Today we dissected the EYEBALL!! Nice work everyone. Your surgical precision was evident in the process.
Optics Quest eyeball parts on this. Just waves, electromagnetism, light, mirror, lenses...Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 in your text book. Make sure you complete the optics review found HERE.
Wednesday, 18 December 2019
Tuesday, 17 December 2019
Biology 11
Today we wrote the PLANT KINGDOM test. Next we started the Animal Unit by doing the reading guide to early invertebrates. This is due on Thursday. Finally we watched CRASH COURSE to biology to learn how we are all tubes within tubes.
Science 8
Today we took some notes on concave and convex mirrors and lenses. Next we worked on the mirrors worksheet from yesterday. Finally we watched a video helping us prepare for the EYEBALL DISSECTION TOMORROW!!
Monday, 16 December 2019
Biology 11
Today we studied for our plant unit test. Make sure you have completed the Angiosperm/Gymnosperm Reading Guide and Question sheet from last week. We watched the amoeba sisters to help us understand double fertilization in angiosperms.
Science 8
Today we set up the schedule for the week.....Finish off mirror and lenses, dissect an eyeball and write an optics quest. Optics quest is on Chapter 4 and 5. Use the textbook page 232-233 to help you study for this.
We took some notes on how light acts when it hits mirrors and lenses. Next we did a short activity drawing diagrams of light rays with mirrors and lenses. Next we got a mirrors worksheet. Bring this back tomorrow.
We took some notes on how light acts when it hits mirrors and lenses. Next we did a short activity drawing diagrams of light rays with mirrors and lenses. Next we got a mirrors worksheet. Bring this back tomorrow.
Friday, 13 December 2019
Biology 11
Today we took a short quiz on mosses and ferns. Next we practiced gymnosperms and angiosperms and answered some questions about these guys HERE. Text on Tuesday on all land plants (mosses, ferns, gymnosperms, angiosperms).
Science 8
Today we had a quick quiz on waves. You needed to draw waves and label wavelength, amplitude, resting position etc.
We took some notes on the ray model of light. Next we did a quick lab on measuring the angle of reflection when light bounces off a mirror.
We took some notes on the ray model of light. Next we did a quick lab on measuring the angle of reflection when light bounces off a mirror.
Thursday, 12 December 2019
Biology 11
Today we looked at angiosperms and gymnosperms......Last of the plant unit. We got the Plant Unit Review---Text is on Tuesday, Dec. 17th. Next we did the Seed Plant Lab and Seed Plant Reading Guide, bring those back tomorrow. Quiz tomorrow on mosses and ferns!!
Science 8
Today we took some more notes and talked about the electromagnetic spectrum. Next we did a lab with prisms splitting white light into the spectrum of colours (rainbow). Finally we watched Bill Nye: Optics
Tuesday, 10 December 2019
Monday, 9 December 2019
Biology 11
We are done with mosses and you should have turned in your moss reading guide, moss lab and moss question sheet......Lots of folks have not turned these all in. Now on to ferns. Today you did an fern reading guide and completed all the questions on page 264. Fern lab tomorrow!
Wednesday, 4 December 2019
Science 8
Today in the double block we wrote the test on the Matter Unit. Next we read page 130-138 and did the Reading Check on page 138. We also watched Bill Nye (Waves) in block 3/4.
Biology 11
Today we had a quick Fungi Quiz. Finished fun Fungi!
Next we started with the non-vascular land plants: Mosses. First we watched good 'ol Hank
Next we started with the non-vascular land plants: Mosses. First we watched good 'ol Hank
Next we did a Moss Reading Guide found HERE. Finally we got SNOWY and went outside to dig up moss so that we could so a moss lab. This is due on Friday along with the moss reading guide.
Tuesday, 3 December 2019
Biology 11
Practice QUIZ on Fungi:
1)B 2)D 3)B 4)C 5)A 6)C 7)D 8)A 9)D 10)B 11)B 12)D
13)B 14)A 15)B 16)C 17)C 28)C
Part II) Fungi should not be confused with plants as they don't contain chlorophyll and don't photosynthesize, they have cell walls made of chitin and not cellulose. Fungi are HETEROTROPHIC not AUTOTROPHIC.
1)B 2)D 3)B 4)C 5)A 6)C 7)D 8)A 9)D 10)B 11)B 12)D
13)B 14)A 15)B 16)C 17)C 28)C
Part II) Fungi should not be confused with plants as they don't contain chlorophyll and don't photosynthesize, they have cell walls made of chitin and not cellulose. Fungi are HETEROTROPHIC not AUTOTROPHIC.
Science 8
TEST ON MATTER (Chapter 7) in the double block. Use the unit review given to you and vocabulary words to study!
Practice test for matter unit found HERE. Answers are: 1) B 2) C 3) A 4) D
5) D 6)A 7) C 8) D 9) B 10) D 11) C 12) C 18) C
Short answer: 1) Solids have a definite shape as the particles are so tightly packed, that they are unable to slide past each other. 2) Gas particles can easily slide past each other to take whatever shape the container is.
On graph-- solid water is at 0 degrees C. Boiling water is close to 100 degrees C. Energy goes into change of state.
Practice test for matter unit found HERE. Answers are: 1) B 2) C 3) A 4) D
5) D 6)A 7) C 8) D 9) B 10) D 11) C 12) C 18) C
Short answer: 1) Solids have a definite shape as the particles are so tightly packed, that they are unable to slide past each other. 2) Gas particles can easily slide past each other to take whatever shape the container is.
On graph-- solid water is at 0 degrees C. Boiling water is close to 100 degrees C. Energy goes into change of state.
Monday, 2 December 2019
Biology 11
Today we watched a video on the 3 major Fungi Phyla that we need to know about.
We took notes on the Fungi Lifecycle. Finally we got a Fungi Colouring Sheet due tomorrow. Fungi Quiz coming up on Wednesday!!
We took notes on the Fungi Lifecycle. Finally we got a Fungi Colouring Sheet due tomorrow. Fungi Quiz coming up on Wednesday!!
Science 8
Today we completed the matter unit by looking at subatomic particles and taking notes on them with this power point. Don't worry! You are only responsible for knowing about protons, neutrons and electrons. (and that quarks and leptons are out there too). Next we continued to review for the matter test: page 273 #10-14. When you are done all this check out these fun atomic games:
Thursday, 28 November 2019
Science 8
Today we got a test review for the Matter Test. This will be next week in your double block. We watched Bill Nye talk about atoms and answered some questions about them.
Biology 11
Today we went to the Sustainability Expo in block 1. Thanks to Sara and Isobel for organizing!! We learned about a diverse array of research/jobs/opportunities in our region. Tiny home anyone?
Next we took some notes on structure and reproduction of Fungi. The power point is found HERE.
