Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Friday, 28 April 2017

Chemistry 11

Today we practiced electron configurations for atoms and ions and used electron configurations to determine valence electrons.   Quiz on Tuesday!

Next we did a GIANT graphing assignment on trends in the periodic table.  You should have three graphs plotting the atomic radius, electronegativity and ionization.  You WILL have time to work on this on Monday. 

Biology 12

Today we wrote the Digestive System Test.   Done Digesting!

Next we did two colouring sheets:  1) the heart (just the first page)
2) The pulmonary and systemic circulatory systems

Thursday, 27 April 2017

Chemistry 11

Today we added to our knowledge of electron configuration diagrams.  We took notes on how to write electron configurations with negative and positive ions.   We also learned how to determine how many valence electrons are in an atom.

Hebden work:  pg. 157 ex: 28 (a-g)

Then we did lab 10 A with pre-lab questions.  Lab is due next Wednesday May 3th. 

Hebden work:  pg. 158 ex: 29 (a-e) 

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Biology 12

Digestive System Practice Test Answers:

1) C     2) B     3) C     4) B      5) D      6) C       7) A      8) C       9) B     10) G

11) D     12) A      13) E      14) B      15) B
Today in class we started notes on the circulatory system---blood

We did a lab on the Formed Elements of Blood (turn this in before the end of class)

Watched a crash course video on blood

Study for Digestive System Test on Friday.    Do practice test, module questions and questions in the textbook at the end of the chapter.


Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Biology 12

Today I collected the Effect of Temperature on Enzymes Lab.

Also collected:  Module questions C, E and F (1, 3, 4 and 5)

We did a Digestive System Review Assignment to help us study for the Digestion Test.   Test is on Friday, April 28th. 

Chemistry 11

Today we learned how to write electron configurations for neutral atoms based on energy levels and orbitals. 

Hebden Questions due:  pg. 155 Ex: 26 (a-e) and (j-m)

Also core notations for:  K, Cd, Cs and Mn

Homework:   Read and do pre-lab questions for Lab 10A

Monday, 24 April 2017

Chemistry 11

Today we looked at electron configuration in atoms and learned why the Bohr Model isn't actually the "real" model of the atom.   It does give us some important information though about how electrons can gain or lose electrons to form stable configurations.

Homework:  Hebden: 1) pg.  149      the whole table needs to be done for tomorrow.
 2) pg. 150 Ex: 23 a, c, e and f

Biology 12

Today we got to go to an ICBC presentation in the library.

Due tomorrow:  Effect of Temperature on Enzyme Activity Lab

Module Questions due tomorrow:  A-C (should be done already, A and B are marked)   E and F (1,3,4 and 5)

Friday, 21 April 2017

Biology 12

Today we wrapped up work on the Digestive system.

Took notes on absorption of nutrients in the small intestine.      Finished off the digestion power point up to insulin/glucagon.

Due in class:   Digestive Enzyme Table

******Last day for Effect of Temperature on Enzymes lab:   Tuesday, April 27th.  

Chemistry 11

Today we made yummy decorated cookies to help illustrate the concept of limiting and excess reactants. 

Next we took notes on Atomic Theory and learned how to find the number of neutrons, protons and electrons in an atom or ion. 

Hebden homework:  pg. 149  Ex:  22  a-f

Thursday, 20 April 2017

Chemistry 11

We wrote the stoichiometry test today.  Good Work!   There were some tough questions on there, some of which will be bonus marks.

1) Next we completed lab:  6D.  Answer all questions (not the follow-up) and write a conclusion.   In your conclusion remember to link back to the objectives and list sources of error.

2)  Read page 139-141 in Hebden.  Do exercises #1-4 and #6 pg. 142

Both of these are due tomorrow.  

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Biology 12

Today we took notes on the enzymes involved in Chemical Digestion.

Digestion worksheet due tomorrow.

Also due on Wednesday is the lab:  Effect of Temperature on Enzymes.  No introduction required, but you do need to answer all questions and write a conclusion.

