium Lab.  Go to to do this lab.  

We also worked on our exam reviews.  CHEM    PHYSICS  and   BIO UNITS

Selected answers for        CHEM        PHYSICS        BIO 

Friday, 18 June 2021

Science 10

 Today we wrote the Genetics/DNA test.  Next we made a scale model of the solar be finished off on Monday.   Next we watched these three videos:

Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Science 10

Today we watched part of the Documentary "What Darwin Never Knew".   We watched about 52 minutes.

Next we worked on our visual dictionaries and our Biology Test Review.   Answers to part of the test Review are found HERE.    Biology Dictionary is due on Thursday and the Practice Test is due Friday.  

Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Science 10

Today we covered the last topic in Biology:  The Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection.  We watched these videos 

Next we got some notes found HERE on evolution.  Finally we played a survivor game to look at how natural selection works.   Complete this lab and turn in and then work on the visual dictionary.   We got a practice test for the Biology Unit Test coming up on Friday.  

Friday, 11 June 2021

Science 10

Today we finished off Genetics by completing the Power Point from yesterday.  We looked at incomplete and co-dominance.   Next we did a lab on genetics and made our own "Alien Babies" using THIS assignment.   

Finally we got a Chemistry and Physics review for the final exam.  Answers are HERE for Chemistry and HERE for Physics.    Make sure you are using your data booklet.  

Thursday, 10 June 2021

Science 10

 Today we started with a video on CRISPR Cas9.  One technology used for gene editing.

Next we took some notes on Mendiellian Genetics:  Notes found HERE.   That go with THIS power point.  
Finally we did some genetics problems by studying Sponge BOB's genes.  Worksheet is found HERE and answers are HERE.  

Wednesday, 9 June 2021

Science 10

Today we took notes on mutations- chromosomal and gene mutations.   The note sheet is HERE and the power point HERE. (starts on slide #33).    Next we did this worksheet on mutations and the answer key is HERE. 

Tuesday, 8 June 2021

Science 10

 Today we finished off our notes from Friday using the power point started on Friday.  Next we extracted DNA from a strawberry using THIS lab and the video below:

Monday, 7 June 2021

Science 10

Today we practiced some radioactivity questions in preparation for the QUIZ tomorrow.  Next we finished off the Biology notes from yesterday on DNA- RNA.   Finally we built some mutant (and normal) bees based on their DNA structure.  

Friday, 4 June 2021

Science 10

 Today we finished off Radioactivity by working on this review.  Next we started our BIOLOGY unit by starting on this power point with these notes.   Next we built our own DNA model using crafty items...............

Thursday, 3 June 2021

Science 10

Today we looked at Half-life of radioactive elements.  We took notes on this found HERE.   Next we practiced these with the following worksheet and watched a video on Carbon dating.  

Next we took some notes on Fission and Fusion found HERE.  Finally we watched some videos on nuclear energy.


Science 10

Today we wrote our energy test.  Next we took notes on Alpha, Beta and Gamma decay found HERE.  Next we did some practice problems on this and then watched a video on the most radioactive places on earth.  

Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Science 10

Today we started a short unit on radioactivity.  This is included in the Energy Unit, but won't be on the test.   We went through a power point and then did a lab with "cornium" atoms in order to determine the half life of this material.  Finally we watched a short video on radioactivity.  

Monday, 31 May 2021

Science 10

Today we turned in our Physics Unit Review.  Next we did a short lesson on Climate Change found HERE.  We also watched 3 videos on climate change and wrote out three things we knew, three things we learned and 2 questions we have based on this.  

Online energy quiz found HERE.  

Friday, 28 May 2021

Science 10

Today in first block we worked on our PHYSICS TEST REVIEW.  Answers to some selected problems are found HERE.  This test review is due on Monday.   Next we did the burning peanut lab.  How much Thermal Energy is in a peanut????

Thursday, 27 May 2021

Science 10

Today we had a short day, yahoo! We took some notes on THERMAL energy and then answered some questions about thermal energy.  Next we worked on our test review.  

PHYSICS TEST is coming up on Wednesday, June 2.   Test review is due on Monday.  

Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Science 10

Today we took notes on combining KE and PE.  These notes are found HERE.  Next we practiced some of these problems with THIS worksheet.  You can omit #7 for now.  We watched a cool video on dropping objects in a vacuum chamber:  

Finally we started setting up our Rube Goldberg chain reaction by playing with a bunch of stuff.  Tomorrow we will build the Rube Goldberg and take a short quiz on potential and kinetic energy.  