The Fungi Reading Guide is due on Friday. Look out for the death cap mushroom if you are in Vancouver or Victoria. Dogs will eat them too apparently!
Next we took some notes on structure and reproduction of Fungi. The power point is found HERE.
The Fungi Reading Guide is due on Friday. Look out for the death cap mushroom if you are in Vancouver or Victoria. Dogs will eat them too apparently!
Tuesday, 26 November 2019
Biology 11
Today we wrote our bacteria/virus test. Done with those pesky microbes! Next we started FUNGI....Read page 238-242. Do review questions #1-5 on page 145.
And finally we watched good 'ol crash course!!
And finally we watched good 'ol crash course!!
Science 8
Today we took some notes on properties of solids/liquids/gases. Next we did the lab: Layers of Water on page 268. You should turn this lab in with the "What did you find out" questions #1-5 answered. Next we got a density detective worksheet. This is for HOMEWORK.
Monday, 25 November 2019
Science 8
Today we completed the Density Lab. Make sure you have turned in the lab with a data table, analysis questions and conclusion.
Biology 11
Today we completed our three bacteria labs and turned those in. Next we reviewed for the VIRUS and BACTERIA TEST coming up TOMORROW!! HERE is a jeopardy review to get you started.
Friday, 22 November 2019
Biology 11
Today we finished the notes on bacteria by looking at antibiotic resistance and bacterial reproduction. Next we made observations from our 3 bacterial labs. Make sure you are going back to check answers to the Viruses: Structure and Nature Questions found HERE.
Thursday, 21 November 2019
Science 8
Today ALMOST all of us finished the Epidemic Disease Power Point!! We will be presenting these to our classmates and to a public health nurse next week. Next we worked on our solar distiller and set these up to collect clean water. Finally we watched good 'ol Mr. Bill Nye talk about Matter.
Biology 11
Today we did our 3 bacteria labs. Some need to incubate in the "spa" and we will observe them over the next few days. The labs were: Antibiotics vs. Bacteria, Distribution of Bacteria and Gram Staining. Finally we watched a video on fecal transplantation. Insert poo joke here.......
Tuesday, 19 November 2019
Biology 11
Today we prepared 3 labs that we will do in the double block. They are: Distribution of Bacteria, Gram Staining and Antibiotic Resistance in bacteria. You should have read through these labs and know the techniques you will use on Thursday. Make sure you have a "mini lab" set up with the title, purpose and data table if required. Videos below will review lab techniques and gram staining.
Science 8
Today we worked on our Epidemic Project and then read page 252-253. Reading check on page 253 is due for homework. Check out the Sci. Guys crushing can experiment below. See if you CAN make it work:
Monday, 18 November 2019
Biology 11
Today we turned in Friday's homework (check Friday's blog for 2 virus question sets). Next we finished the bacteria notes. Finally we did page 219 questions #1-7.....Read the section on bacteria!
Science 8
Today we reviewed some of the kinetic molecular theory. We read page 249-251 and did reading check on page 251---Turn this in! Next we worked on Epidemic Project. The power point poster is due on Friday.
Sunday, 17 November 2019
Science 8
Today we discussed the questions at the end of Investigation 7-2 and 7-3. We completed the questions at the end of the investigations together and then turned in the labs. Next we worked on the epidemic project. This project needs to be completed by Friday November 22.
Friday, 15 November 2019
Biology 11
Today we wrote a quiz on Taxonomy. Next we worked on some virus questions from textbook on page 205 #7-14 as well as the question sheet found HERE. These are both due on Monday.
Thursday, 14 November 2019
Biology 11
Today we took some notes on Viruses and Bacteria with the note sheet found HERE. Next we watched hunting the nightmare on Frontline and answered questions.
Don't forget the TAXONOMY quiz tomorrow. Video below was a review. Make sure you have completed the taxonomy questions from last class.
Tuesday, 12 November 2019
Biology 11
Today we did some taxonomy review and looked at cladograms. Next we practiced dichotomous keys and did an assignment on shark ID using a dichotomous key. HW: Do the taxonomy practice questions found: HERE.
Science 8
Today we did some "fill in" notes on matter. Next we did investigation 7-1 on page 247: Modelling the particle model. HW: Do "What did you find out" on page 247.
Friday, 8 November 2019
Biology 11
Today we got our Evolution Tests back, nice work!! Next we took some notes on Taxonomy, Dichotomous Keys and Cladograms. NOTES and POWERPOINT. Finally we did a Dichotomous Key Assignment
Wednesday, 6 November 2019
Biology 11
Today we wrote our Evolution Unit test following by a forest walk. What adaptations do plants/animals have to allow them to live in our cold and snowy climate?
Science 8
Today we wrote our immune system quiz. Next we did a short chemistry lab and read page 246-249 and did the Reading Check on page 249. In the second block we worked on our disease projects. You should be done your paragraph by Friday!
Monday, 4 November 2019
Biology 11
Today I collected the Natural Selection (Bean Lab). Next we looked at Mendellian genetics and did a Genetics Review. This is due at the end of class. Finally we got THREE evolution reviews for Wednesday's Test. This one is due tomorrow. Evolution Unit test is on WEDNESDAY......
Science 8
Today we turned in our immune system review assignment (See last Wednesday's blog). Next we worked on our epidemic project. Make sure you know which of the three paragraphs you are working on. IMMUNE SYSTEM QUEST ON Wednesday (or Thursday depending on your double block day).
Thursday, 31 October 2019
Science 8
Look at the post from yesterday's block 7/8. Block 3/4 is the same, except we have our immune system test is on Thursday.
Wednesday, 30 October 2019
Biology 11
Today we looked over the review questions: Patterns of Evolutionary Change and Evolution Review. The answer keys are linked above. You will be getting marks for your analysis and corrections of your OWN assignments. Go over your answers with a fine toothed comb and make corrections. Next we worked on Natural Selection Lab.....Fun times with kidney beans! Lab is due on Monday. Make a graph for environment and answer questions.
TEST ON EVOLUTION: Next Wednesday, Nov. 6
TEST ON EVOLUTION: Next Wednesday, Nov. 6
Tuesday, 29 October 2019
Biology 11
Today we practiced for the Evidence for Evolution Quizerooo tomorrow. Make sure you can list and describe the 5 pieces of evidence for evolution. Next we worked on our Patterns of Evolutionary Change worksheet and our Evolution Questions worksheet (omit #3). These worksheets are both due on Wednesday.
Science 8
Today we reviewed our notes on bacteria/viruses and the Immune system from yesterday. Next we worked on page 109 questions #1-13 (Omit #4). Make sure you complete these with a date, title, page number and YOUR NAME in full sentences. These questions are due on Thursday for both blocks.
Cool video on immune system.
Cool video on immune system.
