Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Biology 12

Today we played the Cell Games you created!!   Super fun and educational....

Next we made some little cells with dialysis tubing to test for different molecules passing across the membrane.     QUEST on Friday on Organelles and Membrane and Transport.    Module Questions:  Unit 1 Topic 3 A)Transport Mechanisms in Cells answers.

Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Science 10

Today we made up a story about the evolution of an animal by means of natural selection.  Next we worked on our Reproduction/Genetics review--due on Thursday. 

Biology 11

Today we turned in Evolution and Taxonomy review.  You will get these back before the test.   Next we took some notes on viruses and got a virus question sheet.  Questions #1-7 are due on Wednesday.    Fun jeopardy review for Evolution found HERE.

Monday, 25 February 2019

Science 10

Today we worked on our visual dictionary for Biology review.  Next we got a review for the test coming up on Friday.  We also came up with criteria for the genetics poster. 

Biology 11

Today we went over some assignments from the past week.  We checked cladograms, cladogram analysis and patterns of evolutionary change.   We took a few notes on micro and macro evolution as well as types of adaptations.   We did some taxonomy practice as well as an evolution review. 

Biology 12

Today we worked on our Cell game......we will have a little bit of time tomorrow and then play on Wednesday.  We also got a cell transport review. 

Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Biology 12

Today we worked on our Cell Biology game.  Make sure you follow the criteria for how many questions you need.     We also finished our potato lab and went over the cell partner practice worksheet.    ALL module questions on cell membrane and transport across the cell membrane are due on Monday. 

Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Biology 11

Wow, we powered through a lot of work.   All due on Monday.   If you are going to be here on Thursday bring $$ for the coffee shop.   First we got notes on Taxonomy found HERE.  Based on these we got a shark dichotomous key worksheet and some cladogram practice worksheet 1 and 2   These along with Patterns of Evolutionary Change worksheet (see Friday's post) are due on Monday.

Biology 12

Today we finished off the notes on transport across cell members.  Power point is HERE.   Next we got module questions for this.  You should do section A and B tonight.   We practiced some cell questions and made an excel graph for the potato lab.   Bring in materials for Cell Game tomorrow. 

Science 10

Today we took notes on Darwin's theory of Evolution by Natural Selection.   Next we analyzed some examples of natural selection with case studies on populations of mice and peppered moths.   These questions are due Thursday if not completed.  Next we got some words to make a visual dictionary of biology.   This is due Feb. 28th. 

Friday, 15 February 2019

Biology 11

Today we did a quick question quiz based on the week's work.   Next we finished off a couple of details on the evolution unit.  We took notes on the terms:  Adaptive radiation, bottleneck, and founder effect.   Make sure you understand how genetic drift works......with m & ms..yum!

For homework:  Pattern's of Evolutionary Change worksheet. 

Science 10

Today we wrote a quick question quiz on Punnett Squares.  Next we did a natural selection lab with
M and Ms.  Which traits will allow the M and Ms to survive in their environment?  Which individuals had the highest survival rate?

Biology 12

Today we wrote our QUEST on biomolecules.  Next we completed our potato lab and recorded the
% change in mass for our group as well as the class results.  Make sure you bring that back on Monday.   Module Questions for Unit 1 should all be completed now.  (Finish Part B on cell organelles).

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Biology 11

Today we had an attack of the killer mutant bees!  James, you are the only one reading this don't actually have to make the bees, just determine the amino acids that would get made for bee 1 and bee 2 and number the steps that you would take to make it.   Explain what type of environmental change would select for Bee 2. 

Next we took notes based on this power point on agents of change....if you weren't here, make sure you watched the linked videos as well.    Homework due Friday:  Read pg. 174-175   and 181-182.  Do Review page 182 #1, 2, 3, 7 and 8. 

Science 10

Today we did a quick question based on punnett squares.  Next we adopted some alien babies with two alien parents.....we had to figure out would their traits would be from a mix of alleles.   Next we did a human variations lab to look at the frequency of alleles for different traits--Turn this in.     Finally we did the following questions in the textbook:  pg. 39 #4, 5 and 10. 

Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Science 10

More Punnett Square partner practice today.   Also worked on our human karyotypes. 

Biology 11

I collected questions on marsupials from yesterday next we took notes on DNA including DNA base mutations.   We did a worksheet on DNA mutations.   Make sure you turn in the video analysis questions tomorrow. 

Biology 12

Today we did power point notes on the cell membrane and transport across the membrane.   We also looked at osmosis and diffusion.   You should do module questions on the cell membrane, endoplasmic reticulum and ribosomes.   Bring in any materials to build the cell game. 

