Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Friday, 15 March 2019

Science 10

Today we wrote the Quick Question Quiz on Ionic Compounds.  Next we finished our lab 8A (from the old text book).  Finally we watched a NOVA documentary about the science of addiction. 

Biology 12

Today we wrote our QUESTERIZ on DNA and Protein Synthesis.  Next we watched some twin movies.   Have a good break!   Start reading the Digestive System chapter in your text if you want to work ahead.  

Biology 11

Today we wrote a quick question quiz.  Make sure you know how to determine actual size of an organisms under a microscope and magnification of drawing.    Next we completed the Abundance and Distribution of Bacteria Lab.   Over the holidays you can work on-----Microbiology Review (our test will be on April 9th).....but don't worry!! We still have to complete one of the sections (on protists).   

Thursday, 14 March 2019

Biology 12

Answers to Quizeret:
1)A       2)C       3)B         4)D     5)C      6)C       7)B       8)B   no 9) or 10) on there 11)B     12)C     no 13)    14)B      15)C     16)B     17)D      18)D      19)A     20)C       21)OMIT      22)B      23)C      24)A     25)Omit     26)Omit     27)B     28)B    no 29)     30)C    31)A    32)D****kind of a weird question, but since it refers to making a COPY of DNA that means you have DNA built so this is replication.  All the genes on DNA are there to code for proteins.       no 33)   34)D     35)D

Part 2

4)   mRNA strand made:     CGG     AUC     AUG     CAU  
A.A.                                      Arg        Iso       Meth      Hist    

b) mutated mRNA:              CGG     AUA      GCA    U
A.A.                                       Arg       Iso         Ala

5)  Steps in Protein synthesis:

1) DNA unwinds and unzips
2) single mRNA strand is build in the nucleus with RNA nucleotides for the section of DNA that codes for a specific protein
3)mRNA leaves the nucleus and heads to the cytoplasm.
4) mRNA attaches to a ribosome in the cytoplasm or on rough endoplasmic reticulum.  
5) tRNA brings amino acids one at a time to the mRNA (anti-codon of tRNA attaches to codon of mRNA)
6) each new amino acid is added to the protein chain by dehydration synthesis reactions.
7) Amino acid chain (protein) detaches from the last tRNA

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Biology 11

Today we turned in our Microbiology Projects.  Next we watched a few videos on lab techniques:  Sterile techniques in microbiology and Gram staining technique.   Lab 48: Staining and Observing Bacterial Cells is due next class.   You also got a bacterial colouring assignment- this isn't due on Friday, but make sure you bring it back Friday. 

Science 10

Today we did some quick questions then wrote a safety quiz and then did some notes on ionic compounds and Lewis dot diagrams.  Finally we did a lab:  8A in the old text (pg. 225).  Make sure you bring your data back to class on Friday, but the lab doesn't need to be finished. 

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Science 10

Today we reviewed our IONIC formula writing and naming.   Next we looked at some safety videos.   Make sure you review the safety rules on page 108-110 including the WHIMIS symbols.   Do questions #1-5 page 111.   #6: Draw out WHIMIS symbols and explain what they are. 

Biology 11

Today we took some notes on bacteria and did a distribution of bacteria lab.  Make sure you complete Lab Report Outline: 1-4 and Data Table (Lab 1).  We got back our Virus Questions.  Make sure you check the answers to there found HERE

Biology 12

Today we looked at protein synthesis in more detail.....we did a little build a protein assignment.  Make sure you have completed Part B of the DNA module questions:  A, B, C we will have a homework check on these next class. 

Monday, 11 March 2019

Science 10

Today we took notes on balancing and writing formulas for IONIC compounds.  Ionic compounds happen when you have a metal + non-metal.   (positive + negative ion)

We completed a worksheet to practice and started watching a lab safety video.  Stay tuned for what happens to the googleless lady.........

Biology 11

Today we finished off our two microscope labs.  The first lab was to see what orientation things had under the microscope and the second was to determine actual size and drawing magnification of objects. 

Sunday, 10 March 2019

Biology 12

Today we took notes on DNA transcription and translation....turning DNA into mRNA and then making an amino acid chain.    Make sure you have turned in your DNA replication cuttin' and pastin' from Friday.  Today's homework (due Thursday):  Module questions Section B: Protein Synthesis- A, B and C.    Here is a good link to a video to show protein synthesis steps.     

Friday, 8 March 2019

Biology 11

Today we wrote a virus quiz question quizerooo followed by 2 microscope labs.  Turn in microscope lab #1 and bring the other one back on Monday. 

Biology 12

Today we did a little cuttin' and pastin' to some 80s tunes and replicated DNA.  .....not for homework if not finished yet. 

Science 10

I collected the subatomic particles worksheet from yesterday.  Today we wrote a quick question quiz on subatomic particles.  Next we took notes on Bohr Models, Chemical Families and Determining # of atoms in compounds.  We have two assignments due:  Bohr Model sheet and Chemical Formulas.   Make sure these are turned in on Monday if not completed. 

Thursday, 7 March 2019

Biology 12

Hi Colm,   Since you are the only one reading this, hope skiing is going well!
Today we started the DNA unit.  First we took a quiz on enzymes.   Next we watched CRASH course in biology:  DNA replication.     We got a new power point and did the notes on DNA replication.

Last, but not least, we worked on Module Questions for this topic:  Section A and B.  

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Biology 11

Today we worked on our microbiology project and turned in Viruses: Structure and Nature questions.  Virus quick question quiz on Friday.

Science 10

Today we completed our genetics posters and had a poster viewing session.   Thanks for your research!  I learned a lot!   Next we worked on a protons, neutrons and electrons practice sheet.  This is due on Friday to go along with the quick question quiz.

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Biology 12

Today we practiced our enzymes once again!!   First we worked on the enzyme module questions.   Answers found HERE.  Next we played a rousing game of jeopardy review.  

Biology 11

Today we did some quick questions on viruses.  Next we worked on our Microbiology Project and completed the worksheet Viruses: Structure and Nature.   Questions #1-15 are due tomorrow. 

Science 10

Today we did some quick questions based on the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in an atom or ion.  Make sure you can used your periodic table to determine these.  Next we worked on our genetics posters.   THESE ARE DUE TOMORROW!!   Make sure you have given me a list of questions (2 at least) that someone should be about to answer after looking at your poster. 

Monday, 4 March 2019

Biology 11

Today we watched a short video to review viruses.   Next we worked on our Microbiology Project.  This project is due on March 13.

Biology 12

Today we watched a review of enzymes video and then did some enzyme practice questions.  Your Diffusion Across a Semi-Permeable membrane lab conclusion is due tomorrow.  Your paragraph should include:  Which biomolecules were able to diffuse across the membrane?  Back this up with data from your lab.  Comment on why these molecules should diffuse across.  Explain any sources of error.

Science 10

Today we started the Chemistry Unit with a bit of review...….Determining the number of atoms, electrons or neutrons in different atoms.   Next we had some time to work on our Genetics Posters.  These posters will be due on Wednesday this week.

Friday, 1 March 2019

Biology 11

Today we wrote our test on Evolution.  It was LONG!   Make sure you bring in any materials you need to make your virus particle if you are doing choice B in the microbiology project. 

Biology 12

Today we wrote our QUEST on cell organelles and transport mechanisms.   Next we finished off the sausage lab (rates of diffusion across a cell membrane).   You will have time to complete this on Monday.   We will work on Enzymes next week.