Monday, 28 October 2019
Biology 11
Hello hard working Biology 11 class. I was not there today, but you did the following:
1) Turned in questions from textbook page 99
2) Got back your evidence for evolution workbook. You will have a short quiz on Wednesday and you will have to list the 5 pieces of evidence for evolution and describe them.
3) Worked on two question sets to review evolution and natural selection. You may need to look back at the power points below. The video below also helps explain the types of natural selection and gives examples.
Evidence for Evolution Power point
Natural Selection Power point
1) Turned in questions from textbook page 99
2) Got back your evidence for evolution workbook. You will have a short quiz on Wednesday and you will have to list the 5 pieces of evidence for evolution and describe them.
3) Worked on two question sets to review evolution and natural selection. You may need to look back at the power points below. The video below also helps explain the types of natural selection and gives examples.
Evidence for Evolution Power point
Natural Selection Power point
Thursday, 24 October 2019
Biology 11
See yesterday's blog entry for Monday's homework assignment. Next we continued our Natural Selection Notes from last day. We watched the two videos on natural selection and the 5 methods of evolution.
Science 8
Today turned in page 106 Reading check next we continued our notes on infectious diseases. Finally we started our epidemic projects by looking at some websites for our diseases.
Wednesday, 23 October 2019
Biology 11
Science 8
Today we took some notes on the immune system. Homework: Complete Reading Check on page 106 after reading page 98-106 in your textbook.
Tuesday, 22 October 2019
Biology 11
Today we did a crazy lab on Natural Selection!! This lab is found HERE. Next class we will do some analysis of the data. Read page 60-74. Do review questions on page. 74 #1-7. This is due on Thursday.
Science 8
Today we took the CELLS UNIT TEST!! Next we started our next unit: The immune system by doing the following: Read page 98-106 and do the Reading Check on page 106. The reading check is due on Thursday. We watched an immune system video:
Monday, 21 October 2019
Friday, 18 October 2019
Biology 11
Today we completed our our notes on Evidence for Evolution and history of evolutionary theory. Next we finished watching "What Darwin Never Knew" and turned in video worksheet. Evidence for Evolution Worksheet was also collected today.
Thursday, 17 October 2019
Science 8
Today we did some practice questions on photosynthesis. Next we worked on our cell models (due Tuesday) and our cell unit review (due Friday). Cell test is on TUESDAY. Next we watched some short videos on photosynthesis.....
Tuesday, 15 October 2019
Science 8
Today we got a review for the cell unit found HERE. The review is due on Friday, October 18th and the test is on Tuesday, October 22. Next we took some notes on photosynthesis. The note sheet is HERE and the power point is HERE. Below is a video explaining how trees (and photosynthesis!!) will help fight the effects of climate change.
Biology 11
Wednesday, 9 October 2019
Science 8
Both blocks began preparing their Plant or Animal cell model. Here are a few videos to inspire you!!
Biology 11
Today we spent most of the day working on the Mould Lab. Answers to the DNA and Protein Synthesis practice test found HERE.
Tuesday, 8 October 2019
Biology 11
Answers to protein synthesis questions found HERE. Today we took some notes on mitosis and meiosis to review how DNA replication affects chromosomes. Next we took some notes on recombinant DNA and mutations. Finally we got a practice test for the DNA test. Reminder that the DNA section B test and Mold lab are both due on Friday, Oct. 11
Science 8
Block 7/8: We looked at the Pond water and made microscope drawings and calculations. Next we watched the amoeba sisters video on cells. Homework: Read page 22-25. Do reading check page: 31 #1-3.
Cell fun video games:
Monday, 7 October 2019
Biology 11
Today we had time to work on our protein synthesis questions (Section B) that are due tomorrow. We got a review for the test on DNA/Protein Synthesis. Test will be coming up on Friday.
Science 8
Today block 7/8 went to an assembly and block 3/4 looked at pond water samples and then for classwork/homework: read page 22-25. Do Reading Check on page 31 #1-3
Friday, 4 October 2019
Science 8
Today we wrote a short quiz on microscopes. Next we went outside to collect microscopic organisms in pond water and looked at them in the "hot tub" slides. Any girls interested in having a STEM mentor apply online here:
Biology 11
Today we wrote a short quiz on DNA structure and replication. Next we made observations of our mold and started writing up the lab. This lab is due on Friday, October 11. Made sure you look back at your general lab guidelines as well as the mold lab guidelines. Finally we worked on protein synthesis questions (Section B). These are due on Tuesday, Oct. 8
Wednesday, 2 October 2019
Biology 11
Today we continued with the DNA power point notes by doing notes on transcription and translation. Next we completed our cutting and pasting of DNA replication. The assignment is found HERE. Friday quiz on DNA replication. We also watched some awesome DNA replication
Answers to DNA Unit 1 Section A questions found HERE.
Answers to DNA Unit 1 Section A questions found HERE.
Science 8
Today we took some notes on microscopes and cells. Next we did the cheek smear lab and found our own cells! Turn lab in. Finally we had class work/homework page: 21 #4, 5, 7 and 8. Quiz on microscope parts and function.
Tuesday, 1 October 2019
Biology 11
Today we continued our journey into DNA replication by doing a really finicky cutting and pasting assignment with sugars, phosphates and base pairs. Tomorrow we will (hopefully!) Finish this off. Make sure the DNA questions A and B (from part A) are complete for tomorrow. Here are the really useful DNA videos we watched: Remember the QUIZEROONI on Friday.
Science 8
Today we practiced figuring out how to find actual size of an organism by using the field of view diameter. We finished the microscope lab by looking at three slide samples. Make sure you turn this microscope lab in.
Classwork/Homework: Read page 11-14. Do the reading check on page 15.
Classwork/Homework: Read page 11-14. Do the reading check on page 15.
Monday, 30 September 2019
Science 8
Today we took notes on characteristics of living things, next we did a microscope lab where we were looking at rulers to determine fields of view. Classwork/homework: Read 6 and page 8-11. Do reading check on page 11. Answer in full sentences.
Biology 11
Today we started our next section of Unit 1: DNA. We took notes from the DNA power point. Note booklet is found HERE and the power point is HERE.
DNA question booklet on replication is due on Wednesday. That is all of A and B of section A.
Make your observations of the mold lab day #3 today.
DNA question booklet on replication is due on Wednesday. That is all of A and B of section A.
Make your observations of the mold lab day #3 today.
Friday, 27 September 2019
Biology 11
Today we started our bread mold lab. Yummmmmy! Next we finished off the NOVA video and worksheet. If you want to get preview of our next unit, start by watching the first section of the powerpoint on DNA replication found HERE.
