Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Tuesday, 28 November 2023

Science 9

 Today we continued with our electricity notes with the power point found HERE.  Next we did a review assignment found HERE using the new knowledge we took notes on.  V = I x R 

We also watched a video on paper circuits found below.  We will start making paper circuit cards next class.......

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

Today we started THESE notes on the circulatory system.  HERE is the power point.  Practice the pathway of blood through the heart with THIS worksheet.  HERE is a great interactive website to show animations of the heart and practice the parts. 

Monday, 27 November 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

 Today we took our DIGESTIVE system test.  Next we coloured and labelled a heart from chapter 12.3 get ready for the CARDIOVASCULAR system.  

Science 9

Today we got back our current quizzes.  Great work everyone!  Make sure you always write out what is given to you in the problem, what you are trying to solve for (the formula) and give your answer in a box with units.  Today we took some notes on VOLTAGE from THIS power point (just the voltage section).  Next we did THIS worksheet.   (#1, 2, 4, 5 and 7)

Friday, 24 November 2023

Science 9

 Today we did more practice questions and took a short quiz on calculations using Q = I x t

Next we played a static and current review game for FUN and prizes.  

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

Today we got a sheet to help us prepare for the test.  This is found HERE.  Next we had some time to review for the test coming up on MONDAY on the digestive system.  Module questions also due on Monday.   Check your answers to module HERE.     Jeopardy Review found HERE. 

Thursday, 23 November 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12

 Today we did the pig dissection!!!  Great work:).  The entire digestive system module is due on Monday.  Digestive System Test on Monday as well.

Wednesday, 22 November 2023

Science 9

 Today we took some notes on current.  These notes on found HERE.  Next we did the lab on page 308 of the text book and turned this in.  Finally we did practice problems #1-3 on THIS sheet and #13, #14 on page 309.  Short quiz on Friday finding current, charge or time using the formulas.  

Tuesday, 21 November 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12

 Today we had time to work on the module and practice test.  Next we watched the PIGGIE videos getting ready for the pig dissection on Thursday.  Videos below:


Science 9

Today we looked at how to write numbers in Scientific Notation.  This is used for numbers that are very big or very small.  If you missed class or need a refresher watch videos below.  We also did the practice problems HERE.  

Monday, 20 November 2023

Science 9

Today we took notes on electrical circuits and drew circuit diagrams.  HOMEWORK:  Read page 302-304.    Do Questions #6, 7, 11 and 12 on page 305.   If you were away, take your own notes on circuit diagrams.  

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

Today we finished off the Digestive System Power Point.  TEST on DIGESTIVE SYSTEM ON MONDAY, Nov. 27th.  Next we check our answers to the ENZYMES worksheet.  

Digestive Module Questions should be completed by THURSDAY.  Answers to module are HERE.  

Tuesday, 14 November 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Biology 12)

 Today we watched the digestive system video below:

Next we worked on our Life Size Digestive System model.  
Homework:  Module Questions A, B and C
and complete the Enzyme Worksheet found HERE using the table from chapter 14 of your text book.  

Science 9

Today we continued with our work on static electricity.  We took notes on charging by induction and conduction and reviewed the static rules.  Next we finished off the lab:  Charging by friction (page 292-293). Answer the evaluation questions on page 293 (a) (b) and (d). Turn these in tomorrow.

Tuesday, 7 November 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Biology 12)

 Today we wrote our DNA unit test.   Well done everyone!!  and done BIOCHEMISTRY!!!

Next we worked on our digestive system colouring and digestive system module questions.  Digestive system is in chapter 12 of your text book.  Module questions A and B due tomorrow.  Module is found HERE. 

We also watched some HANK talkn' about digestion

Science 9

Today we wrote our CHEMISTRY UNIT TEST.  All done the chem unit!!   I tried to tell a chemistry joke, but all the good ones ARGON!!

Make sure you have completed your Practice test found HERE.   Next unit:  Physics and electricity  

We watched the videos found below:

Monday, 6 November 2023

Science 9

Today we practiced for our Chemistry unit test.  If you think you need more practice questions for ionic names and formulas they are found HERE and HERE online.

Chemistry Unit test is coming up TOMORROW.  

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

 Today we completed the parts of the digestive system.  Next we did the practice test for DNA QUEST coming up tomorrow.  Here are some more practice questions online:

Wednesday, 1 November 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

Today we finished off the notes on Recombinant DNA from the power point.  Next we worked on the DNA module questions.  (Omit Recombinant DNA and Chromosomal mutations) Answers are found HERE.  

We also worked on a DNA practice test.  Practice test answers are found HERE.   

We also watched HANK helping us understand DNA transcription and translation of amino acids into proteins.