Friday 20 September 2024

Life Sciences 11

 Today we wrote our microscope calculations quiz.  Next we completed the coloring for the 3 types of cells as well as the table of cell organelles.  Lastly we watched three exciting videos below:   Do 1 thing you knew, 1 thing you learned and 1 question for each one.  

Anatomy and Physiology 12

Today we worked on determining who Carver's killer was!  Complete your macromolecule murder mystery lab for homework.  Due on Monday.

On Tuesday we have the Biomolecules TEST and the module questions for Biomolecules are also due.  

Science 10

Today we wrote a quiz on atoms and ions/ Bohr Models and Lewis Dot diagrams.  Next we worked on writing the formulas for ionic compounds.   The notes are HERE and practice sheet is HERE.  

Thursday 19 September 2024

Anatomy and Physiology 12

 Answers to biomolecules module are found HERE

Biomolecules practice test answers are found HERE.  

Wednesday 18 September 2024

Science 10

 Today we did two labs to further our knowledge of ATOMS and IONS.  We started with the flame test found HERE.  Next we did Atoms and ions of copper.  Check out the videos below if you missed either lab.  

Tuesday 17 September 2024

Anatomy and Physiology 12

 Today we kept working on our biomolecules notes by doing the Protein section.  The power point is found HERE.  Next we did the proteins questions from the module.  Module is HERE.  Thursday we have a biomolecule Murder Mystery so come dressed as a girlfriend (going out for a fancy dinner), a boss or a sports fan.   Also watched the videos below. 

Science 10

 Today we practiced determining the number of valence electrons in an atom or ion and how we can use the electron dot formula to show how elements form bonds.   

We took some notes from THIS power point- slide #6, 7 and 8.   Next we took notes from  THIS power point 

Finally we did THIS entire worksheet and the front of THIS one.  

Monday 16 September 2024

Life Sciences 11

 Today we took some notes on cells and cell theory.  These are found HERE.  Next we continued with our work on Actual Size and Drawing Magnification from THIS lab.   Lab is due on Thursday.  

Anatomy and Physiology 12

 Today we watched the carbohydrate video below.  Next we took notes on Lipids.  The power point is HERE.  The module questions should be done up to and including Lipids.  HERE are the new module questions which continue from the carbohydrates (there are a few repeated questions) 

Science 10

Today we are looking at the Bohr Model of an atom, so that we can determine what energy levels the electrons will be in.   We took some notes from HERE.  Then did THIS worksheet. 

For homework:  Draw a Bohr Model of Cr and Fe

Friday 13 September 2024

Science 10

Today we took notes from THIS power point.  Next we did THIS lab with our new data booklet found HERE.   If you were away, you will have to look online to find examples of some metal and non-metal elements.  

Anatomy and Physiology 12

Today we worked through notes on CARBOHYDRATES from THIS power point.  Fill in your note sheet.  

For homework complete:  Part C) Biological Molecules of the Cell in your module.

This includes (i) overview (ii) Synthesis and Hydrolysis of Organic Compounds iii) Carbohydrates

Read section 2.4 and 2.5 in your text and watch the video below to help you:

Life Science 11

Today we wrote our microscope quiz.  Next we worked through THIS microscope lab to look at ACTUAL SIZE of organisms under the microscope.  If you missed this lab, we will continue on - on Monday.  

This video will help you out:

Thursday 12 September 2024

Science 10

Today we wrote our safety quiz.  Next we did a lab in groups.  The lab is found HERE.  

Next we made a graph of our results and turned that in with the lab.

Finally we started the Chemistry Unit by watching the video below and turning in 1 thing you knew, 1 thing you learned, and 1 question.   Homework:  Read page 104-111.  Do questions #6, 7 on page 111. 

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Life Sciences 11

Today we finished off the last notes on characteristics of living things.  The power point is found HERE.  

Next we went over the parts of the microscope with the video below and did THIS microscope lab.  Friday Quiz on microscope parts, function, calculating total magnification and orientation of objects.  