Tuesday, 24 September 2019
Biology 11
Today we watched a video on endosymbiosis. Make sure you can explain this theory and give evidence for it. We also practiced actual size and drawing magnification by making drawings of some pond water protists. Here are some videos to help you study for the Unit 1: Part A test coming up on THURSDAY!! Go back through your notes, questions and prepare for the long answer questions.
Science 8
Today we practiced for the Scientific Method quiz coming up on Thursday (Block 7/8) or Wednesday (Block 3/4). Make sure you review your practice quiz and go back to September 13th to do some online practice.
Monday, 23 September 2019
Science 8
Today in block 7/8 we prepared for our Scientific Method Quiz by doing a practice test. Make sure you complete this for tomorrow if you didn't finish in class.
Block 3/4 we did the Scientific Method Lab. This is due tomorrow if you didn't complete it.
Block 3/4 we did the Scientific Method Lab. This is due tomorrow if you didn't complete it.
Biology 11
Today we are finishing off the cell metabolism from last week. We will have a test on all of Unit 1: Part A on Thursday, Sept. 26th. The answers to the cell metabolism concept check questions are found HERE. Next use the online text Unit 1: Chapter 2 to answer any remaining questions from your note sheet: Characteristics of Life. Remember that the Unit Text is coming up on Thursday. You got several review handouts today to help you study. If you didn't get a mark for your Domain/Kingdom table make sure you make a table with the 3 Domains and 4 Kingdoms. For each of these list the type of cell (prokaryote or eukaryote), type of reproduction, representative species, mode of nutrition.
Friday, 20 September 2019
Biology 11
Thanks for talking about some Climate Action ideas today Biology 11 students. Here are some pics....Sorry I didn't get all of you! Reminder that your Cell Metabolism questions are due on Monday. Use Unit 1 B link to textbook at the top of the blog.
Wednesday, 18 September 2019
Science 8---Block 3/4
Block 3/4 of Science 8 went to the computer lab and started to work on the conclusion of the Gummy Lab. This should be done in ABCDE paragraph format. A: State whether you accept or reject your hypothesis. B: Background, tell me the overview of your procedure. C: citation, refer back to graphs or tables to talk about results. D: Discussion: Why do you think the lab turned out the way it did? Try to explain your results. E: Extension: Comment on the reliability of your results. What would you change if you did the lab again? The whole lab is due on MONDAY....with the data page, graph and conclusion.
Tuesday, 17 September 2019
Biology 11
Today we completed notes on how cells obtain and use energy. Use the link at the top of the blog for online text B to read up on how cells get and Use energy. Next we prepped some climate rally booths to teach kids about climate change and climate change mitigation. Useful websites below:
Monday, 16 September 2019
Science 8
Science 8: Block 7/8
Today we worked on the results of our gummy bear lab. You need to complete the two graphs for homework if you have not done so yet: 1) Change in masses of gummy bears 2) Change in length of gummy bears.
Today we worked on the results of our gummy bear lab. You need to complete the two graphs for homework if you have not done so yet: 1) Change in masses of gummy bears 2) Change in length of gummy bears.
Biology 11
USE THIS LINK for the next textbook assignment. Today we took notes on metabolism in cells. Next we finished off the two microscope labs. Quiz on Thursday....You must be able to determine actual size and drawing magnification.
Friday, 13 September 2019
Science 8
Today we continued to add to our power point notes on Scientific Method. Next we look at the results of our gummy bear add and added some qualitative observations to our results. We will make a graph of mass and length change next class. Make sure you have completed the scientific method practice questions. There will be a quiz on Scientific Method next week. Online practice of Scientific Method Found HERE. Questions #2-11 are for YOU!! Practice #2. Practice #3.
Wednesday, 11 September 2019
Science 8
Today we started our Gummy bear lab and collected the data required to write a conclusion. Bring your lab back on Friday!! Next we practiced the scientific method by doing a worksheet. Finally we watched Bill Nye!! Cells
Biology 11
Today we had a quiz on cells and organelles. Next we did two microscope labs. Make sure you have figured out how to determine actual size of an organism. Next we started watching the NOVA documentary on the origins of life on earth. We will keep watching on Friday.
HOMEWORK: Make a table with the 3 Domains and 4 Kingdoms: Archea, Bacteria, Plantae, Fungi, Animalia and Protista. List some representative species, type of cells (uni or multi-cellular), mode of nutrition and type of reproduction for each of these categories.
HOMEWORK: Make a table with the 3 Domains and 4 Kingdoms: Archea, Bacteria, Plantae, Fungi, Animalia and Protista. List some representative species, type of cells (uni or multi-cellular), mode of nutrition and type of reproduction for each of these categories.
Tuesday, 10 September 2019
Science 8
Today we checked homework page 476 instant practice, wrote the safety quiz and finished the scientific method notes from last class. Next we started our design your own lab experiment....what will happen to a gummy bear in different solutions.
Biology 11
Today we completed more of the note sheet about cells. We also watched two videos to review for our CELL QUIZ TOMORROW. They are found below. Homework: Answer Review questions 3a-5c in your note sheet.
HERE is a quizlet to help you practice some cell organelles for tomorrow's quiz.
HERE is a quizlet to help you practice some cell organelles for tomorrow's quiz.
Monday, 9 September 2019
Biology 11
Today we continued with notes from our note sheet. We filled out Types of Cells and "Why are cells so small". For homework you need to do: The first and third tables in your note sheet---Spectrum of Biology (starting with atom) and Cell Organelles. Make sure you fill in the function and a picture for each of these. Textbook link found HERE.
If you need to add some songs to your play list, there are two great ones to help you review cell organelles.
If you need to add some songs to your play list, there are two great ones to help you review cell organelles.
Science 8
Today we started notes on Scientific Method. Make sure to bring these notes back tomorrow. Homework: Read page 476-477 and do instant practice on page 476, write out observations.
Friday, 6 September 2019
Biology 11
Today we started with a review of Scientific Method....we worked in groups and came up with an experimental design to test: Does water temperature affect fish breathing rate? Next we collected living and non-living samples...Made some observations about those samples and started filling in review notes. The power point is found HERE and note sheet HERE. Answer these questions for Monday: 1) Define the 5 characteristics of living things and give and examples of each.
2) Compare and contrast sexual and asexual reproduction. What are the positives and negatives of each?
Scientific Method worksheet and graph is also due on Monday.
2) Compare and contrast sexual and asexual reproduction. What are the positives and negatives of each?
Scientific Method worksheet and graph is also due on Monday.
Thursday, 5 September 2019
Science 8
Today we did some whole group activities with both classes. We got textbooks (make sure your name is in them) and agendas. Next we went over the T/F safety worksheet. HW: Read page 475 and review the WHMIS symbols.
Biology 11
Wednesday, 4 September 2019
Science 8
Next we went over all the safety equipment in the classroom and did a T/F safety sheet. Your homework is to complete this assignment and bring it back! We will go over it for accuracy.
