Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Friday, 17 March 2017

Chemistry 11

Today we learned how to turn a chemical word equation into a balanced chemical reaction. 

Practiced this by doing Hebden pg. 113 ex: 57 and 58.

Have a great Spring Break! 

Thursday, 16 March 2017

Chemistry 11

Today we got our mole test back, good mole calculations everyone! 

We then took notes on chemical reactions and conservation of mass and energy with chemical reactions.  

Hebden questions:  pg. 111 #14-25

Lab 4D (pg. 65) completed with questions #1-3 and follow-up questions #1 and 2. 

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Biology 12

Today we continued with our presentations on genetic disorders.   We also went over some of the plasma membrane module questions up to and including osmosis.    We reviewed how cells act differently when placed in isotonic, hypertonic and hypotonic solutions.

We started a lab on osmosis and will finish it off on Friday. 

Finish the module questions up to and including Facilitated Transport for Friday.   There will be a homework quiz on this on Friday. 

Monday, 13 March 2017

Chemistry 11

Today we practiced for our mole unit test-tomorrow.   Reminder that the Unit 3 review is due tomorrow.

We also finished the lab 4D and did all the questions and calculations (no follow-up questions)

Biology 12

Today we got back our tests on DNA, RNA and proteins and made corrections.

We took notes on cell membranes and transport across the cell.

Homework:  Module Questions Topic 1 Section A #1-5.   Homework Quiz on this tomorrow

Friday, 10 March 2017

Chemistry 11

Today we took notes on how to find the formula for a hydrate given the mass of the anhydrous salt and the amount of water given off.    We then started lab 4D and you should all have gotten to the point where you have recorded all the information for one of the unknown hydrates.  Bring the data table back to class on Monday. 

Unit 3 Review Answers to selected questions:

2) all the diatomic elements are:  N2, O2, I2, Br2, Cl2, F2, At2 and H2
4) 7.93 L
7) 2.56 x X1024 molecules
8)   WO2Br2
10) 4.03 x 1023   
14) 5.58 moles
16) 0.491 grams
18) 4.30 x 1023 atoms of gold

Thursday, 9 March 2017

Chemistry 11

Today we finished off the mini Lab:  Moles of copper and silver.  Make sure you turned this in.

We also took a few notes on hydrates and will need those to do our lab tomorrow:  Experiment 4D on pg. 62.  You should set the lab up for tomorrow with title, objectives, materials and methods, data and observations. 

Remember that if you would like to have Unit 3 Review marked before the test, it should be in on Friday. 

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Chemistry 11

Today we finished off the last two small topics of the mole unit:  % composition and molecular formula.   

We started making some silver with a mini lab:  Moles of copper and silver.    Finish this lab off on Thursday.

Hebden homework:  pg. 91 Ex: 44 e, f and h

Biology 12

Today we worked on our genetic disorder project on the ipads.   Practice DNA test should be completed for tomorrow.

Answer Key:  DNA and RNA pre-test answer key:
1)D    2)D    3)B     4)D    5)A     6)B    7)A     8)B    9)F    10)B   11)A     12)G     13)B    14)B   15)F

DNA, RNA and Protein Synthesis.    Chapter Test B
1)F    2)C    3)G    4)H    5)B    6)E   7)A    8)D    9)Translation    10)Anticodons         11)Uracil
12)transforming agent or genetic material    13)RNA polymerase   14)codons   15)B   16)B     17)B
18)C     19)C   20)D     21)A      22)C      23)A    
24) In transcription, RNA is produced from DNA.  In translation, polypeptides are assembled from information in mRNA.
25) DNA is a double helix formed from nucleotides that have deoxyribose and a phosphate group as the backbone.  The bases of DNA are cytosine, guanine, thymine, and adenine.  RNA is formed from nucleotides that have ribose and a phosphate group as the backbone.  The bases of RNA are cytosine, guanine, adenine, and uracil.
26) These codons mark the beginning and ending of a gene that is being translated.
27) mRNA is a single, uncoiled chain of nucleotides that carries genetic information from the nucleus to the site of translation in eukaryotes.  tRNA consists of nucleotides folded into a hairpin shape and binds to amino acids.  rRNA consists of nucleotides in a globular form.  Along with proteins, rRNA makes up ribosomes.
28)  (1)Helicases separate the two strands of DNA at replication forks.  (2) DNA polymerases construct a complementary chain one nucleotide at a time.
(3)Replications ends with two identical copies of the original DNA molecule.
29) Radioactive elements were used because they can be followed or traced.  They were used to locate the genetic material of bacteriophages after they infected bacteria.
30) (a) guanine, cytosine, adenine, and thymine  (b) guanine pairs with cytosine, adenine pairs with thymine.  (c)Yes; the percentage of cytosine is about the same as the percentage of guanine, and the percentage of thymine is about the same as the percentage of adenine.  (d)Yes; DNA of vastly different organisms contains the same four nucleotides.   (e)34.7 percent; the percentage of uracil should match the amount of thymine because uracil replaces thymine in mRNA.

Monday, 6 March 2017

Chemistry 11

Today we completed the last topic of the Mole Unit:  Empirical Formula

We did some empirical formula practice problems (pink sheet) and turned them in.

Due tomorrow:  Mole Conversions Worksheet

Chemistry 12

Today we did a worksheet showing mRNA moving out of the nucleus and proteins being built.

We also started research on our genetic disease project.

Practice test for DNA test also given out. 

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Biology 12

Today we finished off the Power Point Notes on DNA.   We finished recombinant DNA and PCR notes. 

We finished our "cutin' and pastin' DNA replication sheet and then did another sheet showing DNA transcription to make RNA. 

Homework:   Finish off all plasmid, RNA and proteins questions in your module booklet.    Tomorrow we will have a quiz on RNA and protein synthesis.

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Chemistry 11

Today we got back our Unit 2 Tests.   Well done!    A couple of 100%s!!

We took notes on moles and drew a moles are the heart of Chemistry diagram.

We figured out how to convert back and forth from moles to grams or from particles to moles.

 Hebden Homework:  pg. 80 Ex: 6 a-d       pg. 82 Ex: 8 a-d      and Ex: 9 a-d.

Second half we did a "mini lab" on calculating relative masses.