Anatomy and Physiology 12

Today we wrote our quiz on acids/bases/buffers and water.  Next we did the Buffer Lab.  This lab is found HERE.  The lab is due on Friday with results graphed and a conclusion.  

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Science 10

 Today we practiced more exciting safety!!   We went over WMIS symbols in preparation for our safety quiz on Thursday.  Video below will help you practice WMIS.  Next we did an activity to try to name all the equipment and aparatus used in the science lab.  


Anatomy and Physiology 12

 Today we went over the practice quiz on Acids/Bases/Buffers and Water.  QUIZ on Wednesday on this!!

Next we took some notes on Biomolecules and watched the video below.  Power point is found HERE.  

Life Science 11

Today we went over the questions on page 8.  Next we continued with the notes on characteristics of living things.   Finally we practiced some hypothesis writing and answered questions about scientific method.   We also got a worksheet on scientific definitions.  Use the video below and your textbook to help you.  


Monday 9 September 2024

Science 10

Today we finished our cutting and pasting for scientific method practice.  Next we did some safety review to prepare for our first lab on Thursday.  We will also have a safety quiz Thursday.  We watched the video below and filled in THIS sheet.   

Anatomy and Physiology 12

Today we finished off a few notes on Acids/Bases/Buffers and Water.  If you were away, talk to a student who was in class to get a couple of additional notes.   For homework read section on Acids and Bases in textbook (part of section 2.3).  For homework complete Module Questions Part A and B.  These questions are found HERE.    

Life Sciences 11

Today we took notes on the characteristics of life.  These are found HERE.  

For homework:  Read page 4-7.

Friday 6 September 2024

Life Sciences 11

Today we finished off notes on Scientific Method and checked our answers to the language of science.  Next we practiced graphing our results using this worksheet.  

Science 10

Today we finished off the Scientific Method GUM lab.  Next we worked on a Scientific Method cutting and pasting review.   You will have time to finish this on Monday.  Make sure you bring your textbooks on Monday.  


Anatomy and Physiology 12

Today we finished off the power point on Chemistry Review.  This is found HERE.   Next we looked at some characteristics of water that are important for living things.  These notes are HERE.  

Homework:  Read Chapter 2.2 and 2.3.   Do the module questions Part A.  Role and Importance of Water.  Module questions are found HERE.  

Thursday 5 September 2024

Life Sciences 11

Today we finished off the scientific method notes.  Next we chose a scenario and made our own experiment to test a hypothesis.  Finally we did a worksheet on the language of science.  This is found HERE.  Complete this for tomorrow.  

Science 10

Today we completed the notes on scientific method.  These notes are found HERE.  Next we split into groups and did the bubble gum lab.  This lab is HERE.   

Anatomy and Physiology 12

 Today we continued with notes on Scientific Method (from yesterday) and then continued on with a chemistry review.  Power point is found HERE.  For homework:  Read Chapter 2.1 and the start of 2.2 and answer check your progress questions from 2.1.


Wednesday 4 September 2024

Life Science 11

Today we did a student survey for me to get to know you and your learning needs!  This is found HERE.  Next we took some notes on Scientific Method these are found HERE.  Finally we got our text books and got an assignment from the textbook.  This assignment is:  Find a picture in the textbook that "speaks to you".  Explain why you picked this picture!  

Science 10

Today we did a student survey for me to learn about you!  This survey is found HERE.  Next we took some notes on the Scientific Method these are found HERE.  Finally we got our text books.  Make sure you bring these to class with you.  

The course outline needs to be signed by an adult in your household.  This is found HERE.  

Anatomy and Physiology 12

Today we did a student survey for me to get to know you and what your education needs might be!  The questions are found HERE.  Next we took some notes on the scientific method.  These are found HERE.  Finally we got our rather large text books!!

Homework:  Read the process of science.  14th edition:  section 1.4 page 10

15th edition:  Section 1.3 page 8  

Do the check your progress at the end of the reading.  You can answer these in your head:)