Friday, 14 June 2019
Biology 11
Today we studied and set up the cheat sheet for the exam!! Answers to selected questions from the written review are found HERE.
Tuesday, 11 June 2019
Biology 12
Today we did the Quest on the Nervous System. Next we completed a colouring sheet on the male and female reproductive systems.
Biology 11
Today we did a little card game to practice the animal phyla. Tomorrow there is an animal phyla quest and you can use your cheat sheet.
Science 10
Today we took some notes on the life cycle of stars. We also watched some short National Geographic videos on lunar and solar eclipses. Finally we went over the Biology Unit Exam Review and started the Chemistry Unit Exam Review.
Monday, 10 June 2019
Biology 11
Today we finished off our last two phyla!! Echinoderms and Chordates. Arthropoda colouring is due tomorrow as well as the question sheet about Mollusks, Echinoderms and Chordates.
Biology 12
Today we practiced for the Nervous System Unit qutest. Practice MC questions were given out. Answers to module questions are found HERE.
Science 10
Today we took notes on the Earth's revolution and rotation. Questions to go with this are #2, 3, 11, 14 and 16. Next we looked at the Earth/Moon system and did practice questions #1-5.
The Biology Unit- Exam practice questions are also due tomorrow.
The Biology Unit- Exam practice questions are also due tomorrow.
Friday, 7 June 2019
Biology 12
Today we finished off the Nervous System power point. If you missed any of it, find it HERE.
The Brain Dissection, Dermal Receptors and Reflex Arc labs are due today. Nervous System review and divisions of the nervous system are due on Monday.
The Brain Dissection, Dermal Receptors and Reflex Arc labs are due today. Nervous System review and divisions of the nervous system are due on Monday.
Tuesday, 4 June 2019
Biology 12
Today we look at nerve impulses across a synapse and the role of neurotransmitters. The link to the happy banana article is found HERE.
Module questions D as well as the Synapse Questions handout due tomorrow.
Module questions D as well as the Synapse Questions handout due tomorrow.
Monday, 3 June 2019
Biology 12
Today we had a homework quiz on the Module A and B from nervous system. Next we took notes on the action potential from the power point found HERE.
Biology 11
Friday, 31 May 2019
Biology 12
Today we wrote the Urinary System Quest and then started Module questions for the Nervous system. Module A and B quiz on Monday.
Biology 11
Today I collected the characteristics of parasitic worm questions. Next we prepared a hypothesis for the worm lab to be done on Monday. Then we took notes on Mollusks and did some worm practice for the worm quiz on Tuesday. Comparison of Annelids to lower invertebrates questions is due on Monday.
Science 10
Today we wrote a quick question quiz on radioactivity. Next we wrote some notes on half-lives and finally did a "cornium" radioactive decay lab. This lab will be due on Tuesday. Energy Unit Test corrections are also due Tuesday.
Thursday, 30 May 2019
Science 10
Today we did some practice questions on alpha, beta and gamma decay. Make sure you can do these for the quick question quiz on Friday. Next we took some notes on fission and fusion reactions and then watched Nuclear Energy: The eyes of nye video. Finally we got to eat nachos made by our solar ovens. Yum, yum, soggy cheese:). Make sure you turn in the video questions.
Biology 11
Today we looked at segmented worms and took power point notes found HERE. Next we did the earthworm dissection and found some internal earthworm structures so fun! Make sure you turn in the earthworm dissection lab. The characteristics of parasitic worms is due tomorrow.
Tuesday, 28 May 2019
Biology 11
Today we completed the notes on unsegmented worms. The power point is found HERE. Next we did an unsegmented worms reading guide followed-- This is due next class. Parasitic worms questions due on Friday.
Science 10
Today we took some notes on radioactive decay and balancing nuclear reactions. Make sure you can balance these types of reactions. (Found in your text book on page 228-229) Finally we worked on our Energy Generation Projects- due on Friday.
Biology 12
Today we wrote a module homework quiz on urinary system module C. Make sure you go over the answers to your module questions found HERE in preparation for Friday's Quest
Monday, 27 May 2019
Biology 12
Today we worked on the remaining Urinary System module questions as well as the Urinary system note sheet. Tomorrow we will have a Module C homework quiz on the urinary system. Friday quest on urinary system.
Biology 11
Today we wrote the Porifera/Cnidaria quiz. Next we started the unit on worms by looking at Flatworms. Read page 311-312 do questions #10 and #11 on page 316.
Science 10
Today we took notes on Isotopes and reviewed determining number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom. Next we tested out our prototypes for solar ovens. These are looking good and getting ready for making nachos! Finally we need to read and take notes on page 226-232 and do number 2 and 3 on page 232.
Thursday, 23 May 2019
Biology 12
Today we completed notes on the urinary system looking at osmoregulation and acid/base balance. Next we did the urine analysis lab. Urine trouble if you didn't finish this one! :)
Wednesday, 22 May 2019
Biology 11
Today we did two labs: Porifera and Cnidaria. Make sure you can identify features of the main body plan of sponges and cnidarians. Cnidarian questions were given out, but not due until Monday.
Science 10
Today we worked on our Energy Unit Review. This is due Friday before the test on ENERGY. Next we worked on our Energy Generation Research Project as well as finishing our solar ovens.
Tuesday, 21 May 2019
Science 10
We had a work block today where we worked on the Energy Review Assignment. This is due tomorrow if you would like it marked before the test on Friday OR due on Friday before the Unit Test.
Biology 11
Today we started on our next Phylum in the animal kingdom: Cnidarians. We took some power point notes and then did the Reading Guide for Cnidarians.
Biology 12
Today we took some notes on the Urinary System. Urinary system module questions A and B are due on Thursday with a module quiz.
Friday, 17 May 2019
Biology 12
Today we wrote the Quest on Respiration. Next we started the urinary system with a Kidneys/Nephron colouring sheet and HANK: crash course in Biology Urinary system part 1.
Science 10
Today we did some practice on the Energy Unit Review questions. Remember that your unit review is due on Thursday, May 23 and the test is on Friday, May 24th. We also started working on our Solar Oven project.
Thursday, 9 May 2019
Biology 11
Today we did some plant collection in the pocket forest. We did have a collection winner, but we are all winners when we nerd out with Plants!! Next we did a Plant Kingdom test review and went over the answers together.
Science 10
Today we took some notes on Gravitational Potential Energy (GPE) and linking KE and PE together with the formulas we know. Worksheet on energy calculations #1-6 due (#7 is bonus).
Quick question quiz tomorrow is on Kinetic Energy.
Quick question quiz tomorrow is on Kinetic Energy.