On Wednesday we will do the Fetal Pig Dissection.   Here are some good you tube videos demonstrating how:

Chemistry 11

Today we took notes and watched a video on the new unit (Unit 5):  Atomic Theory

We also took some time to work on the Unit 4 Review.   Here are some selected answers to qestions:

2)  Change in temperature, change in colour, change of state, precipitate formed, gas given off or smell given off.

4)  Bond forming releases energy.

5b)    SiF4  +  8NaOH Na4SiO4  + 4NaF + 4H2O

6 and 7a)  Decomposition:   Ba(ClO3)2(s)  BaCl2(s)   +  3O2(g)

6 and 7c)  Double Replacement (Acid/Base Neutralization) 
H2C2O4  +  Mg(OH)2 2H2O  +  MgC2O4 

8a)  Zn  +  I2 ZnI2
9b) 9.8 x 104 g Cl2      

10a) 1.28 x 103 L O2 

10b) 6.25 mole Na

13) 51.1 g of PbCl2 can be obtained

14) 3.36 g of NH4Cl can be obtained

Thursday, 13 April 2017

Biology 12

I collected Digestion Module Questions section A and B.   

Next we continued with our work on the Digestive System.   We watched a short video on the enzymes required for digestion as well as the accessory systems in the digestive system.

Next we did lab #36:  The Effect of Temperature on Enzyme Activity
This lab with questions and conclusion is due on Wednesday April 19th.

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Chemistry 11

Today we went over the answers to the excess reactants worksheet.  

We did a lab on Limiting and Excess reactants:  Lab 6D on page 90.  You should have turned in up to question #6. 

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Chemistry 11

Today we continued work on Limiting and Excess reactants.   Remember that the limiting reactant is the one that limits how much product can get made.  

Due next class:   Excess reactants worksheet

Biology 12

Today we continued with the Digestive system by looking at more details of what happens to food in the movement from your mouth to your stomach.

Due next class:  Digestive system colouring sheet and A and B in the Digestive system module. 

Monday, 10 April 2017

Biology 12

Today we started the Unit on the Digestive System.   We watched a short crash course video on digestion.  Next we started the Power Point notes and then we completed a colouring worksheet.   The colouring worksheet is NOT due for homework.   You will have time to work on it. 

Chemistry 11

Today we did a bit more practice on completing and classifying equations.

Next we took notes on our LAST TOPIC in stoichiometry:  Limiting and Excess reactants.

Hebden questions:  pg. 133 Ex:  26, 27

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Chemistry 11

Today we started with Lab 5D:  Investigating the Differences in Activity of Metals.   Turn in Lab  with Title, Objectives, Materials and Methods, Data Tables and Questions #1 and #2.

Next we added to our notes on stoichiometry.  You should be able to go from grams/moles/litres to anything else based on the balanced equation.  

Homework:  1) Complete Lab 5D.
2) Hebden: pg. 127 Exercise #7

Quiz balancing practice:  Hebden:  pg. 111 all
pg. 114 Ex: 58-64
pg. 118 Ex: 66 m-x

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Biology 12

We started off the class with time to work on our Module questions on membranes and transport.    These module questions are due on Friday. 

We also had time to work on the blue sheet:  Cell Membrane and Transport REVIEW WORKSHEET due on Thursday. 

Chemistry 11

Today we took notes on Exothermic and Endothermic reactions and Enthalpy change.    Then we were introduced to the concept of stoichiometry.   Calculations with balanced equations.   Homework:  pg. 124 Ex: 2 and 4. 

Monday, 3 April 2017

Chemistry 11

Today we took notes on the 5 types of chemical reactions.  You should be able to complete and balance synthesis, decomposition, single replacement, double replacement, and combustion reactions.   Hebden practice:  Ex:  65abc,  66 pick 6 and Ex: 67 a-e.

Biology 12

Today we reviewed diffusion, osmosis, passive and active transport.   We also took notes on endo and exocytosis as well as pinocytosis and phagocytosis. 

For homework:  Osmosis Lab: 3 questions on the last page.

Blue Review sheet.  Part A and Part B 1-4.