Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Saturday, 29 February 2020

Science 10

Today we took some notes on evolution by Natural Selection.   Next we answered some questions about natural selection in different animal populations.  Questions are HERE.   We got a review for the Biology test---To be held next week. 

Biology 12

Today we discussed active transport and watched the quick video below

Next we worked on our Potato Lab.  Make sure your graph on Excel has two best fit lines and that you calculate the x intercept to determine concentration of solute in potato or yam cytoplasm. 

Thursday, 27 February 2020

Science 10

Today we had a quick quiz on PUNETT Squares.  Next we made Alien Babies based on the parents genotype and phenotype.  Assignment is HERE.   Finally we watched What Darwin Never Knew.  from NOVA

Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Biology 12

Today we took a module quiz on section A of cell membrane and transport module questions.  Next we watched these two fabulous amoeba sisters videos explaining osmosis and diffusion...and we had some question sheets to answer to go along with these. 

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Biology 12

Today we got notes on cell membrane and transport.  Next we determined the % change in mass for the potatoes and yams.  Make sure you bring this back to class tomorrow.

We also got our next set of module questions.  These are on the cell membrane and transport across the membrane.   Part (A) section A due tomorrow.......With a module quizerooo

Science 10

Today we took some more notes on genetics and looked at co-dominance, incomplete dominance and sex-linked traits.    Notes are found HERE.  Next we did some practice problems on these situations.

Thursday, 20 February 2020

Science 10

Today we took some notes on Genetics and Punnett Squares from the power point presentation found HERE.   Next we did a Punnett Square practice worksheet by looking at sponge bob genetics.

Finally we worked on our visual dictionary.  Reminder that this is due on Monday, Feb. 24th

Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Biology 12

Today we had a guest speaker from Selkirk College.  Next we did the "french fry" lab and prepared solutions of different concentrations to test the sugar concentration of potatoes. 


Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Biology 12

Today we wrote our quiz on cell organelles and did some practice for the upcoming test on biomolecules and the CELL!!     Test date was moved to:  Monday, February 24th. 

Science 10

Today we built some bees!   You had to determine the sequence of amino acids needed to build a bee for our bee hive.  Some bees were "normal" and some had gene mutations.  Stay tuned for the effects on selective evolutionary pressure. 

Friday, 14 February 2020

Biology 12

Today we practiced the cell organelles.  Quiz on Tuesday on organelles (All of part B from the module) 

Science 10

Turn in Karyotype assignment today.  Next we took some notes on GENE mutations.  Make sure you understand the difference between chromosomal and gene mutations.

Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Science 10

Today we took some notes on Chromosomal mutations.  Next we started a project looking at human karyotypes.   Remember tomorrow there is a quiz on DNA, RNA, and transcription and translation.  Make sure you have your data booklet. 

Biology 12

Today we wrote the quiz on biomolecules.  Next we did some cell colouring and coloured and labelled an animal cell.  You also need to write out all the functions of these organelles.   Some great tunes were also heard:

Monday, 10 February 2020

Science 10

Today we practiced protein synthesis.  We took some notes on our note sheet from the power point found HERE.    Next we did some practice protein synthesis with THIS worksheet. 

Quiz on Wednesday is on protein synthesis as well as the structure of DNA and RNA.

Biology 12

Today we started the next unit on cell organelles.  We used the note sheet HERE and the power point.  We watched Hank of course! 

Reminder that TOMORROW you have a quiz on biomolecules--you may use your module questions. 

Friday, 7 February 2020

Science 10

Today we went over the difference between DNA and RNA and the steps in making a protein.  Make sure you can explain what happens in transcription and translation and how to use a codon table.   We watched the amoeba sisters video and answered some questions about it.

Biology 12

Today I collected the Buffer Lab (share on office 365 or print off) and your module questions on biomolecules (C) is due.  Next we drew some sketches of the monomers and polymers of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids. 

Wednesday, 5 February 2020

Science 10

Today we took some more notes on DNA and proteins.....Specifically protein synthesis.  Power point and note sheet links.

Next we built our own molecules of DNA using fun crafty items......

Finally we watched a TEDEd on DNA mutations.  How does your DNA fix mistakes in replications? 

Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Biology 12

Today we continued our notes on Biomolecules by looking at Lipids.   Remember that your quiz on water, acids, bases and buffers is on Thursday.   You can use your module questions for this.  In case you need to review HANK!!

Science 10

Today we took some notes on chromosomes and genes.  Next we got an assignment to complete by February 20 The visual dictionary of genetics. 

Monday, 3 February 2020

Biology 12

Today we took some notes on Biomolecules.  Next we had some time to work on our buffer lab and complete the excel graph for the lab. 

This week due dates:  Buffer Lab: Due Friday, Feb. 7th

Quiz on water, acids, bases and buffers on Thursday

Module questions on biomolecules (C): Friday Feb. 7th

Science 10

Today we did a quick review of mitosis and meiosis.....What is the point?  Which ones are in body cells and which are in sex cells?    Next we took some notes on the structure of DNA.

Work to be turned in or completed for homework:  1) Graph based on Friday's lab of leg length and jumping distance.   2) TEXTBOOK: Read pag. 11-13 Do the "purple questions on page 11 and 13.