Tuesday, 7 May 2019
Biology 12
Today we reviewed for the circulatory system test. Make sure you review the practice test as well as going over all the module questions. Have a heart test tomorrow.
Science 10
Today we tested our catapults we designed to transform elastic potential energy into kinetic energy. Great work on these. The furthest shot went 17 m! Make sure you complete the Kinetic Energy worksheet for Thursday.
Monday, 29 April 2019
Biology 12
Today we did the Circulatory System- Capillary Exchange and Lymphatic System. Next we finished off the heart beat/blood pressure lab that we began on Friday. Complete Module Section E for tomorrow..
Biology 11
Today we finished the fern unit. We did the Fern Reading Guide and some Fern questions. Tomorrow you will have a short fern quiz.
Science 10
Today we started the next unit on Energy. We took notes on types of energy and definition of energy. We watched Bill Nye and finally had some book questions. Page 205 #1 and #2.
Friday, 26 April 2019
Biology 12
Today 5 people came to class......and we kept going with our LEARNING biology!! First we took the Homework Quiz on Module C. Next we took notes on blood from the power point. We watched a short bozeman science video on blood types. Finally we had a worksheet on Blood. This is due on Monday.
Biology 11
Today we took a short moss quiz. Make sure you have turned in your Moss Lab: Non-vascular plants the mosses and the Moss Reading Guide. The fern lab is due on Monday if you haven't already turned it in.
Wednesday, 24 April 2019
Biology 11
Today we finished off the moss unit and started the fern unit. First we did the moss reading guide which is due on Friday. Next we took some notes on ferns and then found some ferns outside for the fern lab. Brind the fern lab back on Friday (it does not need to be completed)
Science 10
Today we reviewed for our Chemistry Unit test coming up on Friday. We went over the practice test and then did a lab where we reacted aluminum with copper (II) chloride. Make sure you bring your data booklet with any additional notes you want to add.
Tuesday, 23 April 2019
Science 10
Today we decided to move the Chemistry Test until Friday, April 26th. Make sure you turn in your review tomorrow. It is found HERE.
Biology 11
Today we did the Moss Lab after gathering some moss outside. We will have time to work on this tomorrow.
Biology 12
Thursday, 18 April 2019
Biology 11
Today we wrote the Fungi Quiz. Next we began the Plant Kingdom by taking a few notes about the different groups of land plants. Finally we focussed our attention on the Bryophytes (Mosses) and took some power point notes, watched crash course in Biology.
Tuesday, 16 April 2019
Biology 12
Today we practiced the heart and circulatory system with a diagram and some more colouring. Heart labelling quiz on Thursday along with the pig and pig hearts.
Biology 11
Today we finished off the mushroom lab and turned it in. Next we worked on the Fungi Colouring and collected some fungi and some moss for Wednesday's lab. Next class fungus quiz.
Monday, 15 April 2019
Biology 12
Today we worked on the circulatory system with a power point and then module questions and some colouring fun times. Module questions for tonight: A #1-6 (leave room) B # 1 (draw your own heart)
Science 10
Today we worked on turning word equations into balanced chemical equations and classifying the reaction. We will have a quiz on Wednesday on these steps.
Biology 11
Today we worked on our mold lab. The mushroom lab is due tomorrow with questions completed. Next we got a Fungi Colouring workbook. You will have time to work on it tomorrow. It is due on Wednesday.
Friday, 12 April 2019
Biology 11
Today we continued with the Fun Fungi notes. We finished the power point and then did a mushroom lab. Fungi quiz next week!
Science 10
Today we had our quick question quiz on balancing chemical reactions. You are getting good at balancing! Next we completed our lab from last class and classified the reactions as one of the 5 types we learned about. Next we continued to practice balancing and classifying equations. More practice is found HERE.
Tuesday, 9 April 2019
Biology 12
Today we a rap up and study for the Digestive System Test day. We finished off the digestive system power point. Worked on the Enzyme worksheet and Digestive system review. We also got a practice test. Make sure you complete the practice test and do the module questions for Friday.
Biology 11
Today we wrote our Test on Microbiology. Next we looked at our Antibiotics vs. Bacteria lab for the zones of resistance with different antibiotics. Homework: Read page 238-244. Answer questions #1-5 pag. 245
Science 10
Today we took notes on Endo and Exothermic Reactions and practiced balancing equations.
We will complete energy changes in chemical reactions next class.
We will complete energy changes in chemical reactions next class.
Thursday, 4 April 2019
Science 10
Today we took notes on how to balance chemical equations. This is tricky!! We did some practice, but there is also lots of info in your notes and online. Try Khan Academy for a good tutorial.
Next we did an experiment from the book. Lab 2-C on page 136: The Law of Conservation of Mass. Once you have gathered all your data you should do Process and Analyze on page 137 as well as Conclude and Communicate. This will be due on Monday.
Next we did an experiment from the book. Lab 2-C on page 136: The Law of Conservation of Mass. Once you have gathered all your data you should do Process and Analyze on page 137 as well as Conclude and Communicate. This will be due on Monday.
Biology 11
Today we did 2 big labs! The first was Antibiotics vs. Bacteria as well as the Protist Lab. The Protist Lab should be turned in by Friday at the latest.
Make sure you have turned in your Bacteria and Protist Colouring sheets.
Make sure you have turned in your Bacteria and Protist Colouring sheets.
Tuesday, 2 April 2019
Science 10
Today we had quick questions on ionic and covalent formulas and naming. Next we took notes on Bohr models and Lewis dot diagram models of compounds. Read page 120-122. Do Activity #1 and #2 on page 122.
Biology 12
Today we completed the Digestion Power point notes on all the digestive enzymes...and steps in digestion. Next we did a worksheet on parts of the digestive system in humans and rats, make sure this is complete for tomorrow.
Make sure you read through the fetal pig dissection. We will start this tomorrow. There will be a quick quiz on the lab procedure tomorrow.
Make sure you read through the fetal pig dissection. We will start this tomorrow. There will be a quick quiz on the lab procedure tomorrow.
Biology 11
Today we went on a walk and collected pond water. We didn't have much time to search for protists, but we will on Thursday. Make sure your Protist Colouring WS is completed for next class along with the Bacteria Colouring WS from before break.
Monday, 1 April 2019
Biology 11
Today we took quite a few notes on Protists (the last section of microbiology). Next we did some Protista colouring. This is due on Thursday.
Science 10
Today we took notes on names and formulas of COVALENT compounds. We did practice questions with covalent as well as ionic compounds.
Biology 12
Today we started the Digestive System by looking at the first part of the power point found HERE. Next we got our module questions for digestion. Parts A and B are due tomorrow.
Friday, 15 March 2019
Science 10
Today we wrote the Quick Question Quiz on Ionic Compounds. Next we finished our lab 8A (from the old text book). Finally we watched a NOVA documentary about the science of addiction.