Monday, 11 February 2019

Biology 12

Today we started our next unit on cells and cell organelles.   We started the big power point notes.   Module questions Section B:  Cell Structures up to iii) the nucleolus is due tomorrow.

1. A     2. C    3. D   4. D    5. B    6. D    7. C    8. D  9.OMIT  10. D   11. C   12. A   13. C
14. D    15. B    16. A    17. C    18. B    19. D    20. C    21. B    22. C    23. D    24. D    25. A    26. C    27. A    28. B    29. B    30. C    31. C    32. C    33. C    34. A    35. A    36. B    37. D    38. A
39. D    40. D      

1.  Draw any two monomers (like two amino acids) link them together by getting rid of an OH from one molecule and an H from the other (dehydration synthesis forms a polymer).  Water is produced in dehydration synthesis.  Hydrolysis splits polymer back into monomers.

2.  Carbohydrates:  sucrose, glycogen, monosaccharide, starch
Lipids:  Steroid, fatty acids, saturated
Proteins: Enzyme, peptide, amino acid, tertiary structure

3.  Denaturing can change the shape of a protein by distruption of the hydrogen bonds that hold the structure together.  Heatings or changing the pH can denature proteins.

4.  Draw ring structure of glucose.  Draw rough sketch of starch (plant energy storage), glycogen (animal energy storage) and cellulose (plant cell walls) as polymers of glucose.  

Biology 11

Today we took notes on Types of Natural Selection:  Stabilizing, Directional and Distruptive.   We also learned the terms Convergent and Divergent Evolution.   We have two worksheets comparing marsupials and placental mammals.   How are these animals examples of convergent evolution?  

Saturday, 9 February 2019

Biology 11

Today we had a quick question quiz on Evidence for Evolution.  Next I gave back the Evidence for Evolution Worksheet and we talked about a couple of questions.  Finally we played a natural selection game to see which predator traits were selected in different environments. 

Biology 12

Today we completed all our notes on Biomolecules.  Practice Biomolecules questions and all module questions up to and including nucleic acids due Monday.   I also collected the Buffer Lab and the Biomolecules in Food Lab. 

Friday, 8 February 2019

Science 10

Today we wrote a quick question quiz on DNA and RNA.  Next we took some notes on gene and chromosome mutations.   Finally we continued work on human karyotypes. 

Thursday, 7 February 2019

Biology 12

Today we spent most of the double block doing the Biomolecules in my Food lab.  This lab is due tomorrow along with the Buffer lab from last week. 

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Science 10

Today we did took some notes on genes, chromosomes and DNA.   Next we extracted DNA from a strawberry and kiwi fruit.  Yum!  Delicious looking......Finally we learned about human Karyotypes and cut out, paired up and placed in order the 46 chromosomes of a human Karyotype.   

Biology 11

Today we turned in page 74 #1-7.  Next we took some notes on Lamarck's theory to explain evolution as well as Darwin's theory of Evolution by Natural Selection.   Finally we had lots of time to work on our PBS evolving ideas video series-- analysis.   We also payed an evolution jeopardy game

Monday, 4 February 2019

Biology 11

Today you watched a movie and took notes on Evidence for Evolution.   Next you got to work on your Evidence for Evolution worksheet.  This along with questions # 1-7 on page 74 are due tomorrow. 

Biology 12

Today we finished notes on Biomolecules up to Proteins.    A copy of these notes are found HERE.  Next we made some posters to put up around class of a glucose molecule, a trigylceride, an amino acid and a dipeptide.   You should be finished your module questions up to and including iv)proteins #8

Science 10

Today we continued to work on the DNA model we started on Friday.   The criteria for the model is found HERE.  Next you had to read pg. 12- 15 and do questions #1-8 on page. 21. 

Friday, 1 February 2019

Science 10

Today I collected the gum lab as well as the investigating your data booklet assignment.  Next we continued watching the human evolution movie we started on Thursday.  Finally we took a few notes on DNA and then built our own DNA model.  Criteria:  Use different items for sugars, phosphates, Base A, Base T, Base G and Base C.  Your model should be able to "unzip" between bases and must contain at least 15 bases on one strand (30 together).  You will have time Monday to work on this. 

Biology 11

Your natural variations lab is due on February 4th (Monday).  Today we talked about the meaning of Evolution:  The process by which a population of organisms changes over a series of generations.   We looked at some evidence for the theory of evoution by completing the Evidence for Evolution worksheet.  (Due on Tuesday)

Biology 12

Today we wrote a quick quiz on Water, Acid/Bases and Buffers.  Next we took some notes on Biomolecules:  Carbohydrates.  You should have module questions done up to and including           iii) Carbohydrates    5) What is the primary function of monosaccarides?