Thursday, 20 May 2021

Science 10

Today we took notes on gravitational potential energy found HERE.  Next we did the questions #1, #3ab, 6 and 7 on the front page of THIS worksheet.  

Next we took notes on kinetic energy found HERE.  Then we did the questions from the back of the worksheet #1, #3ab

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Science 10

 Today we practiced understanding the difference between kinetic and potential energy and looking at different forms of energy.  We did THIS worksheet.    Next we took THESE notes and did THIS worksheet on transformation of energy.  

We watched a video on the energy of roller coasters and built our own CATAPULT to transform elastic potential energy into mechanical kinetic energy.  

Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Science 10

Today we wrote the Chemistry Unit Test.  Next we read the section of the text book on ENERGY.  We took notes on different types of energy and the difference between Kinetic and Potential Energy.  The power point is found HERE.   

Finally we watched a Bill Nye video on Energy.  

Monday, 17 May 2021

Science 10

Today we got our Chemistry Review back and talked about ways to prepare for the UNIT TEST tomorrow.    Make sure you bring your data booklet for the test.  Next we did some practice questions on page 186-187.  Do questions #8, 9, 10, 11ab, 15, 16 and 17.  Answers are HERE

Friday, 14 May 2021

Science 10

Today we did a lab for the WHOLE class:  6 types of reaction on page 180-181.   Answer questions #1, 3 and 4 on page 182.  

Thursday, 13 May 2021

Science 10

Today we finished off the Acids, Bases and Salts Lab and turned it in.  Next we worked on our TEST REVIEW that is due tomorrow!!!!

We also took some short notes on balancing equations from a word equation: 

Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Science 10

 Today we did some notes on Acids and Bases.   The theory for this is below:

Next we did a lab on Acids, Bases and Salts found in the old text book.  The lab for this is found HERE.  

Tuesday, 11 May 2021

Science 10

 Today we took notes on classifying chemical equations.  We used these NOTES.  

Watch this video if you need practice on that:

Next we did lab 2-D Part 1 on page 150.  Turn this lab in with Conclude and Communicate #5 and #6 on page 151.  

Monday, 10 May 2021

Science 10

Today we worked on writing formulas and naming compounds.  Quiz on IONIC compounds- names and formulas tomorrow.  Check the last blog post for answers to practice problems.  

Next we talked about the LAW of CONSERVATION of MASS and ATOMS.  We burned some magnesium and then took notes on writing balanced chemical equations.  We did the first two pages of the worksheet found HERE.  

Watch the video below for help balancing equations:

Friday, 7 May 2021

Science 10

Today we practiced writing formulas for and naming ionic compounds.  THIS worksheet is due on Tuesday with your corrections.  Check your answers HERE.  

Next we did the Law of Conservation of Mass Lab on page 136-137 of the textbook.   This lab and the worksheet are due on Tuesday.  

Thursday, 6 May 2021

Science 10

Today we reviewed writing formulas and naming ionic compounds.  We took THESE notes with THIS power point.  Make sure you complete all the problems on the sheet.  

Wednesday, 5 May 2021

Science 10

 Today we took notes on Lewis dot diagrams using THIS power point. Then did THIS work sheet(KEY) and did a lab on compounds, elements, and mixtures.

Tuesday, 4 May 2021

Science 10

Today we finished off the notes on atoms and subatomic particles from yesterday.  Next we did this worksheet to practice figuring out protons, neutrons and electrons.   Finally we went to the computer lab to write up conclusions for the scientific method lab and we completed the flame test lab.  

Monday, 3 May 2021

Science 10

Today we got our safety quiz back.  Now we can lab it up!  If you want to redo the WHMIS portion of the safety quiz review the pictures HERE.   Today we reviewed some grade 9 concepts about the periodic table and atoms.  We took some notes (the first 5 pages) using this power point.  

We did a worksheet on ATOMS and BOHR models.  This is due tomorrow if you aren't finished.   Finally we did a lab on flame testing.  Hold on to this and bring back tomorrow.  

Finally we watched a video on Fireworks:  So cooool!!

Wednesday, 28 April 2021

Science 10

 Today we watched a video to review safety

and answered these questions with it.   We also reviewed WHMIS symbols with this sheet.   There is a power point HERE that goes with it.    Finally we got a peak into our textbook with THIS set of questions.   Complete these for homework if you didn't get it done in class.  