Biology 12
Today we wrote our QUESTERIZ on DNA and Protein Synthesis. Next we watched some twin movies. Have a good break! Start reading the Digestive System chapter in your text if you want to work ahead.
Biology 11
Today we wrote a quick question quiz. Make sure you know how to determine actual size of an organisms under a microscope and magnification of drawing. Next we completed the Abundance and Distribution of Bacteria Lab. Over the holidays you can work on-----Microbiology Review (our test will be on April 9th).....but don't worry!! We still have to complete one of the sections (on protists).
Thursday, 14 March 2019
Biology 12
Answers to Quizeret:
1)A 2)C 3)B 4)D 5)C 6)C 7)B 8)B no 9) or 10) on there 11)B 12)C no 13) 14)B 15)C 16)B 17)D 18)D 19)A 20)C 21)OMIT 22)B 23)C 24)A 25)Omit 26)Omit 27)B 28)B no 29) 30)C 31)A 32)D****kind of a weird question, but since it refers to making a COPY of DNA that means you have DNA built so this is replication. All the genes on DNA are there to code for proteins. no 33) 34)D 35)D
Part 2
4) mRNA strand made: CGG AUC AUG CAU
A.A. Arg Iso Meth Hist
b) mutated mRNA: CGG AUA GCA U
A.A. Arg Iso Ala
5) Steps in Protein synthesis:
1) DNA unwinds and unzips
2) single mRNA strand is build in the nucleus with RNA nucleotides for the section of DNA that codes for a specific protein
3)mRNA leaves the nucleus and heads to the cytoplasm.
4) mRNA attaches to a ribosome in the cytoplasm or on rough endoplasmic reticulum.
5) tRNA brings amino acids one at a time to the mRNA (anti-codon of tRNA attaches to codon of mRNA)
6) each new amino acid is added to the protein chain by dehydration synthesis reactions.
7) Amino acid chain (protein) detaches from the last tRNA
1)A 2)C 3)B 4)D 5)C 6)C 7)B 8)B no 9) or 10) on there 11)B 12)C no 13) 14)B 15)C 16)B 17)D 18)D 19)A 20)C 21)OMIT 22)B 23)C 24)A 25)Omit 26)Omit 27)B 28)B no 29) 30)C 31)A 32)D****kind of a weird question, but since it refers to making a COPY of DNA that means you have DNA built so this is replication. All the genes on DNA are there to code for proteins. no 33) 34)D 35)D
Part 2
4) mRNA strand made: CGG AUC AUG CAU
A.A. Arg Iso Meth Hist
b) mutated mRNA: CGG AUA GCA U
A.A. Arg Iso Ala
5) Steps in Protein synthesis:
1) DNA unwinds and unzips
2) single mRNA strand is build in the nucleus with RNA nucleotides for the section of DNA that codes for a specific protein
3)mRNA leaves the nucleus and heads to the cytoplasm.
4) mRNA attaches to a ribosome in the cytoplasm or on rough endoplasmic reticulum.
5) tRNA brings amino acids one at a time to the mRNA (anti-codon of tRNA attaches to codon of mRNA)
6) each new amino acid is added to the protein chain by dehydration synthesis reactions.
7) Amino acid chain (protein) detaches from the last tRNA
Wednesday, 13 March 2019
Biology 11
Today we turned in our Microbiology Projects. Next we watched a few videos on lab techniques: Sterile techniques in microbiology and Gram staining technique. Lab 48: Staining and Observing Bacterial Cells is due next class. You also got a bacterial colouring assignment- this isn't due on Friday, but make sure you bring it back Friday.
Science 10
Today we did some quick questions then wrote a safety quiz and then did some notes on ionic compounds and Lewis dot diagrams. Finally we did a lab: 8A in the old text (pg. 225). Make sure you bring your data back to class on Friday, but the lab doesn't need to be finished.
Tuesday, 12 March 2019
Science 10
Today we reviewed our IONIC formula writing and naming. Next we looked at some safety videos. Make sure you review the safety rules on page 108-110 including the WHIMIS symbols. Do questions #1-5 page 111. #6: Draw out WHIMIS symbols and explain what they are.
Biology 11
Today we took some notes on bacteria and did a distribution of bacteria lab. Make sure you complete Lab Report Outline: 1-4 and Data Table (Lab 1). We got back our Virus Questions. Make sure you check the answers to there found HERE.
Biology 12
Today we looked at protein synthesis in more detail.....we did a little build a protein assignment. Make sure you have completed Part B of the DNA module questions: A, B, C we will have a homework check on these next class.
Monday, 11 March 2019
Science 10
Today we took notes on balancing and writing formulas for IONIC compounds. Ionic compounds happen when you have a metal + non-metal. (positive + negative ion)
We completed a worksheet to practice and started watching a lab safety video. Stay tuned for what happens to the googleless lady.........
We completed a worksheet to practice and started watching a lab safety video. Stay tuned for what happens to the googleless lady.........
Biology 11
Today we finished off our two microscope labs. The first lab was to see what orientation things had under the microscope and the second was to determine actual size and drawing magnification of objects.
Sunday, 10 March 2019
Biology 12
Today we took notes on DNA transcription and translation....turning DNA into mRNA and then making an amino acid chain. Make sure you have turned in your DNA replication cuttin' and pastin' from Friday. Today's homework (due Thursday): Module questions Section B: Protein Synthesis- A, B and C. Here is a good link to a video to show protein synthesis steps.
Friday, 8 March 2019
Biology 11
Today we wrote a virus quiz question quizerooo followed by 2 microscope labs. Turn in microscope lab #1 and bring the other one back on Monday.
Biology 12
Today we did a little cuttin' and pastin' to some 80s tunes and replicated DNA. .....not for homework if not finished yet.
Science 10
I collected the subatomic particles worksheet from yesterday. Today we wrote a quick question quiz on subatomic particles. Next we took notes on Bohr Models, Chemical Families and Determining # of atoms in compounds. We have two assignments due: Bohr Model sheet and Chemical Formulas. Make sure these are turned in on Monday if not completed.
Thursday, 7 March 2019
Biology 12
Hi Colm, Since you are the only one reading this, hope skiing is going well!
Today we started the DNA unit. First we took a quiz on enzymes. Next we watched CRASH course in biology: DNA replication. We got a new power point and did the notes on DNA replication.
Last, but not least, we worked on Module Questions for this topic: Section A and B.
Today we started the DNA unit. First we took a quiz on enzymes. Next we watched CRASH course in biology: DNA replication. We got a new power point and did the notes on DNA replication.
Last, but not least, we worked on Module Questions for this topic: Section A and B.
