Monday 17 June 2024

Life Science 11

Today we worked hard on our CHEAT sheets.  Also checked answers to the Outline Questions found HERE.    The questions sheet is HERE.  

Once you've made your cheat sheet you can try THIS practice test.  HERE are the answers. 

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Friday 14 June 2024

Life Science 11

Today we wrote our open NOTEBOOK quiz on Kingdom Animalia.  DONE Bio 11, great work everyone!

Make sure your prepare and bring in your CHEAT SHEET (double sided, 8.5 x 11 paper.  Hand written) for the final exam:

Exam times:  D/H block: Tuesday, June 18

C/G block: Thursday, June 20th

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Life Science 11

Today we finished off the KINGDOM Animalia notes.  The power point is found HERE (check the last couple of pages). 

 Next we watched the video below and wrote three fun facts about the video.  

Next we did a FROGGIE dissection.  The video is below and the lab is HERE.  


Tuesday 11 June 2024

Life Science 11

Today we finished off the Squishy animals by answering the diagram analysis questions on page 152.  Next we watched the video below about Echinodermata.

 Finally we made a table with the characteristics of the 8 phyla of animals that we looked at.  You will have some time to finish this in the double block.  

Monday 10 June 2024

Life Sciences 11

Today we watched the two Arthropod videos below and wrote notes of adaptations of terrestrial arthropods.   Make sure you understand how the respiratory system and reproductive systems of terrestrial insects is different from their aquatic counterparts.  We turned in 4 new things you learned from this videos.

Next we finished off the notes on INVERTEBRATES by looking at Echinoderms.  Note power point is found HERE.

Finally we found some aquatic crustaceans in the sample of Williamson Lake water.  Draw the critter you found.  

Homework:  Page 152 #1-7 (The first #1-7 interpreting diagrams).  

Thursday 6 June 2024

Life Science 11

Today (and yesterday if you are in the D/H class) we did the squid dissection.  The dissection is found HERE.   Below are some neat videos about squid and other mollusks!

Next we finished off the porifera and cnidaria colouring sheet from last class.   Finally we took notes on Mollusks from THIS power point.  Homework:  Read page 136-140.  Do concept check #1-8

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Life Science 11

On Monday and Tuesday we worked through the animal phyla including: Sponges, Cnidaria, Flatworms (Platyhelminthes), Round worms (Nematoda) and Segmented worms.

We wrote notes from THIS power point with THIS notesheet and worked on THIS colouring sheet.   

Cool videos below: