Thursday, 31 January 2019
Biology 11
Today we practiced some of the terms and procedures used in the scientific method by answering questions and making a graph about a test case. This is due tomorrow if not done. Next we looked at Natural Variations in three species of organisms. You should have collected your data and started the graphs, but this lab (with questions) is not due until Monday.
Science 10
Today we practiced the Scientific Method by looking at which brand of bubble gum can blow a bigger bubble....who knew that gum could stretch to 900 cm!! This lab write up is due tomorrow if you didn't get it done in class. Next we got the data booklets we will use all semester and then did an investigating your data booklet assignment- also due tomorrow if not done yet. Final we watched some netflix on human evolution. Our first unit: Biology and genetics!
Wednesday, 30 January 2019
Biology 12
Today we finished notes from the Biology intro power point on Acids/Bases and Buffers. Next we did our first lab on Buffers. This formal lab write up is due on February 9th. For homework you have module questions section B) Acids/Bases and Ci) Biological Molecules. Quiz on Friday on water, Acids/Bases and Buffers.
Tuesday, 29 January 2019
Science 10
Today we got course outlines, textbooks and reviewed some safety rules. Make sure you bring the course outline and safety rules back signed by your parents. Next we filled out a student survey- please bring these back also. Finally we played an exciting game of jeopardy based on Science 9 concepts. Way to go JEESH.....................
Biology 12
Today we reviewed Scientific Method and Chemistry. See the power point notes and links in the Biology 11 post. Next we got text books and Module Questions. The section on water is due on Wednesday. Finally we wrote me a quick note about why you are taking Biology 12, what you hope to get out of it and what you might like to study in Post Secondary.
Biology 11
Today we reviewed Scientific Method. We took notes from power point slide show (only the beginning part on Scientific Method). Next we got the course outline and textbooks. Finally we did some practice with the language of biology by trying to determine what a word was based on it's Latin or Greek root. This is NOT for homework.
Saturday, 19 January 2019
Biology 11
Science 8
Today we practiced measuring densities of some irregular solids and liquids. Make sure you bring your data sheet back to class next time. The Optics Take home test was due for block 7/8. It is due on Monday for block 3/4
Thursday, 17 January 2019
Biology 11
Today we worked on our cheat sheet to prep for the exam. Tomorrow (Friday) and Monday we will have some mini exams for you to practice with your cheat sheet.....
Science 8
Today we worked on our Optics Take home Test. This test is due on Friday for block 7/8 and on Monday for block 3/4. Make sure you have completed any missing work by Monday at the latest.
Wednesday, 16 January 2019
Science 8
Today we finished our last notes from the Earth Science Unit. Yippee! Next we did some map analysis based on what we learned about convergent, divergent and transform boundaries. You will need your plate tectonics map to do so.
Your take home review is due Friday (block 7/8) or Monday (block 3/4).
Your take home review is due Friday (block 7/8) or Monday (block 3/4).
Biology 11
Today we worked on exam review.....and making the cheat sheet. Remember you are allowed a hand written double sided paper (8.5 x 11) to bring into the exam. Make sure you are also doing practice questions.
Tuesday, 15 January 2019
Science 8
Today we took a few more notes on Plate Tectonics and then finished......(hopefully) the Pangea Assignment from yesterday. We got an exam review too!
Biology 11
Last Phylum today! Chordates......we took some notes and then answered textbook questions. Make sure your Chordate questions are done for tomorrow. Bring in exam review sheets and cheat sheet to class so we can work on those over the next few days.
Biology 11
Today we almost finished our sprint through the animal kingdom. We took notes on Arthropods (spiders, insects, crustaceans etc.) and Echinoderms (starfish, sea urchins, etc.). Echinoderm colouring for homework.
Monday, 14 January 2019
Biology 11
Our sprint through the last animal phyla is almost done! Today we took notes on Arthropods (spiders, crustaceans, insects, millipedes.....) and Echinoderms (starfish, sea urchins, sea cucumbers......). We did the Echinoderm coloring sheet for homework.
Science 8
Today we begin our quick sprint through the last unit: Earth Science. We took a few notes based on the power point on Plate Tectonics. Next we started to build the super continent Pangaea. Make sure you keep all the pieces of paper together!
Sunday, 13 January 2019
Biology 11
Today we had a Porifera/Cnidaria quiz. Next we looked the next phylum: Mollusks. Exam reviews were also given out.
Friday, 11 January 2019
Science 8
Today we wrapped up the Optics Unit. Make sure you understand how different types of mirrors reflect light and how different types of lenses refract light as well as parts of the eyeball and their functions. You should have made a cross-section of the eye, similar to page 204 in your text.
Thursday, 10 January 2019
Biology 11
Today we cruised through our next Phylum: The Segmented Worms. We took some notes on Annelids from Power Point and then dissected a worm. Worm Dissection and Annelid Reading Guide are due at the end of class.
Wednesday, 9 January 2019
Tuesday, 8 January 2019
Biology 11
I collected the Cnidarians Lab. Next we marked the Reading Guide to Early Invertebrates as a class.
We did some practice on Sponges and Cnidarians in preparation for the upcoming quiz on Friday.
Finally we took notes on Flatworms and Roundworms and watched a somewhat creepy video on Flatworms. The Reading Guide to Flatworms is due on Thursday.
We did some practice on Sponges and Cnidarians in preparation for the upcoming quiz on Friday.
Finally we took notes on Flatworms and Roundworms and watched a somewhat creepy video on Flatworms. The Reading Guide to Flatworms is due on Thursday.
Science 8
Reading Check on page 177 was collected and then......
We spent most of the class doing lab 5-5: Inferring the Law of Reflection (page 178). You will need to turn in your diagram as well as the Analyze questions #1-3 with your lab mate.
We spent most of the class doing lab 5-5: Inferring the Law of Reflection (page 178). You will need to turn in your diagram as well as the Analyze questions #1-3 with your lab mate.
Monday, 7 January 2019
Biology 11
Today we got our Plant Kingdom Test back. Test corrections are due for marks. Next we did a Cnidaria Lab which is due on Tuesday.
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