Wednesday, 6 March 2019
Biology 11
Today we worked on our microbiology project and turned in Viruses: Structure and Nature questions. Virus quick question quiz on Friday.
Science 10
Today we completed our genetics posters and had a poster viewing session. Thanks for your research! I learned a lot! Next we worked on a protons, neutrons and electrons practice sheet. This is due on Friday to go along with the quick question quiz.
Tuesday, 5 March 2019
Biology 12
Today we practiced our enzymes once again!! First we worked on the enzyme module questions. Answers found HERE. Next we played a rousing game of jeopardy review.
Biology 11
Today we did some quick questions on viruses. Next we worked on our Microbiology Project and completed the worksheet Viruses: Structure and Nature. Questions #1-15 are due tomorrow.
Science 10
Today we did some quick questions based on the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in an atom or ion. Make sure you can used your periodic table to determine these. Next we worked on our genetics posters. THESE ARE DUE TOMORROW!! Make sure you have given me a list of questions (2 at least) that someone should be about to answer after looking at your poster.
Monday, 4 March 2019
Biology 11
Biology 12
Today we watched a review of enzymes video and then did some enzyme practice questions. Your Diffusion Across a Semi-Permeable membrane lab conclusion is due tomorrow. Your paragraph should include: Which biomolecules were able to diffuse across the membrane? Back this up with data from your lab. Comment on why these molecules should diffuse across. Explain any sources of error.
Science 10
Today we started the Chemistry Unit with a bit of review...….Determining the number of atoms, electrons or neutrons in different atoms. Next we had some time to work on our Genetics Posters. These posters will be due on Wednesday this week.
Friday, 1 March 2019
Biology 11
Today we wrote our test on Evolution. It was LONG! Make sure you bring in any materials you need to make your virus particle if you are doing choice B in the microbiology project.
Biology 12
Today we wrote our QUEST on cell organelles and transport mechanisms. Next we finished off the sausage lab (rates of diffusion across a cell membrane). You will have time to complete this on Monday. We will work on Enzymes next week.
Wednesday, 27 February 2019
Biology 12
Today we played the Cell Games you created!! Super fun and educational....
Next we made some little cells with dialysis tubing to test for different molecules passing across the membrane. QUEST on Friday on Organelles and Membrane and Transport. Module Questions: Unit 1 Topic 3 A)Transport Mechanisms in Cells answers.
Next we made some little cells with dialysis tubing to test for different molecules passing across the membrane. QUEST on Friday on Organelles and Membrane and Transport. Module Questions: Unit 1 Topic 3 A)Transport Mechanisms in Cells answers.
Tuesday, 26 February 2019
Science 10
Today we made up a story about the evolution of an animal by means of natural selection. Next we worked on our Reproduction/Genetics review--due on Thursday.
Biology 11
Today we turned in Evolution and Taxonomy review. You will get these back before the test. Next we took some notes on viruses and got a virus question sheet. Questions #1-7 are due on Wednesday. Fun jeopardy review for Evolution found HERE.
Monday, 25 February 2019
Science 10
Today we worked on our visual dictionary for Biology review. Next we got a review for the test coming up on Friday. We also came up with criteria for the genetics poster.
Biology 11
Today we went over some assignments from the past week. We checked cladograms, cladogram analysis and patterns of evolutionary change. We took a few notes on micro and macro evolution as well as types of adaptations. We did some taxonomy practice as well as an evolution review.
Biology 12
Today we worked on our Cell game......we will have a little bit of time tomorrow and then play on Wednesday. We also got a cell transport review.
Wednesday, 20 February 2019
Biology 12
Today we worked on our Cell Biology game. Make sure you follow the criteria for how many questions you need. We also finished our potato lab and went over the cell partner practice worksheet. ALL module questions on cell membrane and transport across the cell membrane are due on Monday.
Tuesday, 19 February 2019
Biology 11
Wow, we powered through a lot of work. All due on Monday. If you are going to be here on Thursday bring $$ for the coffee shop. First we got notes on Taxonomy found HERE. Based on these we got a shark dichotomous key worksheet and some cladogram practice worksheet 1 and 2 These along with Patterns of Evolutionary Change worksheet (see Friday's post) are due on Monday.
Biology 12
Today we finished off the notes on transport across cell members. Power point is HERE. Next we got module questions for this. You should do section A and B tonight. We practiced some cell questions and made an excel graph for the potato lab. Bring in materials for Cell Game tomorrow.
Science 10
Today we took notes on Darwin's theory of Evolution by Natural Selection. Next we analyzed some examples of natural selection with case studies on populations of mice and peppered moths. These questions are due Thursday if not completed. Next we got some words to make a visual dictionary of biology. This is due Feb. 28th.
Friday, 15 February 2019
Biology 11
Today we did a quick question quiz based on the week's work. Next we finished off a couple of details on the evolution unit. We took notes on the terms: Adaptive radiation, bottleneck, and founder effect. Make sure you understand how genetic drift works......with m & ms..yum!
For homework: Pattern's of Evolutionary Change worksheet.
For homework: Pattern's of Evolutionary Change worksheet.
Science 10
Today we wrote a quick question quiz on Punnett Squares. Next we did a natural selection lab with
M and Ms. Which traits will allow the M and Ms to survive in their environment? Which individuals had the highest survival rate?
M and Ms. Which traits will allow the M and Ms to survive in their environment? Which individuals had the highest survival rate?
Biology 12
Today we wrote our QUEST on biomolecules. Next we completed our potato lab and recorded the
% change in mass for our group as well as the class results. Make sure you bring that back on Monday. Module Questions for Unit 1 should all be completed now. (Finish Part B on cell organelles).
% change in mass for our group as well as the class results. Make sure you bring that back on Monday. Module Questions for Unit 1 should all be completed now. (Finish Part B on cell organelles).
Wednesday, 13 February 2019
Biology 11
Today we had an attack of the killer mutant bees! James, you are the only one reading this don't actually have to make the bees, just determine the amino acids that would get made for bee 1 and bee 2 and number the steps that you would take to make it. Explain what type of environmental change would select for Bee 2.
Next we took notes based on this power point on agents of change....if you weren't here, make sure you watched the linked videos as well. Homework due Friday: Read pg. 174-175 and 181-182. Do Review page 182 #1, 2, 3, 7 and 8.
Next we took notes based on this power point on agents of change....if you weren't here, make sure you watched the linked videos as well. Homework due Friday: Read pg. 174-175 and 181-182. Do Review page 182 #1, 2, 3, 7 and 8.
Science 10
Today we did a quick question based on punnett squares. Next we adopted some alien babies with two alien parents.....we had to figure out would their traits would be from a mix of alleles. Next we did a human variations lab to look at the frequency of alleles for different traits--Turn this in. Finally we did the following questions in the textbook: pg. 39 #4, 5 and 10.
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