Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Science 8

Today in our double block we:
1) Went over the instant practice pg. 476
2) Took notes on the Scientific Method
3) Using the Scientific Method we did our first experiment to see if soap will affect the surface tension of water.  We used an interesting method of counting how many drops a penny will hold.
4) We did a class challenge to see if we could match the names of lab equipment to the apparatus. 
5) We did a questionnaire to find out how we learn best.  Stay tuned for some analysis of our results

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Science 9

Today in Science 9 Ms. Wood was away with the basketball teams.  Here is what we got done:

1) Practiced some safety rules by doing a T/F worksheet
2) Reviewed WHMIS symbols by doing a cutting and pasting matching assignment
3) Took some notes on Scientific Method
4) Started (but didn't finish) "How water sticks together" experiment.  Get ready to complete this next class. 

Science 8

Today in Science 8 we had a TOC for part of the class, since Ms. Wood had to go out of town with the basketball team.

Here is what we did:
1) Practiced safety rules with T/F questions
2) Did a cut and paste activity to match WHMIS symbols with their descriptions
3) A worksheet:  Tour of the Textbook.  Make sure you turn this in when completed.
4) pg. 476 and pg. 478 Instant practice.

Monday, 29 January 2018

Science 8

Today we went through the course outline and classroom expectations.   Get this signed for homework!

Next we did a quick experiment with a partner:  How can you float a paper clip in a beaker of water?   Stay tuned for how we will use this info to look at the scientific method. 

Finally we had a quick safety in the Science Lab discussion. 

Science 9

Today we went through the course outline and classroom expectations.   Get this signed for homework!

Next we did a quick experiment with a partner:  How can you float a paper clip in a beaker of water?   Stay tuned for how we will use this info to look at the scientific method. 

Finally we had a quick safety in the Science Lab discussion. 

Biology 11

Today we started Biology 11 by: 1) getting the course outline and textbooks    2) Filling out a student survey and completing a Language of Biology partner worksheet.

No homework today! 

Sunday, 28 January 2018

Science 9

Welcome to Science 9.  I will attempt to post after every might not make it on until the end of the day.  I will also link worksheets etc. to the blog in case you are away, or they somehow get lost:)

Science 8

Welcome to Science class!  I will attempt to post after every class (although it might be at the end of the day) I will also link any documents you need to the blog. 

Saturday, 20 January 2018

Biology 12

OK, taking up too much space on the old blog.  Link to the answers for Enzymes MC review and Nervous System MC review.  Happy Studying!

Friday, 19 January 2018

Biology 12

Biology 11

Today we got marked work and work back.   Next we prepared for the Final by answering the review questions or by making the cheat sheet.  Make sure you bring your cheat sheet on Wednesday for our review game!

Biology 12

Today we marked our Nervous System Review worksheet together.

Next we did a review of Biologically important molecules and did a review worksheet for this.   This is due on Monday.

Answers to Multiple Choice Study Guide CIRCULATORY REVIEW: 

Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Biology 11

Today we finished off kindgdom Animalia by dissecting a Chordate, The FROG!   You will have time to finish the dissection questions tomorrow. 

Biology 12

Today we finished off the very last power point on the synapse and neurotransmitters.   Do module questions D for tomorrow.....possible HW quiz????  You never know

Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Biology 11

Today we marked our Echinoderm Colouring and our Mollusk questions.  We took notes on Chordates and answered the questions on Phylum Chordata and Vertebrates (on the back of the notes).  These Chordate questions ARE DUE AT THE END OF CLASS!

Quiz tomorrow on Echinoderms, Mollusks and Arthropods. 

Biology 12

Today we wrote a homework quiz on neurons.   Reviewed the nerve impulse and action potential and worked on Module Questions part C. 

Hoemwork quiz on module questions C tomorrow. 

Monday, 15 January 2018

Biology 12

Today we looked at the Nervous system and took some Power Point notes on nerves and nerve impulses.  You should do module questions Part A and B for homework.  Homework quiz tomorrow on this. 

Biology 11

Today we looked at our second to last Phylum:  Echinodermata.   Colouring sheet to do for that one!

Make sure you turn in your Mollusks worksheet if you have not yet done so.  

Friday, 12 January 2018

Biology 12

Today we wrote the pee pee test on the Urinary System.   

Homework this weekend:  Go through the exam study guide and organize all the Power Points and tests/assignments into units. 

Biology 11

Today we looked at Phylum Mollusca (Mollusks).  This includes snails, clams, squid, octopus and oysters.

We had a worksheet, but NO colouring!   Make sure you complete the worksheet for homework.

START STUDYING for the final by organizing your notes and trying to answer the first two sections of the study guide. 

Monday, 8 January 2018

Biology 11

Happy New Year!   Welcome back to the animal kingdom, next stop Annelids (the segmented worms).

We got power point notes on Annelids and did a Segmented worms colouring sheet.  This is due tomorrow.

Biology 12

Happy New Year!  Urine trouble, cause I'm working on my Spanny style back to the kidneys: 

Today we reviewed and took notes on the three functions of kidneys:  1) Getting rid of metabolic waste  2) Osmoregulation   and  3) Regulating blood pH

The Nephron and Urine Formation booklet is due at the end of class.

The Urinary System Chapter 16 notes are due tomorrow.