Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Friday, 31 May 2019

Biology 12

Today we wrote the Urinary System Quest and then started Module questions for the Nervous system.  Module A and B quiz on Monday. 

Biology 11

Today I collected the characteristics of parasitic worm questions.  Next we prepared a hypothesis for the worm lab to be done on Monday.  Then we took notes on Mollusks and did some worm practice for the worm quiz on Tuesday.    Comparison of Annelids to lower invertebrates questions is due on Monday. 

Science 10

Today we wrote a quick question quiz on radioactivity.  Next we wrote some notes on half-lives and finally did a "cornium" radioactive decay lab.   This lab will be due on Tuesday.   Energy Unit Test corrections are also due Tuesday. 

Thursday, 30 May 2019

Science 10

Today we did some practice questions on alpha, beta and gamma decay.  Make sure you can do these for the quick question quiz on Friday.  Next we took some notes on fission and fusion reactions and then watched Nuclear Energy: The eyes of nye video.    Finally we got to eat nachos made by our solar ovens.  Yum, yum, soggy cheese:).  Make sure you turn in the video questions. 

Biology 11

Today we looked at segmented worms and took power point notes found HERE.  Next we did the earthworm dissection and found some internal earthworm structures so fun!  Make sure you turn in the earthworm dissection lab.  The characteristics of parasitic worms is due tomorrow.

Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Biology 11

Today we completed the notes on unsegmented worms.  The power point is found HERE.  Next we did an unsegmented worms reading guide followed-- This is due next class.  Parasitic worms questions due on Friday. 

Science 10

Today we took some notes on radioactive decay and balancing nuclear reactions.  Make sure you can balance these types of reactions.   (Found in your text book on page 228-229)   Finally we worked on our Energy Generation Projects- due on Friday. 

Biology 12

Today we wrote a module homework quiz on urinary system module C.   Make sure you go over the answers to your module questions found HERE in preparation for Friday's Quest

Monday, 27 May 2019

Biology 12

Today we worked on the remaining Urinary System module questions as well as the Urinary system note sheet.   Tomorrow we will have a Module C homework quiz on the urinary system.  Friday quest on urinary system. 

Biology 11

Today we wrote the Porifera/Cnidaria quiz.  Next we started the unit on worms by looking at Flatworms.  Read page 311-312 do questions #10 and #11 on page 316. 

Science 10

Today we took notes on Isotopes and reviewed determining number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom.  Next we tested out our prototypes for solar ovens.   These are looking good and getting ready for making nachos!    Finally we need to read and take notes on page 226-232 and do number 2 and 3 on page 232.  

Thursday, 23 May 2019

Biology 12

Today we completed notes on the urinary system looking at osmoregulation and acid/base balance.  Next we did the urine analysis lab.  Urine trouble if you didn't finish this one!  :)

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Biology 11

Today we did two labs:  Porifera and Cnidaria.  Make sure you can identify features of the main body plan of sponges and cnidarians.  Cnidarian questions were given out, but not due until Monday.

Science 10

Today we worked on our Energy Unit Review.  This is due Friday before the test on ENERGY.  Next we worked on our Energy Generation Research Project as well as finishing our solar ovens.

Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Science 10

We had a work block today where we worked on the Energy Review Assignment.   This is due tomorrow if you would like it marked before the test on Friday OR due on Friday before the Unit Test. 

Biology 11

Today we started on our next Phylum in the animal kingdom:  Cnidarians.   We took some power point notes and then did the Reading Guide for Cnidarians. 

Biology 12

Today we took some notes on the Urinary System.  Urinary system module questions A and B are due on Thursday with a module quiz. 

Friday, 17 May 2019

Biology 12

Today we wrote the Quest on Respiration.   Next we started the urinary system with a Kidneys/Nephron colouring sheet and HANK: crash course in Biology Urinary system part 1. 

Science 10

Today we did some practice on the Energy Unit Review questions.   Remember that your unit review is due on Thursday, May 23 and the test is on Friday, May 24th.    We also started working on our Solar Oven project. 

Thursday, 9 May 2019

Biology 11

Today we did some plant collection in the pocket forest.  We did have a collection winner, but we are all winners when we nerd out with Plants!!    Next we did a Plant Kingdom test review and went over the answers together. 

Science 10

Today we took some notes on Gravitational Potential Energy (GPE) and linking KE and PE together with the formulas we know.  Worksheet on energy calculations #1-6 due (#7 is bonus).
Quick question quiz tomorrow is on Kinetic Energy. 

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Biology 11

Today we reviewed the plant kingdom.   Test on Friday! 

Biology 12

Today we reviewed for the circulatory system test.  Make sure you review the practice test as well as going over all the module questions.   Have a heart test tomorrow. 

Science 10

Today we tested our catapults we designed to transform elastic potential energy into kinetic energy.  Great work on these.   The furthest shot went 17 m!   Make sure you complete the Kinetic Energy worksheet for Thursday.