Tuesday, 20 April 2021

Biology 12

 Coming up on Monday, parts of the Brain and the Division of the Nervous System and then BAM!  We are done!!

Practice questions for Nervous System found HERE.  and Key HERE. 

Friday, 16 April 2021

Biology 12

Thanks to Mr. B for his presentation on a complicated pregnancy!   

Thursday, 15 April 2021

Biology 12

Today we finished off the notes on the nervous system by looking at the nerve action potential for nerve impulses.  

Check yesterday's worksheet on the structure of nerves HERE.  

We got a review for the exam the answers to the MC are posted HERE

Wednesday, 14 April 2021

Biology 12

Today we wrote the Quest on the urinary/respiratory systems.  Next we took some notes on the nervous system.  Power point HERE and notes HERE.  Finally we had to do this worksheet on different types of nerve cells.   

Tuesday, 13 April 2021

Biology 12

Today we finished off the urinary system with a kidney dissection and a microscope drawing of the kidneys.  We took some notes on acid/base balance in the body (found at the end of the respiratory chapter in your textbook).   

More Urinary System videos and practice below.  Make sure you do the practice test (answers are posted in yesterday's blog) Module questions are due tomorrow (answers were posted a few days ago).  

Monday, 12 April 2021

Biology 12

 Today we watched crash in biology on the urinary system (part 1) and answered THESE questions.   

Next we took some more notes on urine formation by going through THESE notes.  Finally we worked on module questions (all are due on Wednesday- which is the QUEST day for urinary and respiratory systems) and worked on test reviews found HERE(1)and HERE(2)

Answers to the test reviews are HERE(1) and HERE(2) 

Part 2 Crash course is found below.  

Friday, 9 April 2021

Biology 12

Today we started (and finished!) the urinary system.  We watched crash course in biology:

Next we got some notes on the excretory system found HERE.    We dissected the pig's respiratory and urinary systems.  Finally we completed the Module Questions up to and including (B) Kidney Structure and Function.  Answers to the module are found HERE.  

Practice Questions for the final exam:

Thursday, 8 April 2021

Biology 12

 Today we finished off the respiratory system and then started the module questions on these.  Tomorrow you should have up to G1 completed.

Next we went to the computer lab to start on our body systems research projects.  Here are some examples of past projects:

Appendix (Well researched and cited in the author's own words)

Medical cannabis use for digestive system problems (Some areas not rewritten in the author's own words, interesting topics, but not all medical concepts are fully explained.  Some sources are not "reputable") 

Bell's palsy (Missing in-text citations and not referenced properly at the end.   Good topic with current information)  

Wednesday, 7 April 2021

Biology 12

Today we wrote the QUEST on Circulatory System.  Next we started the respiratory system with these notes from this power point.  Finish the worksheet on inspiration/expiration and internal and external respiration.  

Monday, 29 March 2021

Biology 12

 HELLLLLLO it is spring break, but if anyone is checking this.....There is a practice test for the circulatory system found HERE and .HERE is the answer key to the practice test.   

Friday, 19 March 2021

Today we did The Heart:  Sounds and Pressure lab.  No cigarettes were used in the process!   We only completed A and B in class before break.   Make sure you complete the table with your heart rate under different conditions.  Next we got our body systems mini research paper HERE.  Finally we were assigned all the module questions except H.   Check your answers HERE for module questions.  

Next we watched a short documentary on a heart attack.  What parts are accurate and what parts are not accurate?

Tuesday, 16 March 2021

Biology 12

Today we looked at the heart and heart beat.  Module questions A and B with diagrams due tomorrow.  These videos are good to help you visualize the heart beating:

Monday, 15 March 2021

Biology 12

 Today we wrote our Digestive System test.  Nice work!!   Next we started on the circulatory system by doing the first couple of pages of this note sheet with the power point found HERE.   Module questions were given out, but not assigned unless you are busy the rest of the week.  

Anatomy colouring of the heart will be due for marks.  

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

Biology 12

 Today we did some more review for the digestive system test.  Check your module answers HERE.  Module quiz is tomorrow.  

Monday, 8 March 2021

Biology 12

Today we finished off the Digestive System notes with this power point.  Next we worked on Module F and G (1 and 2) finally we worked on a life size digestion picture.     

Answers to the first part of